TOOL CONTROL. This Detention Standard protects detainees, staff, contractors, and volunteers from harm and contributes to orderly facility operations by maintaining control of tools, culinary utensils, and medical and dental instruments, equipment, and supplies. Components Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard N/A Remarks
8. The facility has a tool classification system. Tools are classified according to: • Restricted (dangerous/hazardous) • Non Restricted (non-hazardous). Tools are classified as "Restricted" and "Non-Restricted." Two types of restricted tools are Class A and Class AA, the latter of which is to be utilized by staff only. Class B tools pose a lesser security risk and may be utilized by detainees under staff supervision.
9. Department heads are responsible for implementing proper tool control procedures as described in the standard. Department heads are responsible for tools assigned to their area.
10. There are policies and procedures in place to ensure that all tools are properly marked and readily identifiable. Tools are marked as classified.
11. The facility has an approved tool storage system. • The system ensures that all stored tools are accountable. • Tools are stored on shadow boards in which the shadows resemble the tool. • Shadow boards have a white background. • Restricted tools are shadowed in red. • Non-restricted tools are shadowed in black. • Commonly used tools (tools that can be mounted) are stored in such a way that missing tools are readily noticed.
12. Tools removed from service have their shadows removed from shadow boards.
13. Tools not adaptable to a shadow board are stored in a locked drawer or cabinet.
14. Sterile packs are stored under lock and key.
15. Each facility has procedures for the issuance of tools to staff and detainees. Procedures are in place for issuing tools to staff and detainees.
16. There are policies and procedures to address the issue of lost tools. The policy and procedures include: • Verbal and written notification. • Procedures for detainee access. • Necessary documentation/review for all incidents of lost tools. Policy describes procedures for lost tools.
17. Broken or worn out tools are surveyed and disposed of in an appropriate and secure manner. Broken or worn out tools are removed from service and destroyed.
TOOL CONTROL. Contractor may be subject to an inventory requirement where the Contractor shall supply an inventory list of all tools. The Facility will use this list for verification of tools entering and exiting security. Any and all time required to comply with the tool inventory and control program will not be considered a compensable delay and no requests for equitable adjustment in time or additional compensation for this time will be considered.
1. Inspect and Test Fire Alarm System $20,245.00 each quarterly test (25% of System/Test = 100% of System /Year)
2. Inspect and Test Fire Sprinkler System $2,485.00 each quarterly test (100% of System/Test & Four (4) Tests/Year)
3. Inspect and Test Mechanical Smoke Control System $2,100.00 each quarterly test (25% of System /Test = 100% of System/Year)
4. Clean Smoke Detectors - Annual $10,740.00 per annual clean
5. Test Smoke Detector Sensitivity - Annual $10,740.00 per annual test
6. Inspect, Test, Adjust, Clean and Lubricate $11,550.00 per month Preventive Maintenance Maintain System in Operable Condition 7. CERTIFICATION-FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM (option) $9,400.00 per certification test Inspect and Test Fire Sprinkler System Total Annual Cost Not-to-Exceed amount: $268,800.00 per year Inspect and Test Fire Alarm System 7. (25% of System/Test = 100% of System /Year) Inspect and Test Fire Sprinkler System 8. (100% of System/Test & Four (4) Tests/Year)
TOOL CONTROL. This Detention Standard protects detainees, staff, contractors, and volunteers from harm and contributes to orderly facility operations by maintaining control of tools, culinary utensils, and medical and dental instruments, equipment, and supplies. Components Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard N/A Remarks 18. All private or contract repairs and maintenance workers under contract with ICE, or other visitors, submit an inventory of all tools prior to admittance into or departure from the facility. The inventory is reviewed and verified prior to the contractor entering/departing the facility.
TOOL CONTROL a. The Contractor within the jail shall control tools.
b. A designated secure location will be provided to the Contractor for the storage of tools
c. All tools and materials must be accounted for at the end of the day. The following provisions are expected to form the basis for the contract between the County and the successful
TOOL CONTROL. This Detention Standard protects detainees, staff, contractors, and volunteers from harm and contributes to orderly facility operations by maintaining control of tools, culinary utensils, and medical and dental instruments, equipment, and supplies. Components Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard N/A Remarks
16. There are policies and procedures to address the issue of lost tools. The policy and procedures include: • Verbal and written notification. • Procedures for detainee access. • Necessary documentation/review for all incidents of lost tools. There are written policy and procedures to address the issue of lost tools. These procedures include both verbal and written notification to the appropriate supervisor, restriction of detainee access to the area and final documentation and review of the lost tool investigation.
17. Broken or worn out tools are surveyed and disposed of in an appropriate and secure manner. Damaged tools are turned in to the Tool Control Officer for disposition. All pieces of the tool are accounted for.
18. All private or contract repairs and maintenance workers under contract with ICE, or other visitors, submit an inventory of all tools prior to admittance into or departure from the facility. The inventory is reviewed and verified prior to the contractor entering/departing the facility. Contractor vendors that bring tools into the facility must present an inventory before entry. An officer verifies the correctness of the inventory. These vendors are than escorted the entire time they are in the facility. Prior to departure the tools are inventoried again to insure all tools are accounted for.
19. Hoses longer than three feet in length are classified as a restricted tool. Facility policy requires that all hoses over three feet in length be secured and any over ten feet in length be treated as a restricted tool.
20. Scissors used for in-processing detainees are tethered to the furniture (e.g. table, counter, etc.) where they are used.
TOOL CONTROL. Work being performed is in critical areas, therefore constant control of tools and materials are required at all times. Tools and hardware will be controlled at all times to prevent migration out of the work site. Lost tools shall be reported to the tool control manager at 000-000-0000. Tools found unattended will be confiscated and reported to the contracting officer.
TOOL CONTROL. Contractor will develop and implement procedures and practices for the maintenance and control of all tools, culinary, and medical equipment used in facility operations to ensure against loss, damage, or use for other than intended purposes. Operational procedures for tool control must be applicable to the program structure of the facility and should address:
1. Responsibility/oversight of tool control 2. Tool categories 3. Tool issue 4. Tool use supervision 5. Tool storage 6. Tool quotas
TOOL CONTROL. The Contractor within the jail shall control tools.
TOOL CONTROL. Contractor may be subject to an inventory requirement where the Contractor shall supply an inventory list of all tools. The Facility will use this list for verification of tools entering and exiting security. Any and all time required to comply with the tool inventory and control program will not be considered a compensable delay and no requests for equitable adjustment in time or additional compensation for this time will be considered.
1. Inspect and Test Fire Alarm System $27,506.70 each quarterly test (25% of System/Test = 100% of System /Year)
2. Inspect and Test Fire Sprinkler System $4,373.30 each quarterly test (100% of System/Test & Four (4) Tests/Year)
3. Inspect and Test Mechanical Smoke Control System $2,853.25 each quarterly test (25% of System /Test = 100% of System/Year)
4. Clean Smoke Detectors - Annual $14,592.34 per annual clean
5. Test Smoke Detector Sensitivity - Annual $14,592.34 per annual test
6. Inspect, Test, Adjust, Clean and Lubricate $11,550.00 per month Preventive Maintenance Maintain System in Operable Condition Total Annual Not-To Exceed amount: $624,245.41 first contract term
TOOL CONTROL. This Detention Standard protects detainees, staff, contractors, and volunteers from harm and contributes to orderly facility operations by maintaining control of tools, culinary utensils, and medical and dental instruments, equipment, and supplies. Components Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard N/A Remarks 18. All private or contract repairs and maintenance workers under contract with ICE, or other visitors, submit an inventory of all tools prior to admittance into or departure from the facility. The inventory is reviewed and verified prior to the contractor entering/departing the facility. An inventory of tools is submitted to the Chief of Security with a copy to the maintenance manager prior to admittance or release from the facility.