Privacy Clauses Exemplaires

Privacy. The legislation applicable to the protection of personal data and our privacy policy constitute the framework for the processing of this data that OVHcloud applies. ISMS complements this framework by consistently defining, implementing, and improving security arrangements that ensure the protection of hosted personal data.
Privacy. 14.1 De Afnemer stemt ermee in (en maakt zich desgevallend sterk dat de desbe- treffende natuurlijke personen hiervoor hun toestemming hebben verleend) dat SMT het recht heeft om persoonsgegevens die de Afnemer (of haar vertegen- woordigers) aan SMT overmaakt in het kader van de commerciële relatie in de gegevensbank van SMT mogen worden opgenomen en verwerkt.
Privacy. Under data protection legislation, We are required to provide You with certain information including who We are, how We process your personal data and for what purposes and your rights in relation to Your personal data and how to exercise them. This information is provided in the ProperShot Privacy Policy which is published on the ProperShot Mobile App and the ProperShot Web App which is incorporated to these Terms of Services by this reference. It is very important that You read that information. DISCLAIMER The ProperShot Services are provided entirely “as is”. Meero does not warrant that the operation of the ProperShot Services will be uninterrupted, secure, or error free. Xxxxx is not responsible or liable for the loss of or damage to Your Content, or the impact that any problems You encounter on the ProperShot Services may have on Your relationship with Your own clients or anyone You engage with for the purpose of Your professional activity. The ProperShot Services, offerings, products, and features are constantly being developed and improved. As a result, and at Xxxxx’x sole discretion, some features (whether or not identified as beta) may be modified, updated, temporarily removed, and/or discontinued. We are not liable to You in the event any offering, product and/or feature of the associated services becomes temporarily or permanently unavailable. Your use of the ProperShot Services is at Your own risk and You are responsible for complying with all local laws, rules and regulations, including local rules regarding online conduct and acceptable content.
Privacy. 8.1. En ce qui concerne les données et les documents d'identité demandés par le Loueur, sur la base du présent Contrat, nous vous informons
Privacy. Corrosia is prohibited from communicating to third parties, without prior agreement, all or part of the information concerning the mission. The staff of Corrosia is subject to professional confidentiality. No information is made public except as part of a legal obligation.
Privacy. De koper garandeert dat hij correcte en volledige persoonsgegevens opgeeft bij zijn bestelling en de verschillende vragen die verband houden met onze diensten of bij zijn inschrijving voor andere diensten die op de website worden aangeboden.
Privacy. Each party must comply with all applicable Privacy Laws in relation to Personal Information.
Privacy. In het kader van hun contractuele relaties, verbinden Partijen zich ertoe om de van kracht zijnde wetgeving die van toepassing is op de verwerking van persoonsgegevens en, meer bepaald, de verordening 2016/679 van het Europees Parlement en de Raad van 27 april 2016 betreffende de bescherming van natuurlijke personen in verband met de verwerking van de persoonsgegevens die op 25 mei 2018 volledige uitvoering krijgt, na te leven.
Privacy. In the context of the sales and transactions covered by the present GENERAL CONDITIONS, the Company will deal with information about the Purchaser (if the Purchaser is a natural person) or the Purchaser’s representatives and members of the Purchaser’s staff (if the Purchaser is a legal person) constituting « personal data » as a data controller for the purpose of making the sales and intended transactions. If the Purchaser is a natural person, the Purchaser will find more information about how the Company processes the Purchaser’s personal data in this context as well as about the Purchaser’s rights (including the right of access, rectification, opposition to the treatment to for the purposes of prospecting and, in certain circumstances, a right to erasure, limitation of treatment, portability of data and a right to oppose other forms of treatment) and the obligations of the Company in this respect in our Privacy Policy available on our website xxxxx:// and which forms an integral part of these GENERAL CONDITIONS. If the Purchaser is a legal person, given the fact that the Company is not necessarily able to inform the Purchaser’s representatives and staff with whom the Company does not have a direct relationship, the Company herein delegates to the client the obligation (and, by accepting these GENERAL CONDITIONS, the Purchaser agrees) to ensure that the Purchaser’s representatives and staff members are adequately informed in accordance with applicable data protection legislation that personal data about them may be disclosed, used and processed by the Company in accordance with these GENERAL CONDITIONS and, where applicable, have validly consented thereto. To this end, the Purchaser undertakes to communicate to the persons concerned a copy of our Privacy Policy as referred to hereabove and which forms an integral part of these GENERAL CONDITIONS.
Privacy. Subject to all applicable laws, Uber may provide to a third party any information (including personal data and any Uber Data) about Drivers provided hereunder if: (a) there is a complaint, dispute or conflict, including an accident, between a Driver and a User; (b) it is necessary to enforce the terms of the Agreement; (c) it is required, in Uber’s or any Affiliate’s sole discretion, by applicable law or regulation; (d) it is necessary, in Uber’s or any Affiliate’s sole discretion, to (1) protect the safety, rights, property or security of Uber, the Uber Services or any third party, (2) detect, prevent or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues, and/or (3) prevent or stop activity which Uber or any of its Affiliates, in their sole discretion, consider to be, or to pose a risk of being, illegal, unethical or legally actionable; or (e) it is required or necessary, in Uber’s or any Affiliate’s sole discretion, for insurance or other purposes related to Customer’s and/or Driver’s ability to qualify, or remain qualified, to use the Uber Services. Customer understands that Uber may retain Customer’s and/or Driver(s) personal data for legal, regulatory, safety, and other necessary purposes after this Agreement is terminated. Uber processes personal data (including that referenced in Section 2.8 above) in accordance with its privacy policy located at