Transportation and Traffic. GLSC will allow access to parents, staff and visitors to the School. The District will use its best efforts to inform parents and visitors to the School of GLSC's traffic and parking regulations. GLSC retains the right to manage and enforce all traffic and parking regulations at its facility. It is understood that there are a limited number of metered parking spaces near the GLSC.
Transportation and Traffic. As discussed above, one of the key terms of the 2017 settlement agreement between the City of Menlo Park and the City of East Palo Alto is a transportation analysis will be prepared when the preparation of an EIR is required. Therefore, all of the transportation topics will be discussed in the EIR, rather than in the Initial Study (see Task 6, below).
Transportation and Traffic. Routine vehicular traffic will occur along the site access roads and any maintenance roads within the PV array. One to two small to medium-duty pickup trucks will be required. Larger delivery trucks occasionally may be required if major equipment is in need of replacement such as structural elements, inverters, or large quantities of PV modules (not likely).
Transportation and Traffic. The transportation and traffic analysis within the IS/MND will summarize the project related vehicular trips and VMT effects in a Traffic Memo, as described under Task 2. The traffic discussion will also describe existing bus routes and proposed sidewalks and bicycle paths that could be utilized by site residents. Tribal Cultural Resources: Chapter 532, Statutes of 2014 (i.e., Assembly Bill [AB] 52), requires that Lead Agencies evaluate a project’s potential to impact “tribal cultural resources.” Such resources include “[s]ites, features, places, cultural landscapes, sacred places, and objects with cultural value to a California Native American tribe that are eligible for inclusion in the California Register of Historical Resources or included in a local register of historical resources.” Also, per AB 52 (specifically PRC 21080.3.1), Native American consultation is required upon request by a California Native American tribe that has previously requested that the City provide it with notice of development projects. Utilities: To determine the effect of the proposed project on existing utility providers and infrastructure, RE Consulting will utilize existing plans, and public utility information to determine the current levels of service and if the project would have a potential impact on the existing water, wastewater, drainage, and solid waste services. The analysis will determine whether utility facilities could serve the project, while maintaining existing levels of service. In addition, the analysis would determine if the project would necessitate the need for new or physically altered facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts.
Transportation and Traffic. Access to the project site would be provided via Y Road, an existing paved/dirt road that extends from the U.S. Highway 101/Betabel Road interchange, with access to the north and east areas of the project site. This existing road would be improved as a two-lane roadway, connecting from the Highway 101 Interchange along the southern and western boundaries to the north east corner of the site. Additionally, new roads would be constructed with future development on the site, as appropriate. As part of a future phase, Shore Road may be realigned south from SR 25, to provide a second primary entrance into the project site. The north/south existing dirt road that intersects SR 25 just west of the Union Pacific Railway tracks would be improved, but would be limited to access for emergency vehicles. The EIR will address any potential traffic impacts of the proposed project based on the construction and operation information obtained from the project engineer and traffic reports. Potential significant traffic- related impacts, including operational temporary construction-related traffic impacts will beidentified.
Transportation and Traffic. Materials for the project (e.g., solar modules, supporting racks, foundation materials, electrical gear) will be brought to the site by truck. The trucks will travel on Interstate 90 (I 90) and access Highway 970 by way of County roads such as Red Bridge Road (see CUP Application Supplement Attachment A, Figure 3), private roads such as Loping Lane, and public roads that are privately maintained such as Wiehl Road. An existing network of maintenance roads will provide Road service within the project area, although new maintenance roads or segments may be necessary. Road improvements will be conducted as needed, and are anticipated to include upgrades to local gravel and dirt roads as discussed above in Section
1. Road improvements are further addressed in the DA with Kittitas County. For further discussion of traffic impacts, see the Expanded SEPA Checklist Supplement, Attachment I, Transportation Road Plan.
Transportation and Traffic. Materials for the project (e.g., solar modules, supporting racks, foundation materials, electrical gear) will be brought to the site by truck. The trucks will travel on Interstate 90 and access Highway 970 by way of County roads such as Red Bridge Road (see Figure 3), and private roads such as Loping Lane and Xxxxx Road. Road service within the project area will be provided by an existing network of maintenance roads, although new maintenance roads or segments may be necessary. Road improvements will be conducted pursuant to County requirements. Road improvements are further addressed through the attached DA with Kittitas County (see Attachment E). For further discussion of the traffic impacts, please see the Transportation section of the SEPA.
Transportation and Traffic. Suppliers or courier companies commissioned by SELLER will be given the leaflet for drivers and suppliers by BUYER’s factory security manager, which is to be adhered to fully across the entire site. Acknowledgement must be made by signature. The wearing of safety shoes is also obligatory for drivers across the whole site.
Transportation and Traffic. The proposed Agreement will not have any significant impacts on Transportation and Traffic.
Transportation and Traffic. The proposed Agreement will not have any transportation or traffic impacts, and will not change the impacts identified in Contra Costa County’s CEQA documents.