Student Contract. Introduction
Student Contract. I have read and agreed to the rules and will comply with instructions from administration and chaperones of the event. Furthermore, I understand that failure to comply may result in being asked to leave.
Student Contract. At new scholars orientation Initial Needs Assessment • At new scholars orientation W-4 Form • At beginning of Summer Research Internship Faculty Mentor Selection • When mentor(s) is(are) selected or when you change mentors Research Proposal • After faculty mentor is selected, before research experience begins • At the beginning of each semester • At the beginning of the summer internship • When adding or changing mentor • When changing research focus Progress Report • At midterm review Travel Report • Ten working days after last day of trip • Three working days after last day of trip Research Logbook of Journal • At midterm review Update Form • When changing home or work address • When changing any personal, academic, financial assistance, and/or research information • When leaving the program (Exit Packet) End of the Year Evaluation • Last working day in September every year Publication Quality Research Paper • Last semester of senior year, before graduation • Upon completion of receipt of specified document (as assigned by staff) Research Abstract Page (300-words) • As assigned by staff Exit Evaluation • When leaving the program due to: ~graduation ~voluntary resignation
Student Contract. The contract will in all instances, be between the Supplier and the student. An electronic copy of the executed contract will be made available to the Supplier.
Student Contract. 🞸 I will treat all members of the academy community with courtesy and respect. 🞸 I will be determined to achieve to the best of my ability – learning from any mistakes I might make. 🞸 I will strive to uphold by the academy values. 🞸 I will complete homework on time and to the best of my ability. 🞸 I will always be fully equipped and ready to learn. 🞸 I will wear the correct academy uniform in line with the academy expectations. 🞸 I will take pride in and respect the academy’s environment. 🞸 I will follow the academy rules and behave in a responsible way, both in the academy and when travelling to and from the academy. 🞸 I will arrive at the academy on time every day and attend every lesson on time.
Student Contract. Mr. Fetch 9th Grade Earth and Space Science I, , have carefully read and understand the safety guidelines and consequences described above. I understand that these guidelines are for my own safety, and for the safety of my fellow classmates. I agree that a violation of any of the guidelines listed above can result in the loss of laboratory privileges. I also understand that any additional guidelines given by the teacher must be followed under the same conditions. I expect and acknowledge the consequences that have been stated to be reasonable. I, therefore, accept the responsibility that is bestowed upon me as a student in the science laboratory. Student Signature Section Date ? Please detach and return signed by: 2/25/04 Mr. Fetch 9th Grade Earth and Space Science FROM: The Penn State High School Science Department Dear Parent or Guardian: We feel that safety is the number one concern for students working in a laboratory environment. There is, or course, no guarantee that accidents will not occur when working in lab. However, we can establish a safe learning environment for students provided we have the cooperation of both you and your son/daughter. What we ask is that you take time to read and discuss this safety contract with your child. Your signature on this agreement indicates that you are aware of our safety policy and have instructed your son/daughter to adhere to the outlines rules. Your signature shows that you are also aware of the consequences that will result if a rule is violated. Thank you for your interest and cooperation. Parent/Guardian Signature Date Xxxx Fetch Scied 412 Friday, February 27, 2004 Laboratory Safety Contract Rational I provide the following rational for the rules, guidelines, and consequences I have stated in my laboratory safety contract for students and parents. This contract was made using the Xxxxx Scientifics’ Ideal Student Safety Contract and How to be an effective teacher by Xxxx. The laboratory can be an effective learning environment for students. However, both the students and the teacher must take steps to ensure that laboratory is conducted safely. These rules and guidelines help to minimize the dangers of working in lab.
Student Contract. I have read, and I understand the behavior rules and regulations of the Grant Middle School Class Trip to Washington D.C. I agree to comply with all of these rules and regulations.
Student Contract. In order to be successful at Colorado STEM Academy, our students need to follow certain guidelines and expectations around behavior, attendance, and academics. I have read and discussed the following student expectations with my child. As a student at Colorado STEM Academy:
Student Contract. I understand that any EOTC event is an opportunity for me to learn, practise skills and gain attitudes and values in an environment outside the classroom.
Student Contract. I, __________________________________(student’s name) understand that possession of a cellular telephone and/or electronic device at Saint Helena School is a privilege, and that it may be revoked at any time by the administration for violating this school policy regarding such possession, which I have been provided with and read. Furthermore, I understand that the school and its employees are in no way responsible for any theft or damage of my cellular phone or electronic device while on school grounds. The school is not obligated to investigate the loss or damage of any device.