Starting points. Companies that are profitable and expanding create the financial conditions for real salary growth. It is of major importance to the development and competitiveness of the companies that they have employees with the right skills who are given the opportunity and the incentive, throughout their professional lives, to develop their skills appropriately. If there are salaried employees whose skills and salaries are not developed appropriately, special attention must be paid to them.
Starting points. In determining the Information Security Policy, the starting point is to limit the risks which NautaDutilh runs in its information provision by: • Creating awareness in the organisation on the use of information, ICT resources and ICT information systems; • Taking proper measures of an organisational, logical and physical nature; • Discovering and reporting Information Security incidents in good time; • Limiting the damage caused; • Restoring to the original condition; • Making the data owner primarily responsible for its data; • Classifying data; • Restricting a person’s access to information to data that is absolutely necessary for the performance of that person’s job; • Ensuring all employees comply with the Information Security Policy.
Starting points. The project has been framed according to four observations:
Starting points. The choice system to be used by the employer complies with the following principles: − A number of employment conditions are named as sources and a number as objectives; of these employment conditions, the hourly value and the conversion factor are determined from money to time and vice versa; − The size of the designated sources and targets will be maximised − If necessary, pre-conditions may be imposed on the system for economic and organisational reasons; − Times of choice and deadlines are set; − It is based on an annual selection menu; − It regulates who can participate in the system and when, and who can identify sources and targets; − Further objective criteria and pre-conditions under which the exchange can take place may be defined; − The system must comply with the legal rules; − Social security benefits remain outside the system; − Employees can make their own choices within the established system; they must be informed in advance of their choices and the consequences of these for other employment conditions and social provisions; − The employer informs the employees as fully as possible about the choice system. New employees receive this information when they enter the company. At least once a year, the employer informs the employees of the possibility that choices can be made; − The system is determined with the consent of the Works Council or PVT.
Starting points a In principle all jobs are open for a working time which is shorter than an average of 36 hours per week. b The legal status of the employee with a shorter length of working time is in principle the same as that of the employee working the basic length of working time. Any exceptions are clearly described in this CAO. c Where career prospects are concerned, no distinction is made on the grounds of length of working time. An employee who wishes to qualify for another job must meet the requirements of that job.
Starting points. Tampereen Raitiotie Oy is preparing to arrange tendering for the selection of a new railway operator for the tramway transport to be implemented in the city. For this purpose, the par- ties have agreed on urban railway terms that apply to private sectors as part of the collec- tive agreement for the railway industry. On the basis of the above, the signatory parties of the Collective Agreement for the Rail- way Industry have signed and agreed to the following collective agreement changes on 26th June 2018:
Starting points. This section describes the initial conditions for this deliverable. The inland waterway and coastal fleets are briefly presented. The Sustainable Power Portal is also described. Important insights are gained and analysed from this in the report.
Starting points. The history of genius in its Romantic and post-Romantic formulations is well established. Long a staple of literary criticism and aesthetics, its trajectories in philosophy, literature (especially poetry), the writing of history and biography, politics, art and social life have been near-exhaustively studied. Xxxxxxx’x magisterial two volume study of the emergence and spread of genius as a concept in German culture 1750- 1945 (Xxxxxxx, 1985) exemplifies this attention, indicating also the extent to which twentieth-century fascination with genius has been bound up with its foundational role in the Nietzschean notion of the Übermensch and the rise of fascism. Particular interest has been directed towards the pathology of genius and its psychological aspects (Xxxxxx, 1987), due largely to the influence of Xxxxxxxx’x seminal work on madness as a concept. These troubled aspects of genius, coupled with the broad repudiation of Romantic idealism associated with post-modernism (deconstruction especially), help to account for the extensive critique of genius as a concept in the post-war academy. Nevertheless, it remains a serious topic of study across the arts and sciences. Attention has been trained especially on the relationship between genius, originality and theories of imagination in the later eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries (Xxxxxx, 1981), while recent work has focused on the significance of the market for print and the emergence of celebrity in this period (Xxxxxxx, 2005). The past decade has witnessed fresh attempts to comprehend genius and its attributes in an atemporal manner, notably in psychopathology (Xxxxxxx, 2006), while semi-popular works attest to its continuing intellectual currency (Xxxxxxxx, 2011) and growing relevance to comparatively young fields such as neuroscience (Xxxxxxxxx, 2005). Analyses of genius before the early modern period have focused predominantly on its stirrings in antiquity, tracing the well-documented tradition of the genius loci (Xxxxxxx, 1974) and Platonic theories of divine inspiration and creative ‘fury’ (Xxxxxx, 1989). While the former persisted through the middle ages (particularly in Romance literature; Xxxxxxxx, 1975) and into the early modern period (in relation to ‘sacred space’; Xxxxxxx, 2011) it was both lexically and conceptually distant from the cloud of ideas that enveloped ingenium (OED, 2012). Thus, while the project will attend to the implications of the genius loci for theologically inflected acco...
Starting points. 7 2.3 Role of Case Studies 12
Starting points. COMPASS supports SoS engineering by developing tool-supported modelling and analysis techniques that allow the evaluation of SoS architectures, and the performance of design trade-offs. These techniques are founded on the contract-based specification of SoS constituent systems and infrastructure, and the subsequent composition of contracts to analyse the SoS as a whole. Although there is a substantial literature on SoS, we are not aware of standard terminology to support this model-based approach. Our scope is model-based SoS engineering, with a particular focus on achieving dependability through rigorous analysis of SoS-level properties; SoS with primarily non-cyber elements, such as biological SoS, are beyond the scope of this study. This section identifies areas selected in Phase I of COMPASS for coverage in the first edition of the concept base. The basic concepts identified at this early stage relate to the fundamentals of the COMPASS approach: notions of system, SoS and SoS Engineering (Section 2.2.1) form the motivation for concern with modelling and analysis (Section 2.2.2), including static verification of SoS-level properties, and dynamic verification through both simulation and test support. It is premature to offer agreed definitions of these concepts in this report, but we aim to identify the areas in which work will concentrate, following the plan described in Section 2.4.