Youth Sample Clauses
Youth. Youth Employment Training - Curriculum-based employment skills training for youth. Instruction is provided in time management, application preparation, resume preparation, interviewing techniques, and career goal setting. May include family support activities.
Youth. 1. The Parties agree to promote the active participation of young people in society, including in the development, implementation, and follow-up of policies affecting them. This shall include:
(a) support in acquiring knowledge, skills and capabilities to engage fully in society, including skills relevant to the labour market, through education, vocational and technical training, and access to digital technologies;
(b) the creation of decent employment opportunities, including through support for youth entrepreneurship; and
(c) the promotion of youth empowerment and responsible citizenship, by opening spaces for active youth participation in political and cultural life, and in building and sustaining peace, including with a view to countering radicalisation and violent extremism.
2. The Parties agree that the provision of a safe and nurturing environment for children is a vital element in fostering a healthy young population, able to reach its full potential, including physical, psychological, social and economic dimensions. They shall work to ensure that girls' and boys' rights and needs are recognised and realised from birth and early childhood to adolescence and their transition into adulthood. They shall work to improve the protection of children and their participation in decisions that concern them.
Youth. 1. The cooperation between the Parties shall support all relevant respective youth-related policies. It shall include support for training and employment, family policies and education, as well as providing job opportunities for young people and fostering the exchange of experiences on programmes for prevention of juvenile delinquency and reinsertion into economic and social life.
2. The Parties agree to promote the active participation of young people in society, including in the shaping of policies that contribute to the development of young people and have an impact on their lives.
3. Both sides agree to promote the implementation of programmes to xxxxxx cooperation between youth organisations, including exchange programmes.
Youth. 1. The Parties shall support youth entrepreneurship and shall undertake to secure decent employment for young people, including by supporting them in acquiring labour market-relevant skills through education, vocational and technical training, enhanced access to digital technologies, and facilitate access to land and credit. They shall establish youth-friendly employment services to connect young people to employment opportunities.
2. The Parties shall cooperate to empower young people and shall work to open space for their active inclusion in decision- making processes and their participation in democratic and political life as well as in peacebuilding and reconciliation efforts. They shall promote policies and programmes for marginalised youth, including youth advocacy programmes, to offer them the opportunity and motivation to reintegrate into society.
3. The Parties shall support initiatives aimed at ensuring access to quality basic services for all children, preventing the recruitment and use of children in conflict situations and ending all forms of violence and harmful practices against children, including child, early, and forced matriage, child labour, child abuse and corporal punishment, with a special focus on children in situations of vulnerability.
Youth. The Parties shall encourage intergovernmental youth exchange programmes and cooperation between the youth organisations of the two countries.
Youth persons aged 10 to 24.
Youth. 1. The cooperation between the Parties shall support all relevant sectoral policies addressing youth with the objective of preventing the reproduction of poverty and marginality. It shall include support to family policies and education, as well as to providing job opportunities for young people, especially in poor areas, and fostering social and justice programmes for prevention of juvenile delinquency and reinsertion into economic and social life.
2. The Parties agree to promote the active participation of young people in society, including in the shaping of policies that have an impact on their lives.
Youth. Through WIOA Youth funding, the Metro North REB funds in-school and out-of-school youth programs throughout the Metro North region. The youth programs support youth, between the ages of 14-24, through an integrated service delivery system. The programs consist of the following elements: • Career exploration and guidance; • Tutoring, skills training, and dropout prevention • Paid and unpaid work experience • Occupational skills training • Leadership development • Supportive services • Mentoring • Financial literacy • Entrepreneurial skills training • Postsecondary preparation and transition activities • High school equivalency preparation The Partners will be provided with overviews of the WIOA youth funded programs and commit to referring potentially eligible youth to the programs. Attachment A lists the OSCC Partner hours of operation, contact information, and time co-located at the one-stop career centers.
Youth. (a) Effective July 1, 2011, if the Contractor’s baseline is in good standing at or above the statewide mean of 65% for 90-day retention, the Contractor shall maintain good standing. If, during any monitored calendar quarter, the Contractor falls below the statewide mean, the Contractor shall follow the process for correction in Section b. (b) Effective July 1, 2011, if the Contractor’s baseline for 90-day retention performance is lower than the statewide mean, the Contractor shall increase the 90-day retention performance rate by 10% of their individual baseline or reach the statewide mean, by the end of the fiscal contract year. For example, if the Contractor has a baseline completion rate of 46%, the expectation would be an increase of 4.6%. If, during any monitored calendar quarter, the Contractor does not demonstrate progress towards the expected 90 day-retention goal, the Contractor shall follow the process for correction in Section c.
Youth. A youth is an individual between 4-17 years of age.