Wage Differential Sample Clauses

Wage Differential. A wage differential of forty (40) cents per hour shall be paid to employees who start a regular daily work shift at or after 2:00 p.m. and prior to 11:00 p.m.
Wage Differential. Section 1. Secretarial employees who volunteer and receive training shall be allowed to Section 2. Secretarial employees who volunteer and receive training shall be allowed to
Wage Differential. All Mid-Managers shall receive payment at the step in the salary range which is not less than five percent (5%) above his or her highest paid subordinate.
Wage Differential. 1. A part-time member assigned by the Chief as the EMS Quality Assurance Officer will be paid an additional 5% over that of a Paramedic for any hours worked that do not qualify as overtime. 2. Any part-time Lieutenant serving at this rank in 2017 will continue to be a part-time Lieutenant. 8 Part-Time Firefighters 2018 CBA_24JAN2018.docx Part-Time Firefighters CBA 1/1/2018 - 12/31/2020
Wage Differential. THE PARTIES HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Whereas the parties have been mutually working towards ratifying a new collective agreement, should the parties ratify the September 19, 2022, terms, the following would come into effect: The parties agree to review the cost-of-living increases jointly, as data becomes available, on the following Municipal Collective Agreements: - Strathcona County (AUPE Local 118) - The City of Edmonton (CUPE Local 30) - City of Spruce Grove (Operating Engineers Local 955) In the event that the average total annual cost-of-living increases of the above agreements is greater than the total 4-year term cost-of-living increases defined in the ratified collective agreement between CUPE 941 and the City, the City agrees to provide the difference in a cost -of- living increase effective December 31, 2025, to all active employees on December 31, 2025. Example St. Xxxxxx Strathcona Edmonton Spruce Average = 4.5% (Strathcona) +5% (Edmonton) +5% (Spruce) / 3 = 4.83% Top up = 4.83% - 4.5% = a 0.33% increase effective December 31, 2025. If all required data is not available until after December 31, 2025, the parties agree that as soon as the data becomes available and should there be increases due to the wage differential it would be applied on regular wages (excludes overtime and other premiums) retroactive to December 31, 2025. In the event that average increase is lesser or equal to the City’s total increase over 4 years then no cost-of-living adjustment shall be applied. Any disagreement arising out of this XXX related to the wage increases shall be subject to the grievance procedure as per Article 5 of the Collective Agreement. CITY OF ST. XXXXXX CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES LOCAL 941 Date Date XXX 2023-02 WHERE AS the parties agreed to amend the classification title of the Building Maintenance Worker to Facility Services Worker and the Building Operator to Facility Services Operator during bargaining on March 1, 2022; WHERE AS during the Collective Agreement review process, the agreed amendments to the classification titles were not properly incorporated into the Schedule of Wages within the Collective Agreement; THEREFORE the parties agree to amend the Collective Agreement as follows;
Wage Differential. Clericals and other members of the bargaining unit who are requested by their administrator to work in a higher classification will be paid at the higher rate for such performance in accordance with Article XIV of this Agreement.
Wage Differential. For hours worked on the afternoon shift, there shall be paid a premium rate of $.18 per hour. For hours worked on the night shift, there shall be a paid premium rate of $.27 per hour.
Wage Differential. In lieu of all employee benefits or premium pay (except for overtime, shift differential, weekend premium, callback pay, standby pay, charge pay, certification pay, and one and one-half (1 1/2) times the hourly rate of pay whena recognized holiday is worked), supplemental nurses shall be paid a wage differential abovetheir longevity increment based upon their applicable availability tier. The Employer may determine whether and if so how many supplemental nurses may need to be utilized at a particular tier in a particular unit/operating area. The Employer may also determine the level of skills, experience or ability needed to be designated to a particular tier in a particular unit/operating area. Supplemental nurses will provide their available dates to Nursing Management by no later than thirty (30) days prior to the first day of the schedule period. Tier 1. Supplemental nurses at Tier 1 must offer to make themselves available to work at least four (4) shifts in a four (4) week period. The Employer will choose among the shifts offered or negotiate some other mutually acceptableshifts with the supplemental and then designate two (2) shifts as the Tier 1 supplemental nurse's available shifts for the four
Wage Differential. When a support staff employee changes from a lower paying bargaining unit position to a higher paying bargaining unit position, as determined by the Hiring Minimum, the employee shall receive a wage increase at least equal to the difference between the hiring minimums of the former and new position unless the employee’s current wage rate already exceeds the hiring minimum in which case the employee shall receive a wage increase equal to ten (10) cents per year for each year of service to the District up to a maximum of eleven (11) years of service. A. Basketball - Head Coach $3,402 $3,436 $3,504 $3,539 $3,610 B. Cheerleading - Head Coach $2,966 $2,996 $3,056 $3,086 $3,148 C. Volleyball - Head Coach $2,966 $2,996 $3,056 $3,086 $3,148 D. Poms - Head Coach $2,094 $2,115 $2,157 $2,179 $2,222 E. Poms – Assistant Coach $1,780 $1,798 $1,834 $1,852 $1,889 F. Flag Corp $2,094 $2,115 $2,157 $2,179 $2,222 G. Wrestling Head Coach $2,094 $2,115 $2,157 $2,179 $2,222 H. Wrestling Assistant Coach $1,780 $1,798 $1,834 $1,852 $1,889 I. Soccer – Head Coach $2,094 $2,115 $2,157 $2,179 $2,222 J. Soccer – Assistant Coach $1,780 $1,798 $1,834 $1,852 $1,889 K. Softball – Head Coach $2,094 $2,115 $2,157 $2,179 $2,222 L. Softball – Assistant Coach $1,780 $1,798 $1,834 $1,852 $1,889 M. Track – Head Coach $2,094 $2,115 $2,157 $2,179 $2,222 N. Track – Assistant Coach $1,780 $1,798 $1,834 $1,852 $1,889 O. Cross Country - Head Coach $2,094 $2,115 $2,157 $2,179 $2,222 P. Cross Country - Assistant Coach $1,780 $1,798 $1,834 $1,852 $1,889 Q Athletic Director $6,628 $6,694 $6,828 $6,896 $7,034 All sport coaches and interscholastic positions identified above shall be paid their stipend in one lump sum in the next payroll following completion of the duty. A. Homebound Tutoring $30.76 $31.07 $31.69 $32.01 $32.65 B. Internal Subbing $30.76 $31.07 $31.69 $32.01 $32.65 C. Homework Support $30.76 $31.07 $31.69 $32.01 $32.65 D. Lunchroom $35.01 $35.36 $36.06 $36.42 $37.15 E. Clubs $25.46 $25.71 $26.23 $26.49 $27.02 F. Bus Supervision $25.46 $25.71 $26.23 $26.49 $27.02 G. Detentions $25.46 $25.71 $26.23 $26.49 $27.02 H. Scorekeepers/Timers $25.46 $25.71 $26.23 $26.49 $27.02 I. Crowd Supervision $25.46 $25.71 $26.23 $26.49 $27.02 J. Umpires $25.46 $25.71 $26.23 $26.49 $27.02 K. Dance/Event Super $25.46 $25.71 $26.23 $26.49 $27.02 L. Taste of College $25.46 $25.71 $26.23 $26.49 $27.02 M. Intramurals – Head Coach $31.82 $32.14 $32.79 $33.11 $33.78 N. Intramurals – Assistant Coach $27.05 $27.32 $27.87 $...
Wage Differential. If a contractor pays anyone, other than “Key Personnel”, above the negotiated Chapter Scale, everyone on the jobsite shall receive the highest scale paid. “Key Personnel” is defined as being members who have been in the contractors employment more than 6 months, and (by contractors choice), are being paid more than the negotiated Chapter Scale. Each contractor is to send a list of “Key Personnel” to the BAC Local #4 IN/KY main office and update that list every 6 months or whenever someone is added to or removed from the list.