Accidents and Incidents. 15.01 In the case of all vehicular accidents, the employee shall carefully complete an accident report before he/she leaves the premises of the Corporation following their shift, on the forms provided for that purpose. Every effort will be made to have the employee complete the accident report prior to the end of his/her shift, however should an employee be required to complete the accident report after his/her shift has ended the employee shall be paid the applicable rate of pay for the time which was needed by the Employee to complete the above noted report.
15.02 When an employee is required to complete an incident report by his/her supervisor it shall be completed on the forms provided for that purpose and a copy of all incident reports shall be supplied to the Union. Every effort shall be made to have the employee complete the incident report prior to the end of his/her shift, however should an employee be required to complete the incident report before or after his/her shift, but returned within twenty four (24) hours the employee shall be paid thirty (30) minutes at straight time to complete the report.
Accidents and Incidents. The Agreement Holder will report to the Province any serious accident or safety concerns reported to the Agreement Holder or involving an employee or volunteer to the Agreement Holder or which the Agreement Holder discovers involving or regarding trails and structures within the Agreement Area.
Accidents and Incidents. The Contractor shall complete a written accident report and provide it to the District when a student has suffered an injury that requires medical attention of a licensed medical professional. The Contractor shall complete a written accident report and provide and provide in to the District when the Contractor becomes aware of circumstances that require notification be made to other agencies. The circumstances may include, without limitation, allegations of molestation, child abuse, and injuries resulting from physical restraint. The Contractor assures the District that all staff members, including volunteers, are familiar with child abuse and general concerns regarding the health and safety of a student that may impair the student’s educational program, including the need for mental health services, and shall inform the District by facsimile or U.S. mail within twenty-four (24) hours of when the Contractor becomes aware of those circumstances.
Accidents and Incidents. Immediately upon the CONTRACTOR or the subcontracted vendor becoming aware of any accident resulting in driver or passenger injury or fatality or incidents involving abuse or alleged abuse by the driver that occurs while providing services under the Agreement, the CONTRACTOR shall notify TENNCARE. The CONTRACTOR shall submit a written accident/incident report within five (5) business days of the accident/incident and shall cooperate in any related investigation. A police report shall be included in the accident/incident report or provided as soon as possible.
Accidents and Incidents. 12.1 The Hirer must report all accidents involving injury to any individual(s) to the Parish Priest as soon as possible and in any event no later than the next working day and the Hirer must complete the relevant section in the Parish’s Accident Book.
12.2 Breakages must be reported to the Parish Priest within 24 hours of the incident.
Accidents and Incidents. In all instances, when an incident occurs (for example, biting, pushing, hitting, etc) the name of the victim will not be shared with the perpetrator’s parents/guardians, nor will the name of the perpetrator be shared with the parents/guardians of the victim, unless
13.2.1 We have a duty or a right to disclose it in terms of law or sector codes.
13.2.2 Where we believe it is necessary to protect our rights.
Accidents and Incidents. The nominated/ designated officer overseeing the reporting and recording of accidents and incidents is:- • Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx These will be recorded in the Accident/ Incident book (located on the left hand side just inside the Kitchen) – and reported to the Incident Contact Centre.
Accidents and Incidents. 8.1. If, during the performance of works in the territory of the Manufacturer, the Counterparty and/or a third party engaged thereby had an HSE incident, the Counterparty shall: - within 10 minutes after the incident, inform the dispatcher of the Manufacturer about it by any means of communication and in any form; - within 12 hours after the incident, report the details of the incident according to the established form to the e-mail address of the representative of the unit supervising the performance of the Contract on the part of the Seller and to the e-mail address xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx.
Accidents and Incidents. The Occupier must report all accidents involving injury to any individual(s) and any 'near misses' to the Parish Priest as soon as possible and in any event no later than the next working day and the Occupier must complete the relevant section in the Parish's Accident Book. Breakages must be reported to the Parish Priest by the Occupier within 24 hours of the incident. The Occupier shall be responsible for: payment of the Deposit and the Fee; indemnifying the Parish Priest, Parish and Diocese from and against all actions, costs, claims, demands and damages arising from any breach of these Conditions , any accidents or injuries sustained by any persons arising out of or incidental to the use of the Premises by the Occupier, its employees or agents; all actions, costs, claims and demands in respect of damage to the Premises, or damage to or loss of property, articles or any items whatsoever placed in or left at the Premises by the Occupier or any persons attending the Premises in connection with the Permitted Use shall indemnify the Parish Priest, Parish and the Diocese from and against such actions, costs, claims and demands; and any damage (including accidental damage) to the Premises or to the fixtures, fittings or contents thereof and for loss of contents. The Occupier shall effect, and shall ensure that any suppliers shall effect, adequate Public Liability cover with an insurance company to a minimum limit of indemnity of £5,000,000 approved by the Parish Priest against the foregoing and produce evidence thereof on demand. The Parish Priest, Parish and Diocese are not responsible for and shall not be liable for any loss due to any breakdown of machinery, failure of supply of electricity, repair work, leakage of water, Government restriction or act of God, or any other event which is beyond their reasonable control which may cause the Premises to be temporarily closed or unavailable during the Tenancy or prevents the Premises from being used for the Permitted Use. The Parish Priest, Parish and Diocese gives no warranty that (a) the Premises are suitable for the Permitted Use; or the Permitted Use is or will remain the permitted use of the Premises within the provisions of the planning or other relevant legislation from time to time.
Accidents and Incidents. The CONTRACTOR shall document accidents and incidents that occur while services are being delivered under the Agreement. An incident is defined as an occurrence, event, breakdown, or public disturbance that interrupts the trip, causing the driver to stop the vehicle, such as a passenger being unruly or ill.