Access to Student Records. The School shall timely make available to the District information regarding special education and related services for students of the School, and additionally, upon request of the District, shall provide cumulative files of a student or students to the extent necessary in order to comply with reporting requirements imposed by applicable state or federal law. The District shall timely make available to the School cumulative files and/or student information, including but not limited to information regarding special education and related services for students of the School. The School shall use such information exclusively for fulfillment of its educational responsibilities or for compliance with the law and shall not use student information acquired from the District for any other purpose.
Access to Student Records. The Institute, upon requests that comply with the provisions of the Federal Family Educational and Privacy Rights Act 20 U.S.C. § 1232g, will timely make available to the School cumulative files and/or student information, including but not limited to information regarding special education and related services for students of the School. The School will use such information exclusively for fulfillment of its educational responsibilities or for compliance with the law and will not use student information acquired from the Institute for any other purpose.
Access to Student Records i. The School shall timely make available to the District information regarding special education and related services for students of the School, and additionally, upon request of the District, shall provide cumulative files of a student or students to the extent necessary in order to comply with reporting requirements imposed by applicable state or federal law. The District shall timely make available to the School cumulative files and/or student information, including but not limited to information regarding special education and related services for students of the School. The School shall use such information exclusively for fulfillment of its educational responsibilities or for compliance with the law and shall not use student information acquired from the District for any other purpose.
ii. The School shall provide parents and eligible students access to education records in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. §1232g and 34 CFR Part 99 (“FERPA”), state law, and District Policy JRA-JRC. The School acknowledges and agrees that, for the purpose of this Contract, “education records” means those records that are directly related to a student and maintained by the School, except as otherwise provided by FERPA. The School shall comply with a parent or eligible student request to access education records within a reasonable period of time, but not more than forty-five days after it receives the request. The School acknowledges and agrees that it may charge a fee for providing paper copies of education records to a parent or eligible student but may not charge a fee to search or retrieve the records of a student. If the School receives a request for records that reference a student, but are not “education records” as defined herein, then the School shall process such request in accordance with the Colorado Open Records Act, C.R.S §§ 24-72-200.1 et seq. (“XXXX”). The School acknowledges and agrees that it may charge $0.25/page for providing paper copies of public records in response to a XXXX, and that after the first hour of staff time spent researching and retrieving public records, it may charge a fee of $30/per hour for additional staff time associated with researching and retrieving responsive public records.
Access to Student Records. 1. Any classified staff who have regular, direct interaction with students on IEP's (or other similar special services educational plans) and/or medical conditions that may affect the safety of the child or others under the supervision of the staff member, shall be informed of any special behavioral or medical needs.
2. Any paraprofessional, bus driver, clinic staff, administrative assistant, translator, library assistant, or other classified employee who provides services to said student will be notified immediately when health or behavioral plans are modified.
3. The bargaining unit member may submit a request to review relevant student files at a time/location that will be mutually determined within five (5) days of the request. The bargaining unit member may review the documents under the supervision of their supervisor or other administrator, but may not remove, photograph, nor reproduce the documents in any format.
4. Any member who requests to review confidential student documents acknowledges and understands FERPA regulations and agrees to strictly uphold the student’s privacy. Violation of any FERPA regulation may result in disciplinary action that could include termination. Additional legal consequences, beyond the jurisdiction of Xxxx City Schools, may also result.
Access to Student Records. To facilitate provision of the services in this Contract, the District will provide access to External Operator to all student-related records and personally identifiable information contained in such records (collectively “Student Records”) related to students at the School and such other Student Records at the District necessary for External Operator to carry out its duties in this Contract. Pursuant to its obligations under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. s. 1232(g), and its implementing regulations, 34 CFR pt. 99, as each may be amended from time to time (“FERPA”), the District acknowledges that, for purposes of this Contract, External Operator is a school official with legitimate educational interests in the Student Records Disclosed to External Operator, pursuant to 34 CFR s. 99.31(a)(1).
Access to Student Records. The Sponsor shall timely make available to the School cumulative files and/or student information, including but not limited to information regarding special education and related services for students of the School. The School shall use such information exclusively for the fulfillment of its educational responsibilities or for compliance with the law and shall not use student information acquired from the Sponsor for any other purpose.
Access to Student Records. Teachers shall have access to student records, including achievement test scores, when there is a need for such access as determined by the site principal and in accordance with all appropriate state and federal statutes and regulations.
Access to Student Records. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, U.S. Congress Public Law 93-380 Section 439, as amended in 1975, states that appropriate persons may access student records if the knowledge of such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other persons. This Federal law also identifies state and local officials as being individuals to whom disclosure of information may be made when the disclosure is required or permitted. Student records may, therefore, be provided to Peace Officers on a case by case basis based on the Peace Officer's need for the information. Access to student records by Peace Officers should only be granted with the approval and supervision of a school administrator. Access shall be duly noted on the Access Log.
Access to Student Records. The Charter School hereby designates employees of the District as having a legitimate educational interest such that they is entitled to access the education records of the Charter School students under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”; 20 U.S.C. § 1232g) and Education Code sections 49073 et seq., provided that access is solely for the purpose of supervisorial oversight activities required of the District. The Charter School, the District, and their respective officers and employees shall comply with FERPA at all times.
Access to Student Records. District shall designate the SROs as designated school officials for student records purposes. SROs shall have access to students’ education records when there is a legitimate educational interest in the records. Pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), the SROs may only use the personally identifiable information contained in a student’s record for the purposes for which the disclosure is made, such as for promoting school safety and the physical security of students. SROs shall not redisclose personally identifiable information from a student’s educational record to any other outside sources, including the CMPD, without consent, unless the redisclosure meets an exception to consent in FERPA.