Special Cases Sample Clauses
Special Cases. In case of prolonged illness or accident, death in the family, or other circumstances that make it impractical to complete the program, the school shall make a settlement, which is reasonable and fair to both parties.
Special Cases. Value-Based Programs- BlueCard Program
Special Cases. In case of prolonged illness or accident, death in the family, or other circumstances that make it impractical for the student to complete the program, PIHMA may make a settlement which is reasonable and fair.
Special Cases. Value-Based Programs Non-Participating Providers Outside of California Blue Shield Global Core
Special Cases i. For teaching, curriculum development, or other special projects for which normal classroom contact hours are not applicable, salaries shall be determined by the appropriate vice president with timely notification to the Association prior to implementation of such salaries.
ii. Paraprofessional replacement personnel, interns, and graduate degree candidates may be hired, according to required skill levels, to enable the Sabbatical Leave program to conform to Council of Higher Education guidelines.
iii. Developmental Lab (Math, Reading, Writing) Teaching Assistants. Developmental Lab Teaching Assistants assigned by their respective Lab Director the equivalent of eighty percent (80%) or more of a full-time load for the entire Academic Year will be given annual part-time contracts. These individuals will be paid at the appropriate step of the part-time faculty hourly salary schedule.
Special Cases. In special or unusual cases the department head, with the approval of the Executive Director, may grant a family death leave to allow an employee to attend funeral or memorial services of someone other than those included within the definition of the immediate family under the provisions of this MOU. It is the intent of this provision to cover the kind of situation in which someone other than immediate kin has raised the employee, or due to unusual circumstances has a very close relationship with the employee. When such special case consideration is granted, the Union will be notified in writing.
Special Cases. Section 1705.
Special Cases. If a major change occurs in a licensee’s personal or medical condition and this change is fully documented and deemed by the Assistant Xxxx of Student Affairs or designee to be an extreme hardship situation, Community Living and the Campus Card Office reserve the right to make appropriate adjustments to this license. The Licensee agrees to strictly follow all procedures outlined in Rights and Responsibilities for room changes and room transfers.
1. Licensees reassigned to rooms of a different rate will be charged or refunded on a prorated basis computed upon the percentage of days remaining in the semester. In the event a vacancy should occur, each remaining room/suite/apartment occupant shall accept the roommate assigned by the University in accordance with established University procedures outlined in Rights and Responsibilities.
2. Renovations to certain residence halls, including specific rooms may take place during the term of this license, requiring the movement of the Licensee from their room, whereupon the University shall provide alternate living arrangements within its residence system. Licensees reassigned to rooms of a different rate may be refunded appropriately on a prorated basis and may be required to select a meal plan if the area to which they are reassigned to requires one.
3. A licensee may be reassigned to a different space for the purposes of consolidation or to meet other assignment needs as determined by Community Living or designee. In addition, reassignment may be necessary pending disciplinary proceedings as listed in Rights and Responsibilities. The Licensee’s account may be adjusted accordingly based on reassignment. Reassignment may also require the Licensee to select a different meal plan if the area to which they are reassigned to requires a more comprehensive meal plan.
4. In order to receive a refund or credit for the residence hall or meal plan charges in line with the sections on termination of this license, the Licensee’s room key and meal card must be presented to Community Living in Xxxxx Student Center and the Campus Card Office in Xxxx Xxxx, respectively. No refunds will be made for any change in status during the final 6 weeks of any semester.
Special Cases. Value-Based Programs Value-Based Programs Overview
a. Value-Based Programs under the BlueCard Program Value-Based Programs Administration
(i) Actual Pricing: The charge to accounts for Value-Based Programs incentives/Shared Savings settlements is part of the claim. These charges are passed to THE GROUP via an enhanced provider fee schedule.
(ii) Supplemental Factor: The charge to accounts for Value-Based Programs incentives/Shared Savings settlements is a supplemental amount that is included in the claim as an amount based on a specified supplemental factor (e.g., a small percentage increase in the claim amount). The supplemental factor may be adjusted from time to time. This pricing method may be used only for non-attributed Value-Based Programs. When such amounts are billed separately from the price of the claim, they may be billed as follows: • Per Attributed Member Per Month (PMPM) Xxxxxxxx: Per Attributed Member Per Month xxxxxxxx for Value- Based Programs incentives/Shared Savings settlements to accounts are outside of the claim system. BCBSNE will pass these Host Blue charges directly through to THE GROUP as a separately identified amount on the group xxxxxxxx. The amounts used to calculate either the supplemental factors for estimated pricing or PMPM xxxxxxxx are fixed amounts that are estimated to be necessary to finance the cost of a particular Value-Based Program. Because amounts are estimates, there may be positive or negative differences based on actual experience, and such differences will be accounted for in a variance account maintained by the Host Blue (in the same manner as described in the BlueCard claim pricing section above) until the end of the applicable Value-Based Program payment and/or reconciliation measurement period. The amounts needed to fund a Value-Based Program may be changed before the end of the measurement period if it is determined that amounts being collected are projected to exceed the amount necessary to fund the program or if they are projected to be insufficient to fund the program. At the end of the Value-Based Program payment and/or reconciliation measurement period for these arrangements, Host Blues will take one of the following actions: • Use any surplus in funds in the variance account to fund Value-Based Program payments or reconciliation amounts in the next measurement period. • Address any deficit in funds in the variance account through an adjustment to the PMPM billing amount or the reconciliation billin...
Special Cases. In the case of emergency, or manifestly unlawful disturbance, or of imminent threat of damage, and regardless of the failure concerned: • the OP3FT can directly refer the matter to the relevant court in order to obtain a decision against the Operator to immediately remedy the contractual failure, • should the Operator fail to respect a court decision handed down against the Operator, and if the contractual failure continues, the OP3FT can terminate the Agreement without prior notice, and reserves the right to initiate legal proceedings in order to obtain remedy for the prejudice suffered. If the Operator’s contractual failure results from the application, by the Operator, of administrative or judicial decisions applicable to it, and if these decisions have consequences contrary to the founding principles defined in the OP3FT Bylaws, the OP3FT shall be entitled to terminate the Agreement as of right as from the date of application of these decisions. In the case where the Operator fails to pay the royalties, without just cause, and if the formal notice given in Article 10 of this Agreement remains without effect, the OP3FT shall be entitled to terminate the Agreement without having to give any other notice. In the case where the Operator’s failure arises from a procédure de liquidation judiciaire (liquidation procedure), the OP3FT shall be entitled to terminate the Agreement as of right. The Operator can, at its sole initiative, terminate the Agreement at any time subject to respecting a minimum notice period of 1 (one) year, without having to give any reason. This notice period can be reduced upon agreement thereto from the OP3FT, and subject to the OP3FT being able to find a new operator in order to ensure the stability and long-term existence of the addressing services provided to Internet users.