SITE PROTECTION. A. While work is in progress, new materials and work area appurtenances shall be covered or protected from dust, debris or damage.
B. The Contractor shall maintain the job site in a clean, safe, orderly working condition and shall leave the premises completely clean each day.
C. The Contractor shall be responsible for the repair or replacement of any roof, grass, asphalt pavement, building, or building contents damaged during the course of this Contract. In addition, any fencing removed by the Contractor shall be re-installed without any damage and to the satisfaction of the Owner.
D. The Contractor shall provide all necessary manpower, barricades, safety signs and protection needed to safely perform the required work during the Contract.
E. All openings in building components required for installation of piping or wiring shall be cut, patched and repaired.
F. All items (lights, pipes, fencing, etc.) that have to be removed during the course of this work shall be reinstalled or relocated as necessary to complete the project.
G. Contractor shall protect all contents and infrastructure located within the work space and adjacent to the work areas. These shall include but not limited to bleachers, floor plates, lighting, sports padding, walls and ceiling. Gymnasium shall be left clean and free of all dust and debris.
H. Smoke dust and any construction odors shall not be allowed to enter the occupied building. Contractor shall provide exhaust fans, ducts, seal openings into the school, and if necessary, schedule work during off-hours to prevent problems during the times that students and teachers are in the building.
SITE PROTECTION. Within 180 days of the effective date of the New License, Chelan PUD shall begin implementing site protection measures for historic properties within the APE, as described in section 3.2 of Chapter 10 of the Comprehensive Plan.
SITE PROTECTION a) Developer agrees to install a minimum 8’ tall chain link fence with black mesh to block views of the construction site located in between the site of the Proposed Development and the White Xxxxx House prior to commencing any work in order to protect the White Xxxxx House. After completion of construction, the Developer will remove the fence. Fence removal work will also include removal of any below-grade poured concrete that supports the fence's metal posts.
b) Contractor will install lighting within the building shell for security purposes. Xxxxxxxxx agrees that there will be no outward facing lights during construction.
c) The Contractor will have either physical and/or electronic security on-site at all times during non-Construction Hours.
SITE PROTECTION. All areas affected by construction operations shall be kept clean and organized throughout the duration of construction. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to maintain the security of the construction site and all corresponding equipment and materials left on-site through the course of construction.
SITE PROTECTION. 1. Use facilities or techniques that confine vehicles to planned roads and parking locations.
2. Locate broad and direct, although not necessarily straight, paths or walks to concentrate pedestrian use where it would most naturally occur and can best be accommodated.
3. Xxxxxx sites in naturally appearing ways in the vicinity of heavily used improvements to protect the resource.
4. Avoid designs that concentrate people in the area directly adjacent to focal point of interest.
5. Locate and arrange facilities to serve their intended function with a minimum impact on the visual resource.
SITE PROTECTION. Preventative measures will be taken to minimize the potential for any spills during field drilling and sampling activities. The selected contractor will maintain a spill kit consisting of absorbent material, pumps, shovels, pressure washer, and storage containers, on site until the IDW is removed for disposal. The spill kit will also contain the names and phone numbers for local and state officials to contact in the event of a spill. If a spill occurs, the on site quality control manager will contact the State Pollution Emergency Alert System (PEAS) at 0-000-000-0000, and also be responsible for notifying the SPM. The selected contractor’s staff will attempt to control and contain the spill and isolate any hazardous areas provided. Spilled materials will be containerized and labeled in accordance with the IDW procedures detailed in Section 3.5. Actions will be taken to avoid any erosion from the site. Visual screening will be used to assess erosion impacts. If necessary, xxxxx of hay or similar materials will be used to stop sediments from entering storm sewers, waterways or eroding from the site.
SITE PROTECTION. A description of the legal arrangements and instrument, including site ownership, that will be used to ensure the long-term protection of the compensatory mitigation site.
SITE PROTECTION. A. Contractor shall provide for barricading around all work areas to prevent public access.
B. Place warning signs at the construction area perimeter designating the presence of construction hazards requiring unauthorized persons to keep out. Signs must be placed on all sides of the project, with at least one sign every 300 feet. All points of entry shall have signs designating the construction site as a hard hat area.
SITE PROTECTION a. Contractor shall make every effort to protect the existing contents and occupants of the Property, including those on adjacent property, from damage or harm related to the Work.
b. Site Protection includes, but is not limited to: buildings, grounds, plants, pavements, utilities, fixtures, and Work completed by others.
c. Contractor shall cover all carpets, and furniture in the work area with clean drop cloths.
d. Owner shall make a reasonable effort to move furniture, fragile articles, articles of value, and rugs to create working space for the Contractor.
e. DAMAGES: Defects or damage created by the Contractor, his/her employees, or any subcontractor during the performance of the Work shall be corrected by the Contractor at no additional cost to Owner. Materials shall be replaced in kind, returning all Property to equal condition as existed before damage.
1) If Owner elects to self-perform the Work or a portion of the Work, they shall be solely responsible for any damages related to said Work.
SITE PROTECTION. (a) Generally Applies
(b) The University’s keys Applies
(c) The University’s existing security Applies
(d) Security cameras Applies
(e) Identification cards Applies
(f) Existing security patrols Applies
(g) Fences and gates Applies
(h) Signing in and out Applies