Service Meetings Sample Clauses
Service Meetings. The Service Provider shall arrange project`s communication`s planning meetings on weekly, monthly and quarterly bases (or more frequently, to the extent mutually agreed by the Parties) as described in Annex B: Technical Specification (if described), at which appropriate personnel of the Service Provider and the Principal and the Representatives of each Party shall be present. Service Provider shall record all meetings (also online meetings) between Parties and prepare meeting reports within 5 Working Days after each meeting. All meeting reports shall be harmonized by Principal.
Service Meetings. A monthly meeting of the entire service personnel is deemed by the Union and the Employer x to be an absolute necessity for the common interest and benefit of all parties concerned. There fore, all members are requested and urged by the Union and the Employer to attend these meet ings in answer to a call for same by management; except that employees shall not be requested to attend on regular Union meeting nights. If any service or service instruction meetings are held outside the Metropolitan St. Louis Area, and attendance is required by the Employer, then the employees covered by this Agreement shall be paid regular work week time or a portion thereof, and traveling expenses to and from such meetings.
Service Meetings. A monthly meeting of the entire service personnel is deemed by the Union and the Employer to be an absolute necessity for the common interest and benefit of all parties concerned. Therefore, all members are requested and urged by the Union and the Employer to attend these meetings in answer to a call for same by management; except that the evenings of the second and fourth Thursdays or the first Wednesday of the month shall be reserved for Union meetings. If any service or service instruction meetings are held outside the Metro politan St. Louis area, and attendance is required by the Employer, then the employees covered by this Agree ment shall be paid regular work week time or a portion thereof and traveling expenses to and from such meet ings.
Service Meetings. A m onthly m eeting of the entire service personnel is xxxx xx b y the Union and the Em ployer to be an absolute necessity for the com m on interest and ben efit of all parties concerned. Therefore, all m em brs are requested and urged b y the Union and the E m p lo yer to attend these m eetings in answ er to a call for same by m anagem ent; except that the evenings o f the se co n d and fourth Thursdays, or the first W e d n e sd a y of the month shall be reserved fo r Union m eetings. If a n y service or service instruction m eetings are held outside the M xxxx p o xxxx n St. Xxxxx area, and atten dance is required by the Em ployer, then the em ployees covered by this A g re e m n t shall be paid regular w o rk w eek xxx e or a portion thereof, and traveling ex penses to and from such m eetings.
Service Meetings. The employees and company understand the need for effective communication to discuss relevant operational, safety and general business matters. Should such meetings be required to be held outside of working hours, payment for attendance is included in the wage increases as clause 6. The company do not anticipate that such meetings will be held more than monthly and not of a duration longer than 1 hour. The company will endeavour to notify employees of the meeting at least one week in advance.
Service Meetings. Unless otherwise and expressly agreed by the Parties, BT’s service manager will be available for Customer specific-service management conference calls with the Customer once every three months, or as needed to address problem management.
Service Meetings. To further advance the levels of customer service, all employees will participate in a monthly service meeting. These meetings may extend up to 1 hour outside of ordinary hours, unpaid. The agendas of each meeting will be constructed and distributed by the company prior to each meeting with input from the employees.
Service Meetings.
10.1 The Parties shall meet at least once every year/quarter/month (AMEND AS NECESSARY) and where necessary in between, to discuss and resolve any issues in relation to the Programme, the delivery of the Services or in relation to the fees payable under Clause 11 and any other items that a Party deems appropriate for discussion in this forum. Notwithstanding this commitment, the Parties shall communicate between meetings to try to resolve matters as and when they arise.
10.2 Service Meetings must as a minimum be attended by:
10.2.1 the Service Manager or a Case Officer with the appropriate knowledge of Enhanced Advisory Services and the Project; and
10.2.2 Primary/Secondary Contact or other named contact - .............
Service Meetings. According to the requirements of each Specific Contract, one of the following organisation schemes regarding the periodic service follow-up meetings will be selected by the European Parliament and included in the service description before transmission of the request for offer to the Contractor.
2.3.1 Periodic follow-up service meetings Follow-up meetings between the European Parliament’s service manager and the Contractor’s contract manager / service manager are held on request of the European Parliament or of the Contractor at the European Parliament’s premises (in Brussels, Luxembourg or Strasbourg). It can be on a quarterly or annual base depending on the volume of the activities. The periodicity can vary during the execution of the contract. When necessary, ad hoc meetings on a particular subject related to the execution of the contract can be asked by the European Parliament or the Contractor. The European Parliament representatives who participate will depend on the purpose and the subject of the meeting.
2.3.2 Committee based follow-up service meetings organisation Contract steering committee The steering committee is established when the project is launched. This committee is instructed to monitor the overall quality of the service. It is responsible for the contractual monitoring and meets at the beginning of each period or more frequently on request of one of the parties. The steering committee members are: – The European Parliament's Framework Contract manager – The European Parliament's authorising officer by subdelegation or authorised representative – The Contractor's Framework Contract manager – The Contractor's Specific Contract manager The following points are on the agenda of each meeting: – Summary of the actions carried out by the Contractor during the period – Management of the unresolved major problems – Objectives for the following period – Definition of an overall planning for the following period – Analysis of the quality indicators – Possible adjustments to the invoicing of the previous period and possible penalties – Contractual adjustments (amendments to Specific Contracts) The agenda and minutes of each meeting are systematically written by the Contractor and are validated by the two parties within an agreed timeframe.
Service Meetings. Members of the service team and other IMS personnel deemed necessary will meet with the Client team on a monthly basis, or as Client deems necessary, with additional meetings on an as needed basis, to discuss maintenance requests, upcoming events, etc. In addition, IMS will meet at the end of the year for an annual overview of the account.