A Sick Leave Sample Clauses
A Sick Leave. A.1 At the beginning of each school year (September 1), each employee shall be credited with fourteen (14) days of sick leave allowance.
A.2 The unused portion of such allowance s what is it what is ithall accumulate without limit.
A.3 Sick leave may be used for absence caused by personal or family illness or emotional upset caused by accident or circumstances which render the employee incapable of carrying on his/her assigned duties.
A.4 Childbearing or adoption shall be considered as an illness of the employee.
A.5 Employees who use sick leave shall be charged by the half day or whole day rate.
A Sick Leave from 28/1/23
1. The following provisions will apply from the start of the 2023 school year, i.e. 28 January 2023, a full or part-time employee shall be entitled to sick leave on full pay on account of sickness or injury as follows: Entitlement Accumulated entitlement Upon first appointment in a role covered by this Agreement 20 days 20 days 6 months service 10 days 30 days 12 months service 10 days 40 days 18 months service 10 days 50 days 24 months service 10 days 60 days 30 months service 10 days 70 days Each subsequent 12 months of completed continuous service 10 days +10 days
A Sick Leave. Sick leave with pay shall be accrued on the basis of one (1) day for each month of continuous service cumulative to ninety-six (96) working days, prorated for part-time employees and earning a minimum of one (1) hour for every forty (40) hours of compensation. An employee can use accrued sick leave after thirty (30) days of employment.
A Sick Leave. Paid sick leave is available to cover an employee’s absence from work for illnesses or injuries in accordance with this Article. Employees are required to follow District procedure for obtaining approval and recording sick leave usage. All full-time employees accrue sick leave at the rate of one and one-quarter (1.25) days per month worked. Unused accrued sick leave from one work year may be carried over into subsequent work years up to a maximum of 180 days for all employees. Employees may be required to provide a medical certificate signed by a licensed physician or health care provider for absences exceeding five (5) consecutive days or at the request of Superintendent or designee.
A Sick Leave. FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES (Continued)
A Sick Leave. Regular full-time employees earn one (1) paid sick day per month consisting of eight (8) hours. Part-time employees are eligible for paid sick time on a pro-rated basis. Accrued leave may be used at 90 calendar days of employment. Carry over is limited to 40 hours per year. In accordance with Seattle’s Paid Sick and Safe Time (PSST) ordinance, Casa Latina is a Tier 1 employer. Absent an emergency, employees shall call their supervisor at least ½ hour before their scheduled work time to notify the supervisor of sick time usage when practical. Foreseeable sick leave must be approved in advance by the Employee’s supervisor. Sick leave may be used in 15-minute increments and is not considered hours worked for the purpose of calculating overtime.
A Sick Leave. Teachers shall receive thirteen (13) sick leave days in each year of the contract. Sick leave is defined as leave for personal illness, quarantine at home, or serious illness or death in the immediate family or household, (as defined in 105 ILCS 5/24-6 of the Illinois School Code), or birth, adoption, or placement for adoption. Sick leave may be utilized by all bargaining unit members for the birth of a bargaining unit member’s child(ren) for up to six weeks immediately following the date of the birth without proof of medical necessity. Bargaining unit members who adopt children may use available sick leave days for child rearing purposes immediately following the adoption process. The number of sick leave days that may be utilized for child rearing following adoption shall be determined by the Superintendent after consideration of any information provided by the employee but shall in no event be less than twenty (20) working days. Sick leave not used in the year of service for which it was granted shall accumulate to three hundred forty (340) for the current school year. Teachers shall be notified in writing at the beginning of each school year, upon request, as to the current number of sick leave days they have accumulated. Any days earned beyond 340 at the time of retirement shall not be eligible for payout under the provisions of section 9.N. The teacher, if he/she has accumulated 340 sick days, shall have the option to use sick leave (according to sick leave code) or pay at the daily substitute rate for the current school year for twenty (20) sick days used beyond the fourteen days entitled in each respective year. Sick leave may be taken as a full day or one-half day (1/2). 11:30 AM marks the one-half (1/2) day point. Xxxx leave may also be used for personal doctor’s appointments for the teacher or accompanying a member of the teacher’s immediate family.
A Sick Leave. A1 Each bargaining unit employee shall be entitled to fifteen (15) days sick leave with pay, for each year under contract (July 1 through June 30), which shall be credited at the rate of one and one fourth (1-1/4) days per month.
A Sick Leave. Notwithstanding the above provisions of Clause 10 the following shall apply in lieu thereof as to all employees covered by this agreement and hired after December 30, 1992.
Section 1( a).
A Sick Leave. (1) Each employee shall be entitled to thirteen (13) days of paid sick leave per year, to be earned at the rate of one-half (½) day per pay period provided that the employee worked or was paid as having worked (vacation, sick leave, personal or bereavement leave) no less than six (6) of the ten (10) working days in the payroll period.
(a) Unless discharged for cause, each employee, or his/her legal representative, shall be compensated for the employee’s accumulated unused sick leave in accordance with the following schedule: If the employee lacks the required minimum for the stated years of service, sick time will be paid at the rate commensurate with the appropriate minimum. (i.e., an employee with 20 years of service, but having only 50 days, will be paid at the 50% rate.) There will be no maximum accumulation of sick time; however, payment upon separation will be made at a maximum of two hundred (200) days for employees hired prior to January 01, 2013, and one hundred (100) days for employees hired on or after January 01, 2013. Such payment shall be made within forty-five (45) days of the date of severance, unless the parties agree, by superseding agreement, to stipulate to a different time frame for said payments to be made.
(b) If an employee shall die while in the service of the Employer, his/her legal representative shall receive payment for accumulated unused sick leave based on the above schedule.
(c) An employee or his/her legal representative may elect to receive a lump sum cash payment for accumulated unused sick leave based on the above schedule.
(2) Each department head may grant an officer or employee, in addition to regular sick leave as above provided, such supplemental sick leave at one-half (½) pay, as the department head shall in his sole discretion determine, not to exceed, however, in total, a supplemental period equal to two (2) pay periods for each completed year of service.
(a) The one-half (½) pay supplemental sick leave provided herein shall not be granted until such employee or officer shall have expended all other leave entitlements.
(b) Supplemental sick leave shall be granted to a department head or appointive officer as above provided at the discretion of the appointing officer or body.
(3) After an officer or employee shall have used four (4) consecutive days of sick leave, the department head may, in his/her sole discretion, require a certificate from the doctor attending or selected by such employee or officer, attesting ...