- VACATIONS EARNED. A. Each full time employee, after service of one year with the City not including prior employment with the State of Ohio or any other political subdivision of the State of Ohio, shall have earned and will be due upon the completion of said first year of employment with the City, and annually thereafter, eighty hours of vacation leave with full pay. One year of service shall be computed on the basis of twenty-six biweekly pay periods. "Annually thereafter" as set forth above shall be interpreted in such a way as to allow employees to take their vacation any time between January 1 and December 31, regardless of when that employee's anniversary date falls, after one completed year of service with the City.
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- VACATIONS EARNED. E. For the purpose of calculating eligibility, the vacation year shall be the calendar year. It is understood and agreed that vacation weeks are not necessarily continuous, however, the Hospitalwill endeavour to accommodatethe wishes of the nurseswith respect to the choice of vacation dates, but the final decision as to the scheduling of vacation remainswith the Hospital, subject to the Hospital's requirementto maintain a qualified complement of nurses on each unit. Requests for vacation from June to November shall be submitted by April of each year. In doing so, the nurse shall submit three (3) choices of vacation in order of preference in a manner determined by the Hospital; I Requests for vacation from December to May shall be submitted by October of each year. In doing so, the nurse shall submit three (3) choices of vacation in order of preference in a manner determined by the Hospital; A finalized vacation schedule will be posted by May and November of each year respectively, for the above vacation periods. Where more nurses have indicated the same period of time than the Hospital can reasonably grant, then seniority will govern with respect to vacation requests submitted within the time limits in Article Vacations requested outside the time limits in Article will be granted within the time remaining for vacation on a first come first served basis and will be finalized and posted seven (7) days after the request has been received. Priorto leaving on vacation, nurses shall be notified of the date and time to report for work following vacation. If a nurse’s schedule is posted prior to her leaving for vacation this provision shall have been satisfied. Vacations may be taken at any time of the year, except during the period December 15th through January when vacation will be granted at the discretion of the Hospital. All vacations will be subject to the limitations of Article below. Vacation may commence on any day of the week. Vacation requestswill not be unreasonably denied. Vacation Pay


  • Vacation During the Employment Period, the Executive shall be entitled to paid vacation in accordance with the most favorable plans, policies, programs and practices of the Company and its affiliated companies as in effect for the Executive at any time during the 120-day period immediately preceding the Effective Date or, if more favorable to the Executive, as in effect generally at any time thereafter with respect to other peer executives of the Company and its affiliated companies.

  • Vacation Payout Where an employee requests in writing to have a specific number of vacation days paid out, and the Employer agrees to the request, the Employer will issue pay in lieu of vacation. Pay in lieu of vacation, if agreed, will be granted only after a minimum of 15 days' vacation time has already been taken in the year.

  • Sick Leave Payout No cash payment for unused sick leave will be paid to any employee leaving the service of the Employer.

  • Vacation Credit Any outstanding vacation entitlement for a person going on LTD will be paid in cash upon expiry of sick leave. The cash payment will be calculated on the base earnings at the expiration of sick leave for the prorated days of vacation entitlement, any outstanding lieu days, any outstanding floating statutory holidays, and banked time for 40-hour per week employees. No vacation entitlement, floating holidays, or banked time for 40-hour per week employees accrues while a member is in receipt of LTD benefits.

  • Vacation Bonus Employees shall receive one day's base pay (or adjusted earnings) for each year of service beyond twenty-five (25) years, to a maximum of ten (10) days’ pay.

  • Vacation Credits All employees shall participate in the County’s Terminal Pay Plan (Plan). However, only the terminal paychecks (including unused vacation) of those employees who have reached the age of fifty-five (55) shall be placed into the Plan. These terminal paychecks shall be placed into the Plan on a pre-tax basis in accordance with the Plan, all applicable laws and all rules and regulations applicable to the Plan.

  • Sick Leave Bonus For every six (6) months of perfect sick leave attendance after July 1, 1987, the employee will receive eight (8) hours of bonus time. This bonus time will be prorated for part-time employees. Such bonus time can be used for any leave purpose covered by this Agreement. Such bonus time shall be counted as vacation leave credits for purposes of determining eligibility for carry- over and cash payments.

  • Vacation Leave Accrual ‌ After a full-time employee has been in pay status for eighty (80) non-overtime hours in a calendar month, the employee will accrue vacation leave according to the rate schedule below. Vacation leave accrual for part-time employees will be proportionate to the number of hours the part-time employee is in pay status during the month to that required for full-time employment.

  • Vacation Allowance Employees in permanent positions are entitled to vacation with pay. Accrual is based upon straight time hours of working time per calendar month of service and begins on the date of appointment to a permanent position. Increased accruals begin on the first of the month following the month in which the employee qualifies. Accrual for portions of a month shall be in minimum amounts of one (1) hour calculated on the same basis as for partial month compensation pursuant to Section 5.6 of this MOU. Vacation credits may be taken in one (1) minute increments but may not be taken during the first six (6) months of employment (not necessarily synonymous with probationary status) except where sick leave has been exhausted; and none shall be allowed in excess of actual accrual at the time vacation is taken.

  • Vacation Periods Vacation schedules will be set by the employee’s immediate supervisor(s) and sent to the Office of Human Resources for approval. Employees may request a particular period for vacation. Vacation days may not be taken in advance of their accrual. Those employees who are on a 12-month teacher contract are paid during Spring Break and Winter Recess, however, are not expected to be in attendance or perform duties during those breaks.

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