WAIVER Clauses Exemplaires

WAIVER. The Supplier will not be deemed to have waived its rights under the Contract if payment deferrals or other similar favours are granted or if it does not commence the actions resulting therefrom.
WAIVER. No term of this Agreement will be deemed waived and no breach excused unless such waiver or excuse shall be in writing and signed by the Party issuing the same. Neither this Agreement nor any Order Form shall be dependent on Customer issuing a purchase order. Customer acknowledges that any purchase order is for its administrative convenience only and that Qlik has the right to issue an invoice and collect payment without a corresponding purchase order. Any additional or conflicting terms or conditions in any purchase order shall have no legal force or effect.
WAIVER. Purchaser's waiver of a Supplier's breach or default under these General Terms and Conditions of Purchase shall not be a waiver of any subsequent default. Failure of Purchaser to enforce compliance with any term or condition hereof shall not constitute a waiver of such term or condition nor shall it affect Purchaser's right to enforce compliance with such term or condition later. 17.3. Sub-contracting. Supplier shall not, without Purchaser's prior written consent, sub-contract directly or indirectly at any level the performance of the purchase order or any part thereof. In case of acceptance of such subcontracting activities, the Supplier will pass to its subcontractors and suppliers all the obligations as set forth herein. In any case, Supplier shall remain liable jointly with its subcontractors towards the Purchaser and shall indemnify and hold Purchaser harmless against any and all claims of its contractors and/or suppliers.
WAIVER. The customer may renounce his order in whole or in part under the following conditions:
WAIVER. No benefit or right accruing to either Party under the Agreement is waived unless the waiver is reduced to writing and signed by the Parties. Failure of either Party to exercise any of its rights under the Agreement in no way constitutes a waiver of those rights, nor does such failure excuse the other Party from any of its obligations. The waiver of, or failure to require the performance of any obligation under the Agreement is not a waiver of a similar later breach.
WAIVER. No waiver to and/or non-application of one or various provisions of these General terms and Conditions of purchase can be construed as a waiver to rely upon and/or leading to the non- application of the mentioned provisions.
WAIVER. The fact that one or other of the parties does not avail itself of one or more stipulations of these general conditions may in no case imply the renunciation by that party to avail itself thereof subsequently.
WAIVER. The fact that the Vendor fails to invoke at any given time any one of the clauses of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale shall not constitute a waiver of its right to subsequently invoke such same clause.
WAIVER. Moyennant le paiement à bonne date de la somme mentionnée à l’article 2 ci-dessus, Monsieur KOTELON se déclare rempli de l’intégralité de ses droits et les Parties considèrent que tous les comptes, désaccords, différends, litiges sans exception ni réserve pouvant exister entre elles à quelque titre que ce soit, ainsi que de ses relations de fait ou de droit avec la Société ou l’une des sociétés du groupe, sont définitivement et irrévocablement réglés et éteints. Upon payment on due date of the sum referred to above under article 2, Mr. KOTELON warrants that all of his rights and claims in this matter have been met. The Parties therefore consider that all accounts, conflicts, claims between them and with any of the companies of the group are permanently and irrevocably cured and exhausted. Monsieur KOTELON renonce irrévocablement et définitivement en toute liberté et connaissance de cause à toute autre somme, versement, élément de salaire (notamment au titre d’éventuelles stock-options, programme d’intéressement tel que LTIP et/ou KAIP, heures supplémentaires, 13ème mois, prime de vacances…), ainsi qu’à toute forme d’indemnisation à laquelle il pourrait éventuellement prétendre au titre notamment, sans y être limité, des dispositions applicables en matière de discrimination, des articles L.1131-1 à L.1132-3 et suivants du Code du travail, le cas échéant, à l’égard de la Société et/ou de toute autre société du groupe auquel elle appartient, à quelque titre et pour quelque cause que ce soit, du fait de toute relation professionnelle ayant pu exister entre les Parties, de la formation et de l’exécution de son contrat de travail, ainsi que des conditions de fond comme de forme de la cessation de ce contrat et de son mandat et de leurs conséquences. Mr. KOTELON freely, irrevocably and permanently and in full knowledge of all relevant facts, waives the right to any other sum, payment, part of his salary (including in respect of possible stock options, voluntary or statutory profit sharing plans such as LTIP and/or KAIP, overtime, 13th months, vacation premium…), as well as waiving any form of compensation which he may claim including but not limited to the provisions applicable to the discrimination and to the articles L.1131-1 à L.1132-3 of the French Labor Code to be entitled to from the Company and/or any other company in the group whatsoever, and for any reason whatsoever arising from any professional relationship that may have existed between the parties, th...
WAIVER. Failure of either party to insist upon strict performance of any provision of these Terms by the other party shall not be deemed to be a waiver by such party of its rights or remedies, or a waiver by it of any subsequent default by the other party in the performance of or compliance with any of the terms of this Agreement.