Ibid means of an infringement of rights for the official.89 In doing so, the Court followed the precedents in Engel v. the Netherlands and Vereinigung demokratischer Soldaten Österreichs and Gubi v. Austria. There, the Court pronounced an infringement unjustified “if it was not “prescribed by law”, if it did not pursue one of more legitimate aims referred to in paragraph 2 of that Article (Article 10-2) or if it was not “necessary in a democratic society” in order to attain such aims“.90 In Vereinigung demokratischer Soldaten Österreichs and Gubi v. Austria, disorder was to be prevented in the armed forces91. Meanwhile in Engel v. the Netherlands, the Court sets that “disorder” must not only concern a greater public order (ordre public), but can only suggest an order “within the confines of a specific social group”, thus designating the prevention of disorder within the armed forces as a legitimate aim.92Jokšas presents a classical case of an infringement of a human right, which can, however, be justified and declared lawful by taking into account the plaintiff's special legal relationship with his State. Following its precedent in Harabin v. Slovakia93, the Court considered the infringement of the right to freedom of expression to have not been disproportionate but to be justifiable.94 CONCLUSION The Court’s judgment in the case against Lithuania follows the aforementioned cases against the Netherlands and Austria. The Court has confirmed that members of the armed forces continue not merely to be held to a stricter standard when it comes to the way in which they can exercise their freedom of expression. Rather, states have a right to limit the exercise of the freedom of expression of members of the armed forces in accordance with the general rules under Article 10 ECHR for specific purposes. While the definition of said purposes could be considered to be insufficiently clear under many national legal systems, the European Convention on Human Rights gives states a margin of appreciation regarding the implementation of the Convention and the ways in which states comply with it. This means that—within the framework provided by the Convention as interpreted by the Court—the states have the freedom to decide how to interpret
Ibid means the list of charges established by Regulation No. 330, which the communicant claims are unreasonable. The communicant submits that, as a result, the AEI Regulation fails to ensure that any list of charges elaborated by a public authority will indeed accord with the need to be “reasonable”, thereby violating the requirement in article 3 (1) that there be “proper enforcement measures”. In this regard, the communicant cites the Implementation Guide as explaining that the Convention is “about taking concrete practical steps to achieve its goals” and requires that Parties take necessary legislative, regulatory and other measures to establish a framework for the implementation of the Convention.73 72. The communicant alleges further that SHS did not take the necessary measures to achieve compatibility between the Convention and Regulation No. 330 on the issue of reasonable costs. As well as the implementation of the adopted normative acts, the communicant points out that SHS is also responsible for ensuring compliance with the obligations under the conventions and international agreements to which the Party concerned is a Party according to the 1998 Hydrometeorological Activity Law (see paras. 19–21 above). The communicant submits that this means that SHS should have identified that the costs provided for under Regulation No. 330 would be unreasonable and so addressed to the Ministry of the Environment an initiative to revise Regulation No. 330 to ensure its compliance on the issue of reasonable costs. The communicant claims that, on the contrary, SHS has remained inactive and has not raised any concerns.74
Ibid means that the minor ‘if necessary with the assistance of, for example, an interpreter, lawyer, social worker or friend, should be able to understand the general thrust of what is said by the arresting officer and during his questioning by the police’.39When it comes to the minor’s possibility of waiving the right to counsel, the Court emphasises the particular vulnerability of an accused minor and the imbalance of power, which is inherent to the very nature of criminal proceedings.40 This leads to the Court’s conclusion that waiving the minor’s right to counsel during police inter- rogation by him or on his behalf should be subject to extra scrutiny on the side of the authorities. A waiver can only be accepted ‘where it is expressed in an unequivocal manner after the authorities have taken all reasonable steps to ensure that he or she [the juvenile] is fully aware of his rights of defence and can appreciate, as far as possible, the consequence of his conduct’.41 The Court’s abovementioned considerations clearly indicate a recognition of the particular importance of the right to counsel at the stage of the first police interroga- tions when minors are concerned; it is considered an essential part of the minor’s right to a fair trial under Article 6 of the ECHR, which also includes his right to participate effectively in the proceedings. As to its youth-specific approach, the Court seems inspired by the international framework of children’s rights, consist- ing of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and specific provisions in international human rights treaties and other legal instruments. In Salduz v. Turkey, the Court explicitly refers to, amongst others, Article 37 of the CRC and General Comment No. 10 of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.42 In Panovits v. Cyprus, the Court brings up the provision of Article 14(4) of the ICCPR, which prescribes that when juveniles are concerned, the criminal justice procedure will take account of their age and the desirability of pro- moting their rehabilitation.43Moreover, in the Panovits case, the Court reconfirms its previous case law, in which it has built its youth-specific approach to Article 6 of the ECHR amongst others on children’s rights standards developed by the United Nations and the Council of Europe.44 In this regard, it is important to point at T v. United Kingdom, in which the Court ruled, with explicit reference to Article 40 of the CRC, that ‘a child charged with an offence [mu...
Examples of Ibid in a sentence
Netherland: The Hague Conference on Private International Permanent Bureau.3 Ibid.
Ford Motor Co. (1996) 48 Cal.App.4th 1794, 1801.) This list of factors “is not exhaustive and should be tailored to each case.” (Ibid.) The court may “engage in a balancing and weighing of factors depending on the circumstances of each case.” (Wershba v.
Accordingly, where the State undertakes to provide a public education, that right “must be made available to all on equal terms.” Ibid.
CAP, « 4.3.1. - L’insémination artificielle et la fécondation in vitro », Ibid., p.
Niekiedy segmentacja rynku stanowi główną filozofię marketingową.187 185 Ibid., s.
More Definitions of Ibid
Ibid means to define the religious character of the institution and the education it provides. Mr Adel Salman appearing on behalf Islamic Schools Association of Australia submitted that staff ‘are expected to uphold the ethos and values of the school.’22 In a Christian context, a leading example of this reasoning was provided by Associated Christian Schools (ACS): For Christian schools to fulfil their objects of providing education from a Christian worldview, maintaining an environment where Christian values prevail is essential. The key way that ACS Member Schools achieve this is the ability to select staff with a personal commitment to the Christian faith and a lifestyle that reflects this…lifestyle alone is not sufficient… ACS considers that maintaining strong allowances for faith- based organisations such as Christian Schools to hire staff who are able to uphold the school’s values and maintain a consistent witness in all aspects of their lives, is essential to enable Member Schools to fulfil their mandate to parents to provide education from a Christian worldview. The ACS further submitted: ACS Member Schools view adherence to the Christian faith as an essential requirement for employment, with no distinction being drawn between teaching and support staff … In our Member Schools, all staff interact with parents and students and are integral parts of the Christian community of the school. This concept of community is essential if a Christian school is to fulfil its obligation to parents who enrol their children in these schools. Once an individual agrees to be bound by these rules and expectations, they agree to behave accordingly. In the Christian school, this understanding is an essential
Ibid means while ensuring that the public is protected from poor quality and incompetent service providers.124 This includes creating and regulating a new class of non-lawyer legal service provider, and paralegals will be permitted to provide limited-scope legal services.125 Paralegals’ expanded scope of practice is yet to be determined, and it is not clear whether they will be allowed to provide legal services independently.126 Recognition of a role for non-lawyer legal service providers reflects a major change in lawyers’ attitudes over the past two decades. A 1998 survey was conducted to gather a statistical profile of lawyers’ attitudes towards both supervised and independent paralegals, and their role in the delivery of legal services in Nova Scotia. Over one-third of all law firms in Nova Scotia were surveyed. Fifty percent of those firms responded. All were of the view that independent paralegals would encroach upon a lawyer’s business and would erode standards of practice. On the issue of the regulation of independent paralegals, almost half of the respondents opposed the idea of regulation.127 E. SaskatchewanThe extent of the non-lawyer legal services market in Saskatchewan is currently being studied. In April 2016, the Ministry of Justice and Law Society initiated a joint project to explore the possibility of expanding the scope of non-lawyer legal service providers,128 with a goal to provide greater access to legal services.129 A Legal Services Task Team has been appointed to examine the possibility of allowing non- lawyers to provide some legal services.130 This joint project contemplates a range of possibilities for non- lawyer legal services including both expanding the scope of paralegals working under the supervision of lawyers and creating a new class of legal service technicians who would be permitted, with training, to provide some legal services independently.131 Both the Ministry and law society acknowledge that not all legal services need to be provided by a lawyer.132 They also recognize that having some assistance from a paralegal or legal technician would be better than no assistance,133 and that non-lawyer legal service
Ibid means of gross human rights violations.”107 The effect of repression and HRVs committed by the state in triggering such GHRVs is discussed in the next section. 2.3 HRVs as Triggers of Conflict Escalation As the state engages in repression in response to increasing oppositional behaviour, civil and political human rights are frequently violated. David Gillies discusses these violations:Unconventional dissent, such as civil disobedience, is vigorously suppressed. State actors will resort to unconventional politics, principally repression. This may include manipulation of the electoral process, censorship, surveillance, harassment, misuse of emergency powers, and the suspension of the constitution and civil liberties. Opinion leaders from churches, universities, trade unions, the legal profession, and the media will be targets of vigilante groups and death squads.108 In response to these HRVs, individuals are often forced to resort to violence as a means of self-defence, thus provoking a recurring cycle of state repression and group insurgency. The 1993 report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) argues that “protest about or resistance to human rights violations…may provoke violent retaliation, or take a violent form itself. An accumulation of abuses accompanied by violence…leads to further abuses and a generalized climate of fear.”109 This climate of mistrust and fear may then serve to escalate the conflict, thus perpetuating a cycle of violence. As articulated by Paul LaRose-Edwards, “[t]he increased ferocity of fighting and hate as human rights violations increase, lowers personal and group
Ibid. MeansofImplementationandtheGlobalPartnership,para70.1
Ibid means of helping to improve those checks, as is also the organizing of training assignments aimed at airline staff; Whereas these matters could be dealt with more effectively by a joint position; whereas the terms of such a position should therefore be established, …
Ibid means to unwittingly sign a binding contract to accept the rest. Finally, it is mistaken not to recognise that Mill’s recommendations for the critical age are as genuine as his recommendations for the organic age – they are just different (but equally desirable) projects. Thus he is not hiding his genuine views about the organic age under the cover of recommendations for the critical age.So much for Mill’s manipulations. When it comes to dissembling, it is certainly true that he does, at times, dissemble.37 However, Mill’s correspondence with Auguste Comte is an extreme, and not (as it has been treated) classic, exampleof this dissembling.38 Mill was so committed to the idea that a positive sociology would end important disagreement and thus be the foundation of a new organic age, that this encouraged him to hide his disagreements from Comte for as long as possible in order to try and secure the more important goal of furthering positivist philosophy. Thus he is perhaps even dishonest about the extent of his feminism. The same cannot be said, however, of Mill’s other declarations, even on the same subject: although he is less out-spoken in Subjection than he is in Marriage, it is not that he contradicting himself, but that he leaves certain ideas out of the debate.On the other hand, it is important also to see that Mill chooses not to reveal all of his beliefs – he is not forced to do so by anything other than his own desire to effect most good in society. His texts are not, then, exoteric.39 That is, they do not have one message for the uninformed reader, and a deeper, more meaningful and possibly even contradictory message for the intelligent, careful, philosophicalreader.40 The best way of reading Mill is not to be achieved by seeing him as having a positive set of ideas which he felt prevented from declaring openly by governmental persecution. Although Mill admitted he kept his atheism mainly
Ibid means that he did well in his initial observations, and that from Goethe’s perspective he had moved too quickly to try the third, more speculative task, before the second was firmly in place. 3. Goethe was in the 1790s seeking a new audience, as poet, as critic, as scientist. He had fled to Italy in 1786 to escape the entanglements of Weimar society and government service. The Italian journey enabled him to rediscover nature, personal spontaneity, the art of classical Greece and Rome, and the natural basis of human social institutions. He had hopes, upon returning to Weimar, of sharing his newly won knowledge and wisdom—his new approach to life, art, nature, and society. Instead he found that his new attitude irritated, even alienated, his old friends, and increasingly he found himself isolated. The isolation in Weimar was only relative, of course, but doubtless his relationships to people there changed after Italy, not least because many were morally offended by his taking up cohabitation with Christiane Vulpius, whom he would not marry until 1806. But his status as poet had changed as well. In part the reason was as simple as the fact that in 1789 he turned forty years old and could no longer be counted among the rising lights of German literature. Another was that in the political turmoil of the French Revolutionary period there was less interest in the kind of cultural and social currents he represented. Despite his feelings of isolation Goethe continued to be active in public and cultural life. Increasingly his attention turned toward the University of Jena, only twenty kilometers distant, for which he had general responsibility as the relevant government minister. In the 1780s it had begun to attract scholars from throughout the German lands; by the mid-1790s it had become the center of German philosophy and literary activity. Goethe had also started recruiting heavily to improve the sciences faculties. It was not until he and Schiller became close friends, however, that Goethe’s sense of isolation fully lifted. Schiller, with indefatigable energy despite poor health, was in active communication with scholars and literati all over Germany and was prolific in founding and fostering new cultural projects. In July 1794 Goethe traveled to Jena to attend to various tasks, one of which was to discuss with Schiller the latter’s proposal for collaboration on a new journal, the Horae. They encountered one another earlier than expected. Goethe attended a botan...