Resolução de Divergências Cláusulas Exemplificativas

Resolução de Divergências. Eventuais divergências surgidas em relação ao reequilíbrio econômico-financeiro contratual não suspendem ou alteram as obrigações das PARTES durante a pendência do processo de revisão.
Resolução de Divergências. Eventuais divergências surgidas em relação ao reequilíbrio econômico-financeiro do CONTRATO serão resolvidas nos termos do CONTRATO. As obrigações das PARTES não ficarão suspensas ou alteradas durante a pendência do processo de revisão ou de solução de disputas, salvo disposição expressa em contrário.
Resolução de Divergências. As partes signatárias do presente ajuste envidarão todos os esforços possíveis para resolver consensualmente as eventuais divergências que sobrevierem na execução ou sobre a interpretação do presente instrumento, podendo indicar terceiros para viabilizar uma solução amigável. Não havendo solução ajustada, eventuais processos judiciais terão início sempre no domicílio do demandado, aplicando-se a lei CLAUSE FOUR - DURATION This Cooperation Agreement shall be effective for five (5) years as of the date of its signature. After the end of its validity, with the consent of both parties, a new agreement may be signed. CLAUSE FIVE - TERMINATION This Academic Cooperation Agreement may be terminated upon agreement by the parties or unilaterally by any of them, if the interested party notifies the other party, in writing, with a ninety (90) day notice. The parties may agree in writing to preserve the ongoing activities they deem important to be completed within a reasonable time. CLAUSE SIX - OTHER COVENANTS This agreement shall not be amended in relation to its purpose and, with respect to other provisions; it may only be amended upon the agreement of the parties, formalized through an Addendum. The programs and projects developed by this agreement may be subject of an Amendment. CLAUSE SEVEN - RESOLUTION OF DISAGREEMENT The parties to this agreement shall make every effort to solve any conflicts that may arise from the implementation or interpretation of this agreement in a friendly manner, and may appointing third parties to facilitate a settlement. If no friendly settlement is possible, any court procedure shall always be fulfilled in the venue of the occurrence of the defendant, applying the
Resolução de Divergências. As partes signatárias do presente ajuste envidarão todos os esforços possíveis para resolver consensualmente as eventuais divergências que sobrevierem na execução ou sobre a interpretação do presente instrumento, podendo indicar terceiros para viabilizar uma solução amigável. Não havendo solução ajustada, eventuais processos judiciais terão início sempre no domicílio do demandado, aplicando-se a lei nacional respectiva, exceto os casos em que houver tratado internacional que verse sobre a This Cooperation Agreement shall be effective for five (5) years as of the date of its signature. After the end of its validity, with the consent of both parties, a new agreement may be signed. This Academic Cooperation Agreement may be terminated upon agreement by the parties or unilaterally by any of them, if the interested party notifies the other party, in writing, with a ninety (90) day notice. The parties may agree in writing to preserve the ongoing activities they deem important to be completed within a reasonable time. This agreement shall not be amended in relation to its purpose and, with respect to other provisions; it may only be amended upon the agreement of the parties, formalized through an Addendum. The programs and projects developed by this agreement may be subject of an Amendment. The parties to this agreement shall make every effort to solve any conflicts that may arise from the implementation or interpretation of this agreement in a friendly manner, and may appointing third parties to facilitate a settlement. If no friendly settlement is possible, any court procedure shall always be fulfilled in the venue of the occurrence of the defendant, applying the respective national law. Except in the cases where there is an international agreement that matéria e que tenha sido internalizado pelo ordenamento jurídico pátrio.