Voluntary Participating Teachers Sample Clauses

Voluntary Participating TeachersConsulting Teachers working in a full time classroom assignment shall receive the following stipends:
Voluntary Participating Teachers. (Peer Partners) 7.5.1 A Volunteer Participating Teacher is a teacher who volunteers to participate in the Peer Partners component of the PAR program. For Voluntary Participating Teachers, the outline of the program shall be as follows: The Voluntary Participating Teacher may apply to the Joint Committee to be assigned to work with a Consulting Teacher to improve current skills in a particular curriculum area or to improve and/or develop teaching methodologies and instructional strategies. The Voluntary Participating Teacher may request to be assigned to a specific Consulting Teacher. Upon assignment, the Consulting Teacher shall meet with the Voluntary Participating Teacher to develop a plan for voluntary assistance including a time line for completing the goals. This plan shall not be shared with any administrator without written permission of the Voluntary Participating Teacher. The results of the individual’s voluntary participation shall be shared with the Joint Committee for their annual evaluation of the PAR program, but shall not be forwarded to the evaluating administrator, District or Federation. All records of participation in the Peer Partners program are the sole property of the Voluntary Participating Teacher. Participation on a voluntary basis may be terminated at any time by the Voluntary Participating Teacher. Participation as a Voluntary Participating Teacher shall not be in lieu of the regular evaluation of the teacher pursuant to Article Six of the NMUSD-NMFT Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Voluntary Participating Teachers a. Based upon available funds, the Panel may accept Voluntary Participating Teachers into receiving Consulting Teacher support (PAR-8). b. All communication between the Consulting Teacher, VP Teacher, and the Panel shall be confidential, and only with the written consent of the VP Teacher, may be shared with others, including the evaluator or the Panel. c. The VP Teacher may terminate his/her participation in the PAR Program at any time. d. Panel members and Consulting Teachers shall not be Volunteer Participating Teachers.
Voluntary Participating Teachers. 29 1. Voluntary participating teachers are teachers with 30 permanent status who volunteer to participate in the 31 PAR Program desiring assistance in improving any 32 aspect of their teaching practice. 33 2. Voluntary participating teachers may be paired with a 34 PAR Consulting Teacher by the Joint Committee. The 1 voluntary participating teachers may add input into the 2 selection of the PAR Consulting Teacher. 3 3. PAR Consulting Teachers shall not participate in any 4 written performance reviews of the voluntary 7 4. Voluntary participating teachers may terminate their 8 participation in the PAR program at any time. 9 5. All communication between the PAR Consulting 10 Teachers and Voluntary Participating Teachers shall be 11 confidential. 13 B. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 14 15 1. Expenditures for the PAR Program shall not exceed revenues received 16 through the passage of AB1X, including the allowable administrative cost.
Voluntary Participating Teachers a. Voluntary Participating Teachers are individuals who either wish to grow and learn with the assistance from a peer, or who seek assistance due to a change in assignment or the institution of new curriculum. The Program for Voluntary Participating Teachers will focus on practical application of either certain teaching skills or the acquisition of a new subject matter. b. The Voluntary Participating Teacher must first submit to the evaluating Principal a written plan for professional growth, including the name of any preferred Consulting Teacher. If the plan is approved by the Principal and involves a Consulting Teacher, the plan will be submitted to the Joint Committee for the assignment of a Consulting Teacher. The Consulting Teacher shall meet with the Principal and the Voluntary Participating Teacher for planning and coordinating the plan. c. The purpose of participation in the Program for the Voluntary Participating Teacher is for peer assistance only and the Consulting Teacher shall not participate in a performance review of the Voluntary Participating Teacher. The Voluntary Participating Teacher may terminate his or her participation in the Program at any time. d. Since permanent teachers with satisfactory performance are not mandated by law to participate in the Program, neither the Consulting Teacher nor the Joint Committee shall forward to the Board the names of Voluntary Participating Teachers. Any reports to the Governing Board or the Joint Committee shall be made only as required by the individual plan. e. All communications between the Consulting Teacher and a Voluntary Participating Teacher shall be confidential. Without the written consent of the Voluntary Participating Teacher, such communication shall not be shared with others (this includes, but is not limited to, the site principal/evaluator or the Joint Committee). f. Participation for an additional year shall be approved by the Joint Committee. If the principal disagrees, he/she shall state the reason to the Joint Committee in writing.
Voluntary Participating TeachersWhenever possible, teachers participating in the Program will have the opportunity to choose a consulting teacher from a list provided by the Panel.
Voluntary Participating Teachers. A A Volunteer Participating Teacher is a teacher who volunteers to 7 participate in the PAR Program. The purpose of participation in the 8 PAR Program for the Volunteer Participating Teacher is for peer 9 assistance only and the Consulting Teacher shall not participate in 10 a performance review of the Volunteer Participating Teacher. The 11 Volunteer shall indicate areas in which he/she seeks assistance.
Voluntary Participating Teachers. 1. Any permanent teacher may request to utilize a Consulting Mentor/Teacher's assistance. 2. Voluntary Participating Teachers are expected to be high performing individuals who wish to grow and learn with the assistance from a peer, or who may be seeking assistance due to a change in assignment or due to the institution of new curriculum. The program for Voluntary Participating Teachers will focus on practical application of certain teaching skills or the acquisition of a new subject matter. Each year the Joint Panel, in consultation with the District administration, may select certain curricular areas or skills for emphasis with a select number of Consulting Mentor/Teachers. 3. The volunteering teacher must first submit to the evaluating Principal a written plan for an alternative evaluation, including the name of any preferred Consulting Mentor/Teacher. If the plan is approved by the Principal and involves a Consulting Mentor/Teacher, the plan will be submitted to the Joint Panel for the assignment of a Consulting Mentor/Teacher. The Consulting Mentor/Teacher shall meet with the Principal and the Voluntary Participating Teacher for planning and coordinating the plan. 4. Because permanent teachers with satisfactory performance are not mandated by law to participate in the Program, neither the Consulting Mentor/Teacher nor the Panel will forward to the Board the names of Voluntary Participating Teachers. Any reports to the Governing Board or to the Joint Panel will be made only as required by the individual plan.
Voluntary Participating TeachersThe evaluation process for any participating teacher shall not be altered as a result of participating in the PAR Program.
Voluntary Participating Teachers are expected to be individuals who wish to grow and learn with assistance with a peer, or who seek assistance due to a change in assignment or the institution of new curriculum. The Program for Voluntary Participating Teachers shall focus on practical application of certain teaching skills or the acquisition of a new subject matter. Each year the Joint Committee, in consultation with the District administration, may select certain curricular areas or skills for emphasis with a select number of Consulting Teachers.