SALARIES AND RELATED MATTERS. Salaries 15 3.1 Salary Packaging 15 3.2 Superannuation 16
SALARIES AND RELATED MATTERS. Payment of Salaries 3.2 Salaries 3.3 Higher Duties 3.4 Superannuation
SALARIES AND RELATED MATTERS. 11.1 Salaries and casual pay rates are specified in Schedule A of this Agreement. Part-time Employees will receive salary entitlements on a pro-rata basis. 11.2 A Full time Employee shall be paid at least the appropriate Salary Level in Schedule A to the Agreement. A Part Time Employee shall be paid pro rata at the appropriate Salary Level. 11.3 The Salary Levels in the Agreement shall increase over the period of operation (see clause 4) as follows: (a) from the first full pay period to commence on or after the date the Agreement commences operation: 3.75% (b) from the first full pay period to commence on or after 1 July 2023: 3% (c) from the first full pay period to commence on or after 1 July 2024: 2.75% (d) from the first full pay period to commence on or after 1 July 2025: 2.5% (e) from the first full pay period to commence on or after 1 July 2026: 2% These rates of pay and increases are set out in Schedule 1 to the Agreement 11.4 Employees will be paid fortnightly, in arrears, by electronic funds transfer into a bank, credit union or other financial institution account nominated by the Employee and acceptable to the Employer. 11.5 An Employee will be assessed at a salary level commensurate with their qualifications and experience: 11.5.1 Based on an assessment of their qualifications, an Employee will be assigned to one of the following categories: (a) Category A Degree and Bachelor of Education or equivalent, and Diploma in TESOL or Applied Linguistics (e.g., Cambridge ESOL DELTA, Grad Dip TESOL), or a Masters degree in TESOL or Applied Linguistics. Commences salary level 4, maximum salary level 12 (b) Category B Degree and Bachelor of Education or equivalent, plus XXXX-recognised specialist TESOL qualifications (e.g., Cambridge ESOL CELTA); or Degree, and Diploma in TESOL or Applied Linguistics, (e.g., Cambridge ESOL DELTA, Grad Dip TESOL), or Masters in TESOL or Applied Linguistics. Commences salary level 3, maximum salary level 12 (c) Category C Any Degree/Diploma plus XXXX-recognised specialist TESOL qualifications (e.g., Cambridge ESOL CELTA) Commences salary level 2, maximum salary level 10 11.5.2 Employees will be credited with teaching experience and be allocated a higher salary level in accordance with the following: (a) One salary level for each year of full-time adult ESOL teaching (or equivalent) or full-time teaching of ESOL (or equivalent) to secondary school age students if relevant to the Employer's operations (otherwise the latter wi...
SALARIES AND RELATED MATTERS. 5.1 Classification Structure
SALARIES AND RELATED MATTERS. Salary Increases 3.1 No Further Claims 3.2 Higher Duties 3.3 On–call Allowance 3.4 Meal Allowance 3.5 Travel Allowance 3.6 Laundry Allowance 3.7 Superannuation 3.8 Final "Without Prejudice" Overpayments 3.9
SALARIES AND RELATED MATTERS. 22 CLASSIFICATION, SALARY AND SALARY INCREASES 22.1 Classification - general (a) Positions will be classified within Grades 1 to 6 or the Senior Technical Specialist Grade based on work value. (b) Grades are divided into value ranges. The salary range for each grade and the size and number of value ranges are detailed in the table at clause 22.6. (c) Employees will be employed within one of these grades and value ranges based on work requirements in accordance with the Classification and Value Range Standard Descriptors. 22.2 Movement between value ranges (a) Employees and/or positions can move between value ranges.
SALARIES AND RELATED MATTERS. Clause 12. SALARY INCREASE 12.1 This Agreement provides for a salary increase of four and one-half percent (4.5%) commencing on the pay period on or after the date of lodgement, three percent (3%) from the pay period beginning on or after 31 October 2009 and two percent (2%) from the pay period beginning on or after 1 February 2010. Clause 13. INCREMENTAL PROGRESSION 13.1 Incremental progression applies to continuing and fixed-term contract staff members, subject to Clause 31. Clause 14. PRODUCTIVITY BONUS 14.1 In addition to the salary increases provided for above, a bonus will be paid to eligible continuing and fixed-term staff members in the first pay of June 2010 in response to a positive adjusted operating result for the University in 2009. 14.2 Staff with two (2) months continuous employment with the University are eligible to receive payment of bonus. Casual staff are not eligible. 14.3 For the purpose of this Agreement, “adjusted operating result” refers to the overall University operating result for the given year, as confirmed by the NT Auditor General, less: 14.3.1 The first $1,000,000, which will be held for contingencies in the coming year; 14.3.2 Any contribution to the operating result from funds specifically designated for acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of infrastructure where, under the guidelines published in the relevant University financial statements, the related expenditure will be depreciated over time; 14.3.3 Any contribution from the operating result from asset transfer into the University where, under the guidelines published in the relevant University financial statements, the asset will be depreciated over time; and 14.3.4 Funds carried forward from the given year(s) for specific programs or initiatives, including research and other grants. 14.4 For the purpose of this Agreement, “positive adjusted operating result” refers to the adjusted operating result defined in sub-clause 14.3 above being in surplus. 14.5 The amount of bonus paid to eligible staff will be calculated at a rate of $250,000 for every $1,000,000 of positive adjusted operating result distributed amongst eligible staff members as a percentage of salary. 14.6 For the purposes of calculating the bonus distribution, staff members employed below HEW 5 will be treated as HEW 5.1, and staff members on Senior Staff Contracts will be treated as being at the maximum salary scale level for HEW, HE Academic or VET Lecturer employment as relevant. 14.7 The Unive...
SALARIES AND RELATED MATTERS. 1. The salaries for members of this unit shall be in accordance with the salary schedule annexed as Appendix A and Appendix A-l. 2. Longevity payments for unit members and stipends for the High School Principal (for additional duties as coordinator of fine/practical arts) will increase annually by the percentage increase (i.e. 3.5%) for each year of the contract. Such payments shall be made in accordance with the provisions contained in Appendix B. Stipend and longevity payments will only apply to unit members currently receiving stipend or longevity payments. No other unit member will be eligible for such payments. 3. Unit members will be evaluated on an annual basis in a format determined by the superintendent. The annual evaluation will include an overall rating of satisfactory (S), needs improvement (N), or unsatisfactory (U). In the event that a unit member receives an unsatisfactory rating, his/her salary increase for the following year will be reduced by $1,200.