Objective 1 definition

Objective 1. At least ninety percent (90%) of clients shall rate services as satisfactory.
Objective 1. Negative population trend reversed to positive.
Objective 1. At least ninety percent (90%) of clients shall rate services as satisfactory. In consideration of the services provided by Contractor in Exhibit A, County shall pay Contractor based on the following fee schedule:

Examples of Objective 1 in a sentence

  • Note: Provisioning timelines include extended demarcation wiring when appropriate.Measurement Process: Objective 1: Individual Service Installations: Install intervals are based on the committed installation intervals established in this SLA or due dates negotiated between the Customer and the Contractor.

  • Start Date: 7/1/2009; Completion Date: 6/30/2010; Performance Measure Objective: #1- Suitable Living Environment; Performance Measure Outcome: #1-Availability/Accessibility.

  • Start Date: 7/1/2010; Completion Date: 6/30/2011; Performance Measure Objective: #1- Suitable Living Environment; Performance Measure Outcome: #1-Availability/Accessibility.

  • Objective 1: At least ninety percent (90%) of customer survey respondents will rate services as good or better.

  • Start Date: 7/1/2011; Completion Date: 6/30/2012; Performance Measure Objective: #1- Suitable Living Environment; Performance Measure Outcome: #1-Availability/Accessibility.

More Definitions of Objective 1

Objective 1. Conduct general grant administration and deliver a project research or outreach plan, required meetings, quarterly and annual progress reports, invoices, and a final report.
Objective 1. [Insert first project objective] [Make duplicate copies of this Section 2.1.1 as needed] The following table sets forth the supported tasks, their durations and costs. Task 1.2 Task 1.3
Objective 1. Assess cell viability of synthetic uttroside B, compared to plant Uttroside B, sorafenib and regorafenib Cell Viability Study: Synthetic Uttroside B will be assessed in various hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cell lines to assess cell viabilities associated with synthetic Uttroside B treatment, and compared to sorafenib and regorafenib. The goal is to assess the efficacy of synthetic uttroside B, compared to plant extract Uttroside B, as well as sorafenib (the current drug for HCC), and Regorafenib – stivarga, which is currently in clinical trial and seems to be promising compared to sorafenib. HCC pre-clinical orthotopic and transgenic models: The orthotopic Huh7 HCC xenograft model will be used in Objective 2 to assess the efficacy of synthetic uttroside B, and compared to both sorafenib and Regorafenib. Objective 2: Assess the efficacy of synthetic uttroside B in pre-clinical orthotopic mouse models for HCC (HuH7 orthotopic xenograft model in nude mice), using MR imaging techniques. MRI diagnosis of HCC: MRI is considered to be superior to computed tomography (CT) in detecting HCC tumors due to its improved contrast resolution and tissue characterization. In addition, the MRI method diffusion- weighted imaging (DWI), which assesses tissue structural alterations associated with disease pathology, can be used to detect early treatment response that correlates well with necrosis, by measuring ADC (apparent diffusion coefficient) values. Both contrast-enhanced MRI and DWI will be used in Objective 2 to assess the efficacy of synthetic uttroside B. HCC pre-clinical orthotopic model: We will use an orthotopic xenograft model (HuH7 cell-derived tumor tissue in Balb/c nude mice) for the in vivo studies. Synthetic uttroside B will be compared to Regorafenib and sorafenib, as well as untreated tumor-bearing animals. Following intrahepatic cell implantations, mice will be imaged by contrast-enhanced MRI (CE-MRI) (7 Tesla 30-cm horizontal-bore magnet) to assess tumor growth. Once tumors reach 10-20 mm3 in volumes, mice will be separated into 4 groups (untreated (5 mice), or treated with either synthetic uttroside B (10 mg/kg 3x/week i.v.; 10 mice), sorafenib (5 mice) or Regorafenib (10 mice)). Over the course of 6-8 weeks, mice will be imaged by CE-MRI to calculate tumor volumes, and by DWI to assess ADC values that will be a quantitative measure of tissue structural alterations from tumor growth and treatment response. Tumor tissue samples from tumor-bearing animal...
Objective 1. Improve student literacy skills (K-12) with a focus on reading achievement Performance Indicators Performance Target Summary of Progress Performance Target
Objective 1. An updated strategic plan and revised Annual Plan is created for Board approval that reflects strategic intent, financial and non‐financial performance indicators, key achievements, constraints or other issues in relation to meeting achievement targets. Revisit our Strategic and Annual Plan Devise a new Strategic and Annual Plan Structure that is filtered through our Five Pōhatu Tūmu (Foundation Stones) New Strategic and Annual Plan drawn up. Staff and Board consulted in the development process Via consultation with staff and reflection, connections made between our Five Pōhatu Tūmu, the Five Key Competencies and the Five Key Traits A clear, simple language, consistent and concise Strategic and Annual Plan in place. The plan is collectively arrived at and owned. Strong connection throughout the plan to our Vision, Mission, Pōhatu Tūmu, Five Key Competencies and Five Key Traits Refocus our Strategic Plan to reflect the skills, attitudes and competencies that will prepare our children for a 21st Century future – one where they can learn to Thrive in a Transforming World. Principal provides a fortnightly focus on the Five Traits and our Pōhatu Tūmu fortnightly at Whanau Time and in our weekly newsletter Our Learning Team Long Term planning focuses on STEAM – Science Technology Engineering Arts Multi-Media Through our STEAM focus we ensure all planning addresses and incorporates a focus on the Key Competencies and Key Traits Syndicate Team planning adheres to our new model Children demonstrate an understanding of the value and importance of Service Mindset Empathy Self-Confidence Self-Control GRIT And model this. Examples of this regularly shared in newsletter. Research undertaken via Experienced Principals’ Conference at Harvard A variety of professional readings – Xxxx Xxxx in particular. Also Xxxxxx Xxxxx and Xxxxx Xxxxx-Xxxxxx PHD. Learnings and key summaries shared with Board, staff and community – to varying depths √ Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership √ Professional learning √ Professional relationships √ Learning-focused culture √ Design for learning √ Teaching √ Professional learning and development plansCareer and personal developmentLeadership development √ Culture √ Pedagogy √ Systems √ Partnerships and networks Objectives Linked to strategic plan, annual goals, and principal’s learning focus. If a KA leader, objectives link to achievement challenges as well. Indicators/tasks Actions/tasks that will occur throughout the year that demonstrate pro...
Objective 1. ADDED Objective 2.1: Complete GLP-toxicology study in NHPs. Utilizing the material produced by CMO/Partner in Year 1, the Company’s Preclinical Partner(s) will perform toxicology studies in NHPs that are compliant with the FDA’s Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) and International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceutical for Human Use (ICH) guidelines. Upon completion of these studies, the CRO will assist the Company with the development of applicable sections of its IND. Objective 2: ADDED Objective 2.2: Complete a second pre-IND Meeting with the FDA. The Company will likely request a second Type B pre-IND meeting with the FDA before end of Year 2. The purpose of this meeting will be to review the data from the GLP-toxicology studies for Ruga-S6 and discuss with the FDA the potential IND filing and ways in which to optimize the design of clinical trials to enable the company to pursue Orphan Drug and accelerated/Breakthrough designation. Objective 3: ADDED Objective 2.3: Perform cGMP manufacturing to generate Ruga-S6 final drug product. The CMO/Partner will perform final development of upstream and downstream manufacturing processes, development and validation of in-process, release, and stability assays, followed by the large-scale manufacturing and cGMP release of clinical material in quantities sufficient to a Phase 1/2 clinical studies. CMO/Partner and the Company currently plan to scale the final manufacturing process to maximum of 1,000L and will perform one full scale, non-cGMP engineering run, followed by one full-scale cGMP run. The final cGMP run, pending the final outcome of cell line development activities in Year 1, will hopefully yield a minimum of 1 gram of Ruga-S6 per liter, or 2 kilograms of drug product for use in clinical trials. Upon completion of these activities and release of drug product, CMO/Partner will assist the Company with developing the CMC section of its IND application. Objective 4 ADDED Objective 2.4: File IND application with the FDA. With assistance from its CRO, CMO, and experienced consultants, the Company will complete and file an IND application with the FDA. This document will provide a comprehensive review of the data generated by the Company in the three required areas of animal pharmacology and toxicology, manufacturing and clinical protocols and enable the Company to commence Phase 1 clinical studies.
Objective 1. Individual Service Request: Service installed on or before the committed interval or negotiated due date. 2. Objective 2: Successful Install Monthly Percentage per Service: Rights and Remedies Per Occurrence: Objective 1: Individual Service Request: 50 percent of installation fee credited to Customer for any missed committed objective.