SERVICE RATINGS. The annual service ratings shall be completed at least three (3) months prior to the Employee’s annual increase date and otherwise shall comply with Regulation 5-237-l. A service rating will be conducted by the Employee’s immediate supervisor or a supervisor familiar with the Employee’s work and deemed to be qualified to rate the employee as determined by the Commissioner or his/her designee.
(a) The appointing authority shall cause a service rating report to be filed on a form prescribed by the State in the following instances:
(1) During any working test period, either promotional or original, the quality of service of any employee shall be reported as either: “satisfactory” or better for satisfactory or better performance, and the form shall be placed in the official personnel file not more than six (6) nor less than two (2) weeks prior to the termination of the period; or “unsatisfactory” for unsatisfactory performance, and the report shall be approved by the appointing authority and placed in the personnel file and reported to the Commissioner of Administrative Services or designee.
(2) When the annual performance of an employee with permanent status has been unsatisfactory, whether the agency is granting or precluding an annual increase, the report shall be approved by the appointing authority and placed in the personnel file at least three (3) months prior to the employee’s increase date. The three month notice period shall allow reasonable time for improvement and amendment of the annual service rating report, where appropriate, prior to the employee’s annual increase.
(3) Should the appointing authority determine that the quality of service of the employee could lead to an unsatisfactory rating, the appointing authority will provide a written corrective action plan designed to assist the employee in developing a satisfactory service rating. Said plan shall be provided not less than four (4) months prior to the end of the rating period; provided, however that no such corrective action plan shall be required if the quality of service deficiency was not known to or easily discoverable by the appointing authority prior to the commencement of the 4 month period. In such cases, the employee shall be given notice of the service deficiency as soon as reasonably possible after the appointing authority’s discovery.
(4) When the appointing authority wishes to amend a previously submitted unsatisfactory report due to the marked improvement in an employee’s performance, such report shall be filed not later than two (2) weeks prior to the increase date and shall restore the annual increase.
(5) Annually for each permanent employee, said annual rating shall be completed and filed in the personnel file in the office of the appointing authority at least three (3) months prior to the employee’s annual increase date.
(6) At such other times ...
SERVICE RATINGS. All employees shall receive an annual evaluation three months prior to their anniversary date (January 1, or July 1, as applicable). (C.G.S. Section 5-210(b) for reference). When the month end falls on a holiday or weekend the rating shall be deemed timely if tendered on the first business day after said weekend or holiday. Service ratings may be issued: (1) during any Working Test Period, (2) when the employer wishes to amend a previously submitted less than good rating due to marked improvement, (3) and at such other times as the appointing authority deems that the quality of service of an employee should be recorded. No second "less than good" rating shall be given until the employer has implemented a remedial plan which specifically identifies the deficiencies and the steps the employee needs to take to cure the deficiencies. In any event, said remedial plan must be in place for at least six (6) months before a second "less than good" rating is issued. The Employer retains all other contractually or statutorily permitted mechanisms for assessing employee performance. Any files maintained concerning interim conferences shall be in the form of supervisory notes and shall not be on the established rating form.
SERVICE RATINGS. (a) The annual service rating shall be completed at least three
SERVICE RATINGS. Section One. A rating of “unsatisfactory” in one (1) category or of “fair” in two (2) categories shall constitute a “less than good” rating, which may be considered grounds for denial of an annual increment. Section Two. Service rating reports shall be filed on the prescribed form (Appendix F) in the following instances and at the following times:
(1) During any working test period, either promotional or original, not less than two (2) weeks prior to the termination of the period;
(2) When the performance of an employee with permanent status has been less than good, not less than three (3) months prior to the employee’s annual increase date;
(3) When the appointing authority wishes to amend a previously submitted less than good report due to the marked improvement in an employee’s performance;
(4) Annually for each permanent employee, at least three (3) months prior to the employee’s annual increment date, i.
Section 1. Definition. Service ratings are evaluations of work performance. Service ratings issued during a working test period are not subject to the grievance or arbitration procedure.
SERVICE RATINGS. Section One. The annual service rating shall be completed at such time as the appointing authority shall determine and otherwise comply with Regulation 5-237-1.
SERVICE RATINGS. All employees shall receive an annual evaluation three months prior to their anniversary date (January 1, or July 1, as applicable). (C.G.S. Section 5-210(b) for reference). When the month end falls on a holiday or weekend the rating shall be deemed timely if tendered on the first business day after said weekend or holiday. Service ratings may be issued:
SERVICE RATINGS. The Director of Human Resources shall prepare, or cause to have prepared and maintained a system whereby department heads will report on the performance of all employees. Such reports shall be made at such times and in the manner prescribed by the Director of Human Resources and as hereinafter prescribed. The rating reports shall be centrally maintained under the supervision of the Director of Human Resources. If the form is to be changed during the term of this contract it shall be changed by mutual agreement of the City and the Association. All employees shall be rated by their department head and/or assistant department head annually. A meeting shall be held between the employee and the department head and/or assistant department head to discuss their service rating. The service rating shall be made a part of the procedure having to do with promotions, demotions, transfers, salary increases and decreases, separation from service and other personnel status changes.
SERVICE RATINGS. The Director of Human Resources shall prepare, or cause to have prepared and maintained, a system whereby department heads will report on the performance of all employees. Such reports shall be made at such times and in the manner prescribed by the Director of Human Resources. The rating reports shall be centrally maintained under the supervision of the Director of Human Resources. They shall be made a part of the procedure having to do with promotions, demotions, and separation from service and other personnel status changes. When rated, each patrol officer will be rated by his supervisor. Efficiency reports will be kept on record.