Terms of Engagement Upon selection of the OEPR Evaluator, as set forth in this Attachment U (Calculation and Adjustment of Net Energy Potential), the Seller shall retain and contract with the OEPR Evaluator in accordance with the terms of this Attachment U (Calculation and Adjustment of Net Energy Potential). The OEPR Evaluator's scope of work and expected deliverables for all OEPRs must be acceptable to Company and shall, among other things, require the OEPR Evaluator to provide (i) an estimated single number with a P-Value of 95 for annual Net Energy that could be produced by the Facility based on the estimated long-term monthly and annual total of such production over a period of ten years; (ii) the data on plane of array of irradiance and corresponding power output used in arriving at the aforementioned estimated annual Net Energy; (iii) the GPR Performance Metric as provided in Section 2.6(b)(ii) (Commencing With Initial OEPR) or Section 2.6(b)(iii) (Commencing With First Subsequent OEPR and Thereafter) of this Agreement, as applicable; and (iv) any additional information that may be reasonably required by a Party with respect to the methodology used by the OEPR Evaluator to reach its conclusion. The provisions of this Attachment U (Calculation and Adjustment of Net Energy Potential) do not impose a limit on the OEPR Evaluator's professional judgment as to what other estimates (if any) to include in the OEPR. Without limiting the professional judgment of the OEPR Evaluator in estimating the Net Energy Potential and GPR Performance Metric, the following is a general description of how the Parties anticipate that the OEPR Evaluator will proceed: The purpose of an OEPR is to implement the intent of the Parties as set forth in Section 1(a) (Net Energy Potential and the Intent of the Parties) of this Attachment U (Calculation and Adjustment of Net Energy Potential) by evaluating (i) whether, when the Renewable Resource Baseline (as estimated by the OEPR Evaluator on the basis of the typical meteorological year as derived from the Site's measured meteorological data) is present and the Facility is in Full Dispatch, the Facility is capable of doing what the Parties expected the Facility to do: i.e., generating and delivering to the Point of Interconnection electric energy in an amount consistent with the then applicable Net Energy Potential of the Facility (i.e., the estimate of Net Energy Potential then being used to calculate the monthly Lump Sum Payment pursuant to Section 3 (Calculation of Lump Sum Payment) of Attachment J (Company Payments for Energy, Dispatchability and Availability of XXXX to this Agreement); and (ii) if the Facility is not doing what the parties expected in this regard, identifying a new estimated single number with a P-Value of 95 for annual Net Energy that could be generated and delivered by the Facility based on the estimated long-term monthly and annual total of such production over a period of the next ten years. At a high level, the analysis relies on reported Actual Output (i.e., energy delivered to the Point of Interconnection) during the OEPR Period of Record to estimate Facility performance over a future evaluation period of ten years. The data from the OEPR Period of Record are first quality screened and evaluated. One-time events are assessed and removed from the record where appropriate. Values for potential energy are then calculated from the reported energy production measured at the Point of Interconnection by adjusting for 100% availability and undispatched energy. Suitable long-term reference data sets are then identified by analyzing the reference for irradiance and the normalized values for potential energy production at the Point of Interconnection over the OEPR Period of Record. Relationships between selected long-term reference irradiance data sets and normalized values for potential energy production at the Point of Interconnection are used to calculate long-term values for such on a monthly and annual basis. Finally, estimates of future Facility availability (taking into account anticipated maintenance) and losses (such as system degradation and balance of plant losses) are applied in order to calculate the Net Energy Potential. For this purpose, no reductions are made for future estimates of energy that Company may choose not to dispatch. If a copy of the IE Energy Assessment Report is available to the OEPR Evaluator, the OEPR Evaluator should review such Report before commencing preparation of the OEPR and evaluate whether it is appropriate for the OEPR Evaluator to take into account any of the work reflected in the IE Energy Assessment Report.
TERMS OF AGREEMENT In consideration of the mutual representations, warranties, covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:
Completion of Probationary Period An employee who has completed the probationary period may be suspended without pay or discharged only for cause. An employee who has completed the probationary period and is suspended without pay or discharged shall have access to the grievance procedure.
TERMS OF LICENSE The terms and conditions set forth in the Contract that are in effect and applicable to a Purchase Order at the time of order placement. kk. THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE Any software that is developed independently of Contractor and which may be governed by a separate license.
Terms of Use 1. The Contribution will be made Open Access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided that the Contribution is properly cited.
Venue and Governing Law The laws of the State of California shall govern the terms and conditions of this contract with venue in the County where the LEA is located.