Conclusione Ed Esecuzione Del Contratto Clausole campione

Conclusione Ed Esecuzione Del Contratto. 1. Tutte le offerte e i preventivi sono senza impegno, a meno che l'offerta o il preventivo indichi un termine per l'accettazione.
Conclusione Ed Esecuzione Del Contratto. (L’UTENTE FINALE) 9 4. CONCLUSIONI 14
Conclusione Ed Esecuzione Del Contratto. (L’UTENTE FINALE)
Conclusione Ed Esecuzione Del Contratto. 3.1. Le Parti espressamente pattuiscono che l’Ordine costituisce proposta contrattuale di acquisto mentre la conferma d’ordine del Fornitore costituisce accettazione dell’Ordine ai sensi dell’art. 1326 Cod. Civ. Pertanto, la richiesta di offerta inviata dall’Acquirente e l’offerta trasmessa dal Fornitore sono da intendersi GENERAL PURCHASE CONDITIONS REV. 01-DATE: 09/2022 1. General Conditions 1.1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between NTS S.p.A. (referred to as “NTS” or “Purchaser”) and the “Supplier” – individually referred to as the “Party” and jointly referred to as the “Parties” -, by an authorized representative of each of them, the terms and conditions contained in these general purchase conditions (referred to as “General Conditions” or “GPC”) will apply to all purchase orders (referred to as “Order(s)”) of goods of any kind or services (referred to as “Goods” and “Services”) issued by the Purchaser to the Supplier and/or to all supply contracts (referred to as “Contract(s)”) entered into the Parties. These GPC will prevail over any provisions contained in the sale conditions of the Supplier and the Supplier agrees that, upon the acceptance of the Orders and/or the execution of any Contract, these GPC will operate exclusively. The Supplier, upon acceptance, agrees to waive any of their terms and conditions that are contrary to these GPC. 1.2. The Parties also expressly agree that any changes, amendments or additions to these General Conditions must be agreed in writing by an authorized representative of each of them. 2. Orders 2.1. The Purchaser has the right to issue the following types of Orders: a) Delivery order, for the delivery of Goods on a fixed date, pursuant to Clause 5 below; b) Open order, for the delivery of Goods in accordance with the delivery schedule, pursuant to Clause 5 below; c) Order to subcontractor, for the execution of the processing stages; d) Order for Services. 2.2 The Order, including any changes, amendments or addition, must be in writing, by an authorized representative of NTS and sent from the Purchaser to the Supplier by electronic means. 2.3 In the event of any conflict between the provisions contained in these GPC and those contained in the Order, the provisions contained in the Order will prevail. 2.4 Any requests for changes, amendments or additions of the conditions contained in the Order, including any technical documentation, and in these General Conditions, must be in writing by an authorized representat...
Conclusione Ed Esecuzione Del Contratto