EXTRA HELP EMPLOYEE means an employee employed in an extra help position. An extra help employee serves at the pleasure of the County in an extra help position.
EXTRA HELP EMPLOYEE means an employee employed in an extra help position. An extra help employee serves at the pleasure of the County in an extra help position and may be removed from an extra help position at any time with or without notice or cause and without a hearing. EXTRA HELP POSITION shall mean a position which is intended to be occupied on less than a year-round basis including, but not limited to, the following: to cover seasonal peak workloads; emergency extra workloads of limited duration; necessary vacation relief, paid Sick Leave and other situations involving a fluctuating staff. Ordinarily, a full-time extra help position will not be authorized for a period exceeding six (6) months. In unusual circumstances, and at the discretion of the County Executive Officer and the Chief Human Resources Officer, a full-time extra help position may be authorized for a period longer than six (6) months, provided such period shall not exceed one (1) year. FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE shall mean an employee employed in one (1) or more regular or limited-term positions whose normally assigned work hours equal those of a full workweek or work period as described hereinafter.
EXTRA HELP EMPLOYEE means an employee who is not hired as a regular employee, who generally does not receive employment-based benefits, except as required by the Affordable Care Act (see Section 8) and the Washington State Sick Leave laws (See Section 9) and whose term of employment is limited to the hour limitations specified in Section 3.2.
Examples of EXTRA HELP EMPLOYEE in a sentence
EXTRA HELP EMPLOYEE shall mean an employee employed in an extra help position.
EXTRA HELP EMPLOYEE means a person who is hired for temporary, sporadic, seasonal, etc.
More Definitions of EXTRA HELP EMPLOYEE
EXTRA HELP EMPLOYEE means a person who is employed for the purpose of relieving or augmenting permanent staff in the accomplishment of work. Extra-help employees shall not be used to circumvent filling of permanently allocated positions. Extra-help employees shall be in the unclassified service and shall not have property rights to permanent or continued employment.
EXTRA HELP EMPLOYEE means any employee who is employed for a period of short duration, not to reach 1,000 hours in any fiscal year. HOURLY RATE means the amount of individual compensation for a full hour's service, as set forth in the Classification System-Basic Salary/Hourly Schedule. IMMEDIATE FAMILY means a person related by blood, marriage or adoption who is a husband, wife, son, daughter, sister, brother, mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter or grandson unless expanded definition is required by State or Federal law.
EXTRA HELP EMPLOYEE means any employee who is employed for a period of short duration, whether part time or full time, in a position which either is designated as extra-help in the annual salary ordinance.
EXTRA HELP EMPLOYEE means an employee who is not hired as a regular employee, who generally does not receive employment-based benefits, except as required by federal and state law, and whose term of employment is limited to the hour limitations specified in Section 3.2.
EXTRA HELP EMPLOYEE means any employee who is not a regular full-time employee and is paid on an hourly basis.
EXTRA HELP EMPLOYEE means any employee who is employed for a period of short duration, whether part-time or full-time, in a position which either is designated as extra help in the annual salary resolution or is not contained therein.
EXTRA HELP EMPLOYEE means an employee employed in an extra help position. An extra help employee serves at the pleasure of the Authority in an extra help position. EXTRA HELP POSITION shall mean a position which is intended to be occupied on less than a year-round basis including, but is not limited to, the following: to cover seasonal peak workloads, emergency extra workloads of limited duration, necessary vacation relief, paid sick leave, and other situations involving a fluctuating staff. Ordinarily, a full-time extra help position shall not be authorized for a period exceeding six (6) months. In unusual circumstances, and at the discretion of the Fire Chief and the Assistant Chief/Human Resources Director, a full-time extra help position may be authorized for a period longer than six (6) months, provided such period shall not exceed one (1) year. HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR shall mean the Assistant Chief/Human Resources Director or their his/her designee. IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBER shall mean spouse, registered domestic partner, parent, parent-in-law, stepparent, sibling, child, stepchild, grandparent, grandchild, step grandchild or dependent child or adult for whom the employee is the legal guardian.