THE PARTIES TO COUNCIL THEREFORE AGREE AS FOLLOWS. 4.1 The employer shall pay a performance bonus payable to employees who shall have satisfactorily reached targets as set by the employer and agreed upon in the annual work plan of the employee in terms of the Key Performance Areas to be agreed upon. 4.2 The performance bonus in 4.1 above shall be calculated at 10% of the annual salary notch of the employee 4.3 The employer shall reward top achievers in the National Teacher Awards from Provincial and National levels by rewarding category achievers by an additional 2 notches on their current notches for each level. 4.4 To establish a Task Team to develop clear regulations and procedures for implementation of above measures. 4.5 Parties to ELRC commit themselves to finalisation of the work of the Task Team as defined in 4.4 above within three months of its inception for implementation during the financial year 2015/2016.
THE PARTIES TO COUNCIL THEREFORE AGREE AS FOLLOWS. 4.1 That the job descriptions as contained in Collective Agreement 1 of 2008 and the Personnel Administrative Measures (XXX) Chapter A be replaced by the job descriptions in Annexure A of this Collective Agreement.
THE PARTIES TO COUNCIL THEREFORE AGREE AS FOLLOWS. 4.1 To request the Minister of Education to amend paragraph 4.4 of Chapter B and paragraph 22 of Chapter J of the Personnel Administrative Measures in accordance with the attached document (Annexure A).
THE PARTIES TO COUNCIL THEREFORE AGREE AS FOLLOWS. 4.1 That the figures expressed in the Annexures A and A1 to A9, as presented by the General Secretary, are substantially correct. 4.2 Adoption and Date of Implementation a) That the Vote Weights, as reflected in Annexures A and A1 to A9, are adopted; and b) Shall be implemented on the date of signing of this agreement in Council.
THE PARTIES TO COUNCIL THEREFORE AGREE AS FOLLOWS. 4.1 That the Performance Management and Development Scheme (PMDS) for office based educators as contained in Collective Agreement 03 of 2002 be replaced by the Education Management Service: Performance Management and Development System (EMS: PMDS) for office-based educators, attached as Annexure A. 4.2 That the basis for decisions on rewards and other measures that require certain levels of performance shall be the applicable regulations in terms of the Public Service Act (1994) as amended.
THE PARTIES TO COUNCIL THEREFORE AGREE AS FOLLOWS. 4.1 To establish a Permanent Identification Task Team (XXXX) and task it with the responsibility to identify qualifying employees appointed in terms of Section 20(4)(b) of the CET Act, 2006 (As Amended) who should be declared permanent. 4.2 That, all employees correctly identified by the PITT be declared permanent, provided that such an identified employee(s) is/are NOT: 4.2.1 replacing another employee who is temporarily absent from work; 4.2.2 employed on account of a temporary increase in the volume of work, which is not expected to endure beyond 12 months from the date of ratification of this Collective Agreement; 4.2.3 a student or recent graduate who is employed for the purpose of being trained or gaining work experience in order to enter a job or profession; 4.2.4 employed to work exclusively on a specific project that has a limited or defined duration; 4.2.5 a non-citizen who has been granted a work permit for a defined period; 4.2.6 employed to perform seasonal work; 4.2.7 employed for the purpose of an official public works scheme or similar job creation scheme; 4.2.8 employed in a position which is funded by an external source for a limited period; or 4.2.9 Reached the normal or agreed retirement age applicable in the employers’ business. 4.3 In addition to the above requirements, the PITT should also ensure that: 4.3.1 the recruitment and selection process for the identified post had been undertaken; 4.3.2 where applicable, staff meet the minimum qualification requirements of REQV13 for the posts and the requisite requirements of the specific post in case of a support staff; 4.3.3 Staff was recruited in post(s) which is/are fully funded and related to ministerial programmes within the College. 4.3.4 The PITT shall identify, analyze and make determination for purposes of aligning the permanent appointment of employees who do not meet the requirements in paragraph 4.3.1 in line with the ELRC FETCBU Collective Agreement 1 of 2018. 4.4 That parties commit to a separate process to deal with the following categories of employees: 4.4.1 employees excluded on account of appointment without the normal recruitment process, 4.4.2 Employees excluded on account of being underqualified in terms of the minimum requirement of the post and in particular, investigate possible measures relating to the employer bursary programme to upgrade qualifications and availability of funding, if any. 4.4.3 That this process of making them permanent is not an automatic trans...
THE PARTIES TO COUNCIL THEREFORE AGREE AS FOLLOWS. 4.1 The employer will recognise attainment of improved qualifications for qualifying employees provided that such is related to the employee’s scope of work as defined in the Personnel Administration Measures (XXX). 4.2 The employer shall recognise improved qualifications for educators with REQV 14 and above by adjusting the current notch of the educator by additional 6 notches. 4.3 Improved qualifications in 4.1 above must have an effect on the existing REQV level of the educator. 4.4 Notwithstanding provisions of 4.2 above the employer shall pay a once off cash bonus for attainment of additional qualification that does not have effect on the REQV of an educator. 4.5 The cash bonus in 4.4 above shall be calculated at 10% of annual salary notch of the educator provided it does not exceed notch 85 and shall be limited to attainment of one additional qualification.
THE PARTIES TO COUNCIL THEREFORE AGREE AS FOLLOWS. 4.1 That the Quality Management System (QMS) for school-based educators, as attached in Annexure A, be adopted.
THE PARTIES TO COUNCIL THEREFORE AGREE AS FOLLOWS. 4.1 To replace the translation key A3.6 (page 37), B3.3 (page 65) and B3.3 (page 89) to ELRC Collective agreement 1 of 2012 as follows:
THE PARTIES TO COUNCIL THEREFORE AGREE AS FOLLOWS. 4.1 The parties to Council therefore agree that Part CDispute Resolution Procedures (Basic Education and TVET)” of the ELRC constitution is amended as follows: