Audits Cláusulas Exemplificativas

Audits. 6.1. The Processor shall audit its compliance and, where applicable, the compliance of its Sub- Processors with the obligations of this Agreement. Such audit shall: (a) cover all Personal Data Processing carried out on behalf of the Controller in the previous year; (b) be carried out at least once a year; (c) be performed by an independent auditor of good reputation (at the discretion of the Controller), at the expense of Processor; and (d) result in the preparation of an audit report. Within two (2) weeks after the conclusion of the audit, the Processor shall provide the Controller with a copy of the audit report, which shall be considered confidential and the Controller may share it only with its legal advisors.
Audits. 11.1 Our Company shall be entitled to conduct Audits on the Supplier’s premises at any time during Supplier’s normal working hours upon reasonable advance notification. Within the framework of the Audits, our Company shall be permitted, among other things, to check the quality assurance measures, the Personal Data protection measures and Contractual Products and/or Contractual Services before they are carried out.
Audits. 12.1. Logistic Audit WABCO and customer representatives are entitled to perform a Logistic Audit, in accordance with the Global MMOG / Logistics Evaluation standard, on Supplier’s premises upon giving at least 24 hours prior notice, in order to determine whether Supplier’s logistic system and measures are suitable to meet WABCO’s requirements as set out in this Protocol. Supplier will be informed in due course of the results of the audit. Should the audit reveal that Supplier’s logistic system fails to meet XXXXX’x requirements as set out in this Protocol, without prejudice to WABCO’s rights and remedies, Supplier agrees to promptly draw up and implement a corrective action plan describing the allocation of responsibilities between the Parties and a time schedule for the steps to be undertaken. 12.2. Capacity Audit WABCO is entitled to perform a Capacity Audit on Supplier’s premises in order to determine whether Supplier has installed sufficient capacity to meet WABCO’s demand. Supplier agrees to assist XXXXX’x representative and provide the necessary data for capacity calculations. Supplier will be informed in due course of the results of the capacity audit. Should the audit reveal insufficient capacity to meet XXXXX’x demand, without prejudice to WABCO’s rights and remedies, Supplier agrees to promptly draw up and implement a corrective action plan describing the allocation of responsibilities between the Parties and a time schedule for the steps to be undertaken. 12. Auditorias 12.1. Auditoria de Logística A WABCO e os representantes dos Clientes têm o direito de conduzir uma Auditoria de Logística, de acordo com a MMOG Global / Norma de Avaliação de Logística nas instalações do Fornecedor, mediante notificação prévia com antecedência mínima de 24 horas, a fim de determinar se o sistema e medidas de logística do Fornecedor são adequados para atender os requisitos da WABCO conforme estabelecidos neste Protocolo. O Fornecedor será informado oportunamente dos resultados da auditoria. Caso a auditoria revele que o sistema de logística do Fornecedor não satisfaz os requisitos da WABCO conforme estabelecidos neste Protocolo, sem prejuízo dos direitos e recursos da WABCO, o Fornecedor concorda em redigir e implementar prontamente um plano de ação corretiva descrevendo a alocação de responsabilidades entre as Partes e um Cronograma em relação aos passos a serem seguidos. 12.2. Auditoria de Capacidade A WABCO tem o direito de conduzir uma Auditoria de Capacidade...

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