Traffic Control Plans. The Engineer shall provide all planning, labor, and equipment to develop and to execute each Traffic Control Plan (TCP) needed by the Engineer to perform services under each Work Authorization. The Engineer shall comply with the requirements of the most recent edition of the TMUTCD. The Engineer shall submit a copy of each TCP to the State for approval prior commencing any work on any State roadway. The Engineer shall provide all signs, flags, and safety equipment needed to execute the approved TCP. The Engineer shall notify the State in writing twenty-four (24) hours in advance of executing each TCP requiring a lane closure, and shall have received written concurrence from the State prior to beginning the lane closure. The Engineer’s field crew shall possess a copy of the approved TCP on the job site at all times and shall make the TCP available to the State for inspection upon request. The Engineer shall assign charges for any required traffic control to the applicable function code.
Traffic Control Plans. Water and/or sanitary sewer adjustment sheets (as needed).
Traffic Control Plans. CivilCorp will provide Construction traffic control plans (TCP) for each phase of construction, including lead-in and construction signage, temporary traffic control devices, temporary striping, temporary pavements and drainage facilities, and typical sections at 70%, 95% and 100% submittals illustrating the phases and sub-phases necessary to construct the planned improvements. The design will be developed with as little interruption to the traveling public as possible. It is assumed there will be two (2) traffic control phases for this project. TCP layouts will be prepared on double- banked 11”x17” plan sheets at 1” = 100’ scale All plans will conform to the latest Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD) and Fort Bend County Engineering Design Manual.
Traffic Control Plans. Detailed Traffic control plans (TCP) will be prepared based on the approach and the number of construction phases decided in the conceptual TCP as part of the study. TCP will be designed according to the latest edition of The Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
Traffic Control Plans. GCE shall evaluate the requirements for traffic control and develop Traffic Control Plans (TCP) for the project in general accordance with the latest edition of the TMUTCD. GCE shall interface and coordinate phases of work, including the TCP, with the Client and adjacent section engineers, as required.
1) GCE shall provide a written narrative of the construction sequencing and work activities per phase and determine the existing and proposed traffic control devices (regulatory signs, warning signs, guide signs, route markers, construction pavement markings, barricades, flag personnel, etc.) to be used to handle traffic during each construction sequence.
2) GCE shall provide traffic control plans showing proposed traffic control devices during each construction phase (stop signs, flag person, etc.). GCE shall also show temporary roadways, structures and detours required to maintain two-way traffic at all times during construction.
3) GCE shall provide typical sections, Construction Notes and Standard Details for TCP design. It is anticipated that temporary traffic signals will not be required for the project. It is also anticipated that the project will be constructed within two phases.
Traffic Control Plans. The CONSULTANT shall prepare Pedestrian Accommodation Detour Plans as part of the WSDOT approval requirements for the project. These plans will be prepared in conjunction with the proposed construction phasing and temporary traffic control plans.
Traffic Control Plans. The contractor is assumed to design and coordinate with City the approval of these plans.
Traffic Control Plans. This may include providing professional and technical support staff under the direct supervision of LADWP's staff, or the Contractor's staff, to prepare design plans and drawings, which are then subject to the review and approval of LADWP staff, the Los Angeles Department of Transportation, and the California Department of Transportation.
Traffic Control Plans x. Xxxxx will prepare traffic control plans (TCP) for the construction of the proposed roadway realignment within the ROW. These plans will include, but not be limited to, the layout of signage and barricading/channelizing devices and associated details.