training time means the time spent receiving from an authorised instructor flight training, ground training, or simulated flight training in an approved synthetic flight trainer;
training time means a rostered period of time available to Registrars for five hours per week dedicated for training which is free from service calls, with the exception of calls about genuine medical emergencies or disaster situations. Forms of Training Time are set out in subclause 34.4.
training time means the time spent receiving from an authorised instructor flight training,
More Definitions of training time
training time means both process-related periods (training on the job) and periods that take place outside the work process in training establishments/factories or outside the company (training off the job) as well as all structured communication and learning processes in teams. This explicitly refers to the provisions governing work organization in the overall wage agreement, the project pay agreement. The arrangements governing the financing of training can be summarised as follows: Training in the preparation phase preceding employment is financed from the budget of the labour administration, as the participants in such training are unemployed persons. Training during the start-up period is fully financed by the company. The infrastructure costs of ongoing training during the permanent contractual relationship are fully covered by the company, which also pays half of the extra three hours per week needed on average for such training; the other half of this training time must be borne by the employees, who contribute free time for this purpose. The collective agreement thus provides for a co-investment in training. In the future, employees of Auto 5000 GmbH will be able to earn certification as an “automotive engineering specialist” (Automobilbauer [IHK]) from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce after two years. To this end a cooperation agreement between the Lüneburg-Wolfsburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce and Auto 5000 GmbH was concluded in October 2002. Participation in the Chamber’s “automotive engineering specialist” training programme is voluntary for employees of Auto 5000 GmbH and entails no additional expenditure of time or money, for the training measures envisaged at Auto 5000 GmbH (including the time contributed by the employees themselves) are recognised. The prerequisites specified for admission to the certification programme are: successful completion of a vocational training programme or comparable qualification, knowledge of methodology and quality management, social skills, basic technical skills and a minimum of two years employment in learning and work processes at an automobile manufacturer. The acquired skills are tested in a workshop in which a typical workplace problem must be analysed, addressed and a promising course of action proposed for its resolution. Thus the qualifications acquired are tested and certified in a way that is in keeping with their acquisition in on-the-job learning and work processes. 4.9 FRAPORT AG FRAPORT AG operates...
training time means: time dedicated for training that is free from service calls, with the exception of calls about genuine medical emergencies or disaster situations, as follows:
10.27.1 Training time is five (5) hours per week and it is expected that blocks of training time will be at least 30 minutes duration on each occasion.
10.27.2 Where training time is interrupted due to a genuine medical emergency or disaster situation, then that period of interruption is not training time and must be re-allocated.
10.27.3 The content of training must be agreed between the Doctor and the Hospital and can be on or off site. Training time can include lectures, tutorials, other situations where formal teaching of the Hospital Registrar(s) occurs in a non-service situation, clinical meetings organised by a Specialist or university staff equivalent for the purposes of training and education, personal reading and study, and research activities where a Hospital or university staff Specialist is directly involved in supervision and the results of the research are intended for publication. Grand (teaching) xxxx rounds can be included if specifically designed for teaching purposes and attended and run by an eminent medical person.
training time means: time dedicated for training that is free from service calls, with the exception of calls about genuine medical emergencies or disaster situations, as follows:
11.24.1 Training time is five (5) hours per week and it is expected that blocks of training time will be at least 30 minutes duration on each occasion.
11.24.2 Training time can include lectures, tutorials, other situations where formal teaching of the Hospital Registrar(s) occurs in a non-service situation, clinical meetings organised by a Specialist or university staff equivalent for the purposes of training and education, personal reading and study, and research activities where a Hospital or university staff Specialist is directly involved in supervision and the results of the research are intended for publication. Grand (teaching) xxxx rounds can be included if specifically designed for teaching purposes and attended and run by an eminent medical person.
11.24.3 Where training time is interrupted due to a genuine medical emergency or disaster situation, then that period of interruption is not training time and must be re-allocated.
11.24.4 Current Training Time protocols in Hospitals should at least reflect the following factors:
(a) the content of the training must be agreed between the Doctor and the Hospital and can be on or off site;
(b) blocks of training time must be identified in the roster;
(c) a Doctor may agree to participate in unplanned or impromptu training opportunities which may be considered to be part of the Doctor’s training time;
(d) any change to rostered training time shall be recorded in writing by the Hospital;
(e) where practicable the Hospital should implement procedures to limit the interaction a Doctor has with other Hospital employees and/ or administrative obligations during allocated training time; and
(f) Hospitals should consider practices that assist in the provision of training time for the Doctors who are rostered on nights or weekends.
training time. The duration of lecture is about one day; the duration of on-site training and construction instructions is about 1 to 2 days.
training time means both process-related periods (training on the job) and periods that take place outside the work process in training establishments/factories or outside the company (training off the job) as well as all structured communication and learning processes in teams. This explicitly refers to the provisions governing work organization in the overall wage agreement, the project pay agreement.
training time means training received—
training time means the time spent receiving any kind of approved training from an authorised instructor;