Preferential Consideration Sample Clauses
Preferential Consideration. Preferential consideration is given for
1) any job for which they qualify in the bumping group within the classification held at the time of layoff, or
2) a lower classification within the same series, or 3) any classification in which the worker previously held permanent status.
Preferential Consideration. I. If there is one (1) qualified teacher within the DISTRICT who has requested a vacancy, that teacher will receive preferential consideration for the position
II. If more than one (1) similarly qualified teacher has requested a transfer to a vacant position, the teacher most senior in his/her assignment will receive preferential consideration for the transfer.
Preferential Consideration. Other personal qualifications being substantially equal, educators within the District holding a Masters or Doctoral degree shall be given preferential consideration by the Board in considering those to be offered advancement.
Preferential Consideration. A. Preferential consideration begins on the date an employee is notified of layoff and ends six (6) months after a laid off employee’s termination date. Employees in preferential consideration receive preference for vacant bargaining unit positions, provided:
1. The vacant position is at the same salary grade or lower, and
2. The employee applies for the position within the six (6) month Preferential Consideration period, and prior to the closing date, if any. A laid off employee will retain preferential consideration status for a vacant bargaining unit position s/he applied for prior to the end of her/his preferential consideration period until the position is filled, or cancelled for budgetary or organizational reasons.
B. If the University determines that the laid off employee is qualified for the vacant position, as specified in §7.3., the University will place the employee in the position and the employee will serve a new qualifying period in accordance with §8.7.
1. If the position is at the same salary grade as the position from which the employee was laid off, the employee will be rehired at her/his former hourly rate plus any applicable negotiated salary adjustment(s) which have occurred during the layoff;
2. If the position is at a lower salary grade than the position from which the employee was laid off, the employee will be rehired at her/his former hourly pay rate plus any applicable negotiated salary adjustment(s) which have occurred during the layoff, minus the percentage(s) outlined in §18.1.G. of this Agreement. The hiring unit may choose to reduce the laid off employee’s hourly pay rate by a smaller percentage than required by Section 18.1.G of this Agreement.
C. Preferential consideration ends when any of the following occurs:
1. An employee accepts any regular University position;
2. An employee refuses any offer of employment to a regular University position for which the employee applied; or
3. Six (6) months have elapsed following the date of layoff.
D. The employee notifies the University in writing, within six (6) months following layoff, that s/he wishes to accept severance as provided for in §8.4., above, and waives further rights to the preferential consideration/bumping option. The laid off employee is only eligible for health insurance at her/his current premium rate for a maximum of four (4) months following the date of layoff.
Preferential Consideration. The Personnel Department will, within the latitude of the Civil Service Rules, attempt to assist probationary and permanent employees subject to layoff as a result of the application of these provisions. To avail themselves of this assistance, such employees shall submit complete, up-to-date employment applications upon request of the Personnel Department. Assistance to be provided to such employees by the Personnel Department will entail:
X. Xxxxxxxx of laid off probationary employees on a "re-entry" list for consideration for appointments to the class from which laid off, along with persons on other eligible lists.
B. Referral of reemployment lists as alternate lists to vacancies in other classes for which there are no employment lists, in accordance with Civil Service Rules.
C. Referral of "re-entry" lists as alternative lists to vacancies in other classes for which there are no employment lists in accordance with Civil Service Rules.
D. Job search training for groups of affected employees, within staffing and on-going workload limitations.
X. Xxxxxxxxxx with respect to placement in other County jobs, within staffing and on- going workload limitations. Employees whose names remain on a reemployment list may compete in promotional examinations pursuant to Civil Service Rule VIII.
Preferential Consideration. The ASO will attempt to assist employees subject to layoff to transition to new employment. . To avail themselves of this assistance, such employees shall submit complete, up-to-date employment applications upon request of the ASO. Assistance to be provided to such employees includes:
A. Placement on an eligibility list for consideration for future reappointment to the class from which laid off;
B. Consideration for other classes/positions within the agency for which the employee meets the job qualifications/standards and for which open positions are available; and/or placement on eligibility lists for consideration for appointment to such positions in the future. Employees may also compete in promotional examinations..
X. Xxx search assistance, such as assistance with resumes, suggested interview techniques and referral to placement agencies.
Preferential Consideration. The District shall extend preferential consideration to present employees covered by this Agreement in full consideration of their seniority.
Preferential Consideration. The Hum an Resources U n it , w i t h i n the latitud e of the Personnel Policies, w il l attemp t to assist p robation ary and regular employees subject to layoff as a resu lt of the app lication of these p rovisions. To avail themselves of this assistance, such employee shall su b m i t complete, up -to-d ate emp loym ent applications up on request of the Hum a n Resources U n it . Assistance to be p rovid ed to such employees by the Hum a n Resources U n i t w il l entail:
X. Xxxxxxxx of l a i d off p robat ion ary employees on a " r e- en try" list for consid eration of app oin tm en t s to the class f ro m w h ic h la id off, along w i t h persons on other eligible lists.
B. Counseling w i t h respect to p lacement i n other Cou r t jobs, w i t h i n staffing and on-going w ork xxx x xxx itation s . Employees w hose names r em a in on a reemp loym en t list m ay compete in p ro m otio n a l examinations. A dd i t i o n a ll y , la i d off employees w h o elect to be available for te mp orar y assignments pu r su an t to the Temporary Appointments Section of the Court's Personnel Policies shall be given preference for te mp orar y assignments i n the classification f ro m w h ich they w ere l a i d off or any other vacant p osition for w h ich they qu alify. The election to be available for te mp orary assignment m ay be made at the t im e of layoff, or i n w r i t i n g w i t h i n 30 days after the employee is la i d off. Laid off employees m ay decline to be available for te mp orary w or k and m ay decline such w or k itself w i t h o u t affecting any r ights u n d er this article.
Preferential Consideration. If the quotient of (a) the -------------------------- product of the Total Merger Shares multiplied by the Final Trading Price, divided by (b) the number of Total Outstanding Shares, is less than $7.00, then prior and in preference to any distribution of consideration to holders of Company Common Stock, each holder of Company Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive, in exchange for each share of Company Preferred Stock issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time held by them, that number of shares of Parent Common Stock equal to the quotient of (x) $1.00 divided by (y) a number equal to the Final Trading Price (the "Preference Amount"). In addition, regardless of whether holders of Company Preferred Stock are entitled to the Preference Amount, each holder of Company Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive the consideration described in Section 1.7(a)(ii) below. The Preference Amount multiplied by the total number of shares of Company Preferred Stock issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time is herein referred to as the "Preferential Merger Shares." If the number of Total Merger Shares is less than the number of Preferential Merger Shares, then each share of Company Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive its pro rata share of the Total Merger Shares.
Preferential Consideration. A. Within the first six (6) months following the layoff notice, an employee will be provided preferential consideration for vacant bargaining unit positions, provided:
1. the vacant position is at the same salary grade or lower, and
2. the employee applies for the position within the six (6) month Preferential Consideration period, and prior to the closing date, if any. A laid off employee will retain preferential consideration status for a vacant bargaining unit position s/he applied for prior to the end of her/his preferential consideration period until the position is filled, or cancelled for budgetary or organizational reasons.
B. IF THE UNIVERSITY DETERMINES THAT THE LAID OFF EMPLOYEE IS QUALIFIED FOR THE VACANT POSITION, as specified in §7.3., the University will place the employee in the position and the employee will serve a new qualifying period in accordance with §8.7.
1. If the position is at the same salary grade as the position from which the employee was laid off, the employee will be rehired at her/his former hourly rate plus any applicable negotiated salary adjustment(s) which have occurred during the layoff;
2. If the position is at a lower salary grade than the position from which the employee was laid off, the employee will be rehired at her/his former hourly pay rate plus any applicable negotiated salary adjustment(s) which have occurred during the layoff, minus the percentage(s) outlined in §18.1.G. of this Agreement.