SHORT-TERM FAMILY LEAVE. (a) In addition to the Leaves provided above, an employee shall be entitled to take unpaid leave not to exceed four (4) hours in any thirty (30) day period and not to exceed twenty-four (24) hours in a twelve (12) month period. This leave may be taken for any of the following purposes:
(1) To participate in preschool or school activities directly related to the academic educational advancement of the employee’s child, stepchild, xxxxxx child or xxxx who lives with the employee, such as a parent-teacher conference.
(2) To attend or to accompany the employee’s child, stepchild, xxxxxx child or xxxx who lives with the employee or the employee’s parent, spouse or parent-in-law to routine medical or dental appointments.
(3) To accompany the employee’s parent, spouse or parent-in-law to other appointments for professional services related to their care and well-being.
(4) To respond to a medical emergency involving the employee’s child, stepchild, xxxxxx child or xxxx who lives with the employee or the employee’s parent, spouse or parent-in-law.
(b) The State may require that the leave be taken in a minimum of two (2) hour segments. An employee shall make a reasonable attempt to schedule appointments for which leave may be taken under this section outside of regular work hours. In order to take leave under this section, an employee shall provide the employer with the earliest possible notice, but in no case later than seven (7) days before leave is to be taken except in the case of an emergency. In this subsection, “emergency” means circumstances where the required seven (7) days’ notice could have a significant adverse impact on the family member of the employee.
SHORT-TERM FAMILY LEAVE. Subd. 1. A short-term family leave may be granted because of the need to prepare and provide parental care for a child or children of the teacher for a short period of time, where such leave is not covered by the Family Medical Leave Act.
Subd. 2. A teacher making application for short-term family leave shall inform the Superintendent in writing of his/her intention to take the leave at least thirty (30) days before commencement of the intended leave.
Subd. 3. The duration of a short-term family leave shall not exceed one (1) Subd. 4. Leave under this Section shall be without pay and fringe benefits.
SHORT-TERM FAMILY LEAVE. In addition to the above leave, an eligible employee is entitled to the following short term family leave in minimum two hour segments: - up to 24 hours unpaid leave in any 12-month period (but not more than 4 hours in any 30 day period) for any of the following purposes: - to participate in school activities related to the academic educational advancement of the employee’s child; - to attend routine professional appointments or accompany the employee’s immediate family member to them; - to accompany the employee’s parent, spouse or civil union partner, or parent-in- law to other professional appointments related to their care or well-being; or - to respond to medical emergencies involving the employee’s immediate family member. Employees must make a reasonable attempt to schedule appointments outside of regular work hours, and must give at least seven days prior notice of the need to take leave, except in an emergency. Employees may use any accrued paid time during this short-term family leave.
SHORT-TERM FAMILY LEAVE. In addition to the Leaves provided above, an employee shall be entitled to take unpaid leave not to exceed four (4) hours in any thirty (30) day period and not to exceed twenty-four (24) hours in a twelve (12) month period. This leave may be taken for any of the following purposes:
SHORT-TERM FAMILY LEAVE. Subd. 1. A short-term family leave may be granted because of the need to prepare and provide parental care for a child or children of the teacher for a short period of time, where such leave is not covered by the Family Medical Leave Act.
Subd. 2. A teacher making application for short-term family leave shall inform the Superintendent in writing of his/her intention to take the leave at least thirty (30) days before commencement of the intended leave.
Subd. 3. The duration of a short-term family leave shall not exceed one
(1) month.
SHORT-TERM FAMILY LEAVE. (a) In addition to the Leaves provided above, an employee shall be entitled to take unpaid leave not to exceed four (4) hours in any thirty (30) day period and not to exceed twenty-four (24) hours in a twelve (12) month period. This leave may be taken for any of the following purposes:
(1) To participate in preschool or school activities directly related to t he academic educational advancement of t he em ployee’s child, st epchild, xxxxxx child or xxxx x xx l ives with the employee, such as a parent-teacher conference.
(2) To at tend or t o acco mpany t he em ployee’s child, st epchild, f xxxxx xx ild or w ard who lives with the employee or the em ployee’s parent, sp ouse or par ent-in-law t o r outine m edical or dental appointments.
(3) To acco mpany the em ployee’s parent, sp ouse or par ent-in-law t o ot her appoi ntments for professional services related to their care and well-being.
(4) To respond to a medical emergency involving the employee’s child, stepchild, xxxxxx child or xxxx who lives with the employee or the employee’s parent, spouse or parent-in-law.
(b) The State may require that the leave be taken i n a m inimum of t wo ( 2) hour se gments. A n employee shall make a reasonable attempt to schedule appointments for which leave may be taken under this section outside of regular work hours. I n or der t o t ake l eave under t his section, an employee sh all pr ovide t he em ployer w ith t he ear liest possi ble not ice, but i n no ca xx x xxxx than seven (7) days before leave is to be t aken except in the case of an emergency. In this subsection, “emergency” means circumstances where the required seven (7) days notice could have a significant adverse impact on the family member of the employee.
SHORT-TERM FAMILY LEAVE. (a) In addition to the Leaves provided above, an employee shall be entitled to take unpaid leave not to exceed four (4) hours in any thirty (30) day period and not to exceed twenty-four (24) hours in a twelve (12) month period. This leave may be taken for any of the following purposes:
(1) To participate in preschool or school activities directly related to the academic educational
(2) appointments. -in-law to routine medical or dental
(3) To accompany th -in-law to other appointments for professional services related to their care and well-being. xxxx who lives with the empl -in-law.
(b) The State may require that the leave be taken in a minimum of two (2) hour segments. An employee shall make a reasonable attempt to schedule appointments for which leave may be taken under this section outside of regular work hours. In order to take leave under this section, an employee shall provide the employer with the earliest possible notice, but in no case later than seven (7) days before leave is to be taken except in the case of an emergen means circumstances where the required seven (7) could have a significant adverse impact on the family member of the employee.
SHORT-TERM FAMILY LEAVE. (a) In addition to the Leaves provided above, an employee shall be entitled to take unpaid leave not to exceed four (4) hours in any thirty (30) day period and not to exceed twenty-four (24) hours in a twelve (12) month period. This leave may be taken for any of the following purposes:
(1) To participate in preschool or school activities directly related to the academic educational advancement of the em o lives with the employee, such as a parent-teacher conference.
(2) To attend or to accompany the e stepchild, xxxxxx child or xxxx who lives with the employee or th ouse or parent-in-law to routine medical or dental appointments.
(3) To accompa -in-law to other appointments for professional services related to their care and well-being.
(4) To respond to a medical emergency child or xxxx who lives with t -in-law.
(b) The State may require that the leave be taken in a minimum of two (2) hour segments. An employee shall make a reasonable attempt to schedule appointments for which leave may be taken under this section outside of regular work hours. In order to take leave under this section, an employee shall provide the employer with the earliest possible notice, but in no case later than seven (7) days before leave is to be taken except in the case of an emergency. In this subsection, ere the required seven (7) d notice could have a significant adverse impact on the family member of the employee.
SHORT-TERM FAMILY LEAVE. (a) In addition to the Leaves provided above, an employee shall be entitled to take unpaid leave not to exceed four (4) hours in any thirty (30) day period and not to exceed twenty-four (24) hours in a twelve (12) month period. This leave may be taken for any of the following purposes:
(1) To participate in preschool or school activities directly related to the academic educational h the employee,
(2) appointments. -in-law to routine medical or dental
(3) ent-in-law to other appointments for
(4) pouse or parent-in-law.
(b) The State may require that the leave be taken in a minimum of two (2) hour segments. An employee shall make a reasonable attempt to schedule appointments for which leave may be taken under this section outside of regular work hours. In order to take leave under this section, an employee shall provide the employer with the earliest possible notice, but in no case later than seven (7) days means circumstances where the required seven (7) could have a significant adverse impact on the family member of the employee.