Therapists Sample Clauses
Therapists. 3.3.1 This shall include all positions with the following or similar designations: • Charge physiotherapists and occupational therapists; • Sole charge physiotherapist and occupational therapists; • Staff physiotherapists and occupational therapists.
3.3.2 Below is the table outlining the changes to the minimum annual rates payable for Therapists: Step Rates effective 16 June 2018 Step Rates effective 29 November 2019 Rates effective 27 November 2020 1 $48,669 1 $50,129 $51,633 2 $51,356 2 $52,897 $54,484 3 $53,982 3 $55,601 $57,270 4 $56,636 4 $58,335 $60,085 5 $59,429 5 $61,212 $63,048 6 $62,116 6 $63,979 $65,899 7 $64,779 7 $66,722 $68,724 8 $67,614 8 $69,642 $71,732 9 $70,301 9 $72,410 $74,582 10 $73,006 10 $75,196 $77,452 11 $76,314 11 $78,603 $80,962 12 $79,398 12 $81,780 $84,233
Therapists. 3.3.1 This shall include all positions with the following or similar designations: • Charge physiotherapists and occupational therapists; • Sole charge physiotherapist and occupational therapists; • Staff physiotherapists and occupational therapists.
3.3.2 Below is the table outlining the changes to the minimum annual rates payable for Therapists: Step Rates (annual) effective 16 June 2018 New step Rates (annual) effective 29 November 2019 Rates (annual) effective 27 November 2020 1 $48,669 1 $50,129 $51,633 2 $51,356 2 $52,897 $54,484 3 $53,982 3 $55,601 $57,270 4 $56,636 4 $58,335 $60,085 5 $59,429 5 $61,212 $63,048 6 $62,116 6 $63,979 $65,899 7 $64,779 7 $66,722 $68,724 8 $67,614 8 $69,642 $71,732 9 $70,301 9 $72,410 $74,582 10 $73,006 10 $75,196 $77,452 11 $76,314 11 $78,603 $80,962 12 $79,398 12 $81,780 $84,233
3.3.3 Incremental progress on the pay scale shall be on an annual basis providing the employer assesses that the employee has met or exceeded the agreed performance objectives for the position.
3.3.4 Any employee paid in excess of $42,000 at the time of settlement of the Support Staff in Schools’ Collective Agreement 2001-2003 as per clause 3.9.5 of that agreement shall retain that rate until it is exceeded by progression from which point progression as per clause 3.
Therapists. This shall include all positions with the following or similar designations: • Charge physiotherapists and occupational therapists; • Sole charge physiotherapist and occupational therapists; • Staff physiotherapists and occupational therapists.
25.01 The Employer shall hire only therapists who are eligible for membership in their respective Alberta professional association.
25.02 For the purpose of determining placement of a therapist on the Therapist Annual Wage Schedule (Appendix B), the Employer shall recognize previous therapy experience earned prior to being employed by the Employer on the basis of one (1) experience increment for every one (1) year of experience. A year of experience is to be defined as being a minimum of 180 working days.
25.03 Each therapist shall provide to the Employer, verification of previous therapy experience. Until proof is supplied, the therapist shall be paid at Step 1 of the Therapist Annual Wage Schedule. The therapist salary shall be adjusted on the first of the month following submission of proof of previous therapy experience.
Therapists. Therapists whose effective date of employment is on or after July 1, 2004 shall work an extended school year and shall be paid at the per diem rate of 1/200 of the annual base salary. Therapists who are required to work the extended school year will receive two additional sick days. Therapists whose effective date of employment is prior to July 1, 2004 may choose to teach the extended school year and shall be paid at the same per-diem rate of 1/200 of the annual base salary. CEUs required for registration and licensure may be counted toward staff college requirements upon the approval of the superintendent or his/her designee.
Therapists. Definition – Health Professional Therapists are described as Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists or OT Assistants, or any other health related or Medical Therapists who are hired to work with students within the School District.
Therapists. 3.2.1 This shall include all positions with the following or similar designations: • Charge physiotherapists and occupational therapists; • Sole charge physiotherapist and occupational therapists; • Staff physiotherapists and occupational therapists.
3.2.2 Below is the table outlining the minimum annual rates payable for Therapists: Step Annual Rates effective 2 June 2022 Annual Rates effective 1 December 2022 Annual Rates effective 2 June 2023 Step Annual Rates effective 1 December 2023 1 $53,633 $55,633 $57,331 1 $60,484 2 $56,484 $58,484 $58,484 3 $59,270 $61,270 $61,270 2 $63,270 4 $62,085 $64,085 $64,085 3 $66,085 5 $65,048 $67,048 $67,048 4 $69,059 6 $67,899 $69,899 $69,899 5 $71,996 7 $70,724 $72,724 $72,724 6 $74,906 8 $73,732 $75,732 $75,732 7 $78,004 9 $76,582 $78,582 $78,582 8 $80,939 10 $79,452 $81,452 $81,452 9 $83,896 11 $82,962 $84,962 $84,962 10 $87,511 12 $86,233 $88,233 $88,233 11 $90,880
3.2.3 Incremental progress on the pay scale shall be on an annual basis unless the employer considers that the employee has failed to meet standards of performance as assessed by the employer against the job description or written requirements for the position and has informed the employee of this in writing no later than two months prior to the progression due date.
3.2.4 Any employee paid in excess of a printed rate at the time of settlement shall retain that rate until it is exceeded by progression from which point progression as per clause 3.
Therapists. 3.2.1 This shall include all positions with the following or similar designations: Charge physiotherapists and occupational therapists; Sole charge physiotherapist and occupational therapists; Staff physiotherapists and occupational therapists.
3.2.2 Below is the table outlining the minimum annual rates payable for Therapists: STEP RATES (ANNUAL) EFFECTIVE 27 NOVEMBER 2020 RATES (ANNUAL) EFFECTIVE 2 JUNE 2022 NEW STEP RATES (ANNUAL) EFFECTIVE 2 JUNE 2023 1 $51,633 $53,633 1 $57,331 2 $54,484 $56,484 3 $57,270 $59,270 2 $60,159 4 $60,085 $62,085 3 $63,016 5 $63,048 $65,048 4 $66,024 6 $65,899 $67,899 5 $68,917 7 $68,724 $70,724 6 $71,785 8 $71,732 $73,732 7 $74,838 9 $74,582 $76,582 8 $77,731 10 $77,452 $79,452 9 $80,644 11 $80,962 $82,962 10 $84,206 12 $84,233 $86,233 11 $87,527
3.2.3 Incremental progress on the pay scale shall be on an annual basis providing the employer assesses that the employee has met or exceeded the agreed performance objectives for the position.
3.2.4 Any employee paid in excess of a printed rate at the time of settlement of the shall retain that rate until it is exceeded by progression from which point progression as per clause 3.2.3 will apply. A board may pay a rate above the maximum rate of the therapists pay scale at their discretion from their own funding.
3.2.5 A therapist (either full-time or part-time) who retained their hours of work based on a 30 hour week as per 2.6.2 of this agreement shall retain that salary, until through incremental movement that salary would be less than 0.8 of the new rate on the current scale, before an increase would apply.
3.2.6 A therapist shall, upon initial appointment, be placed on a step in the salary scale in accordance with their relevant academic or professional qualification(s) and recognised previous relevant service.
3.2.7 As a guide, a therapist who has a relevant academic or professional qualification(s) but who has no recognised previous relevant service should be placed in the salary scale according to the following: A three year (360 credit) Bachelor Degree - step 1 A four year (480 credit) Bachelor Degree - step 1 A three-year (360 credit) Bachelor Degree plus a one-year (120 credit) Graduate (level 7) Diploma - step 1 A Bachelor Degree plus a one-year (120 credit) Post-Graduate (level 8) Diploma - step 2 A Masters Degree - step 3
3.2.8 A therapist who, in addition to their relevant academic or professional qualification(s), has recognised previous relevant service shall be cred...
Therapists. Canyon Acres shall arrange the provision of therapy for the child, the biological parents of the child, and the xxxxxx parents of the child as determined necessary by the treatment team, which shall include the SSA assigned Senior Social Worker (SSW) and any outstanding orders from Juvenile Court, subject to the Menu of Substitute Services contained in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein and the total ITFC program rate allotted for the particular child. In-Home Support Counselor Recruitment, Training, Supervision, and Duties A trained support counselor with experience in residential treatment shall be assigned to each certified xxxxxx family. Recruitment of the support counselors shall be predominantly from Canyon Acres Children and Family Services FFA RCL 12 and 14 residential programs, although other sources such as media advertisements or local universities may also be used. Each support counselor shall have one of the following. A bachelor's degree in a social science related field and at least six (6) months experience in working with emotionally disturbed children or children who have serious behavioral problems; or An associate's degree in a social science related field and at least one (1) year's experience in working with emotionally disturbed children or children who have serious behavioral problems. The In-Home Support Counselors shall receive forty (40) hours of training prior to assigning a child to the support counselor a child. An additional twenty (20) hours of ongoing in-service training is required within the first twelve (12) months after becoming an ITFC Support Counselor. The training shall include the topics taught to the xxxxxx parents in their pre-certification training, as well as more advanced crisis intervention and development of treatment plans for emotionally disturbed children or children who have serious behavioral problems. All trainings shall be completed prior to placing a child in a certified xxxxxx family home for which the Support Counselor is assigned responsibility.
Therapists. The AVATAR therapy sessions were delivered by a team of five clinical psychologists and trainees clinical psychologists. Dr XX is a research clinical psychologist working as therapy lead for the AVATAR Therapy trial for Psychosis who conducted sessions with 4 participants; Dr AM and Dr HB are research clinical psychologists working as therapy coordinators in the AVATAR Therapy Trail for psychosis; the conducted sessions with 1 and 2 participants respectively. Two trainees clinical psychologists (CC and AT) also delivered the sessions. AT conducted the sessions with 2 participants while CC conducted the sessions with 3 participants. They received weekly 1-h supervision from Dr XX. Dr VC is a clinical psychologist with an expertise in eating disorders, who had a supervisory role and conducted some of the qualitative interviews alongside CC.