WORKING TEST PERIOD. An employee who accepts an offer of reemployment under this Section on or after July 1, 1994, shall be placed in a ninety (90) day probationary period, without recourse to the grievance procedure. Such period may be successfully completed after sixty (60) days, and may also be extended for an additional ninety (90) day period, at the discretion of the appointing authority.
WORKING TEST PERIOD. The Working Test Period shall be deemed an extension of the examination process. Therefore, a determination of unsatisfactory performance during a Working Test Period shall be tantamount to a failure of the competitive exam.
WORKING TEST PERIOD. Section One. The Working Test Period shall be deemed an extension of the examination process. Therefore, a determination of unsatisfactory performance during a Working Test Period shall be tantamount to a failure of the competitive exam. Dismissal of employees during the original Working Test Period shall not be subject to the grievance or arbitration procedure.
(a) The Working Test Period for classes in the A&R Unit shall be six (6) months except for those classes established under C.G. S. Section 5-234, in which case the Working Test Period shall be for the duration of the established training program. Within ten (10) days preceding the termination of the Working Test Period, and at such other times as the Commissioner of Administrative Services requires, the appointing authority shall report to said Commissioner of Administrative Services whether such employee is able and willing to perform the duties in a manner so as to merit permanent appointment. The Working Test Period may, with the approval of the Commissioner of Administrative Services, be extended on an individual basis for a definite period of time not to exceed six (6) months.
WORKING TEST PERIOD. Section One. The Working Test Period shall be deemed an extension of the examination process. Therefore, a determination of unsatisfactory performance during a Working Test Period shall be tantamount to a failure of the competitive exam.
(a) The Working Test Period for classes in the Protective Services Unit shall be six (6) months, except as provided in paragraph (c) below. At any time during the Working Test Period, after a fair trial, the appointing authority may remove any employee if, in the opinion of such appointing authority, the working test indicates that such employee is unable to unwilling to perform his/her duties so as to merit continuance in such position and shall forthwith report his/her action to the Commissioner of
(b) Any employee who transfers, is transferred, or is promoted to a position which requires a Working Test Period shall be advised by the immediate supervisor of his/her performance at the midway point of the Working Test Period . At the employee’s request, such progress report shall be put in writing within ten (10) working days .
(1) If the employee’s performance is “less than good”, the immediate supervisor must offer suggestions for improvement if requested by the employee . These suggestions shall be reduced to writing within two (2) weeks .
(2) If at the end of the Working Test Period the employee’s performance in the new position is rated as un- satisfactory, he/she must be returned to the previous position or a comparable position without any loss of benefits or seniority rights.
(c) For those classes in the Protective Services that require completion of both academy training and field training, the working test period shall automatically extend until completion of both the academy training and field training requirements. Those employees completing the academy training requirement shall be upgraded to from Grade PS 05 to Step 1 in Grade PS 06 . Upon completion of both the academy training and field training requirements the employees in such classes shall be upgraded to the target class .
WORKING TEST PERIOD. Section One. The Working Test Period shall be deemed an extension of the examination process. Therefore, a determination of unsatisfactory performance during a Working
(a) The Working Test Period for classes in the Protective Services Unit shall be six (6) months. Within ten
WORKING TEST PERIOD. Section One. The Working Test Period shall be deemed an extension of the examination process. Therefore, a determination of unsatisfactory performance during a Working Test Period shall be tantamount to a failure of the competitive exam. Dismissal of employees during the original Working Test Period shall not be subject to the grievance or arbitration procedure.
(a) The Working Test Period for classes in the A&R Unit shall be six (6) months except for those classes established under C.G. S. Section 5-234, in which case the Working Test Period shall be for the duration of the established training program. Within ten (10) days preceding the
WORKING TEST PERIOD. Section 1. The Working Test Period shall be deemed an extension of the examination process. Therefore, a determination of unsatisfactory performance during a Working Test Period shall be tantamount to a failure of the competitive exam. The Working Test Period shall be for six (6) months. A Working Test Period may with the approval of the Commissioner of Correction be extended for a defined period of time not to exceed three (3) additional months.
Section 2. Evaluations of the performance during the Working Test Period shall be on a monthly basis and shall not be subject to any appeal procedures including the grievance and arbitration provisions of this Agreement.
WORKING TEST PERIOD. The Working Test Period for job classifications for employees covered by this Memorandum shall be six months or 979 hours. At any time during the Working Test Period the employer may remove any employee if in the opinion of the employer the Working Test indicates such employee is unable or unwilling to perform his/her duties so as to merit continuation in such position. Such removal shall be neither grievable nor arbitrable.
WORKING TEST PERIOD. Section One. The working test period for Program Supervisors shall be six (6) months.
WORKING TEST PERIOD. Section One. The Working Test Period shall be deemed an extension of the examination process. Therefore, a determination of unsatisfactory performance during a Working Test Period shall be tantamount to a failure of the competitive exam.
(a) The initial working test period for State Police Trooper Trainee (6 months) (recruit) shall commence with the employee’s date of hire and conclude on the date of the recruit’s graduation from the Academy. Thereafter, the employee will serve a one-year working test period as a State Police Trooper Trainee. The State Police Sergeant and State Police Master Sergeant working test periods shall be one (1) year.
(b) A working test period interrupted as the result of extended illness, or an authorized leave or absence, shall be suspended for such period and will resume when the employee returns to duty and is able to carry out the duties and responsibilities of the position.
(c) Pursuant to Article 20 Section 2(c) employees shall advance to step 1 of the SP-1 pay plan upon graduation from the Academy. Their anniversary date shall be the first July 1 or January 1 following nine months from the date of hire when they are eligible for Step 2 advancement.