Aid Kits. First aid kits shall be supplied by the Employer in all Board vehicles and in all work sites, and properly maintained.
Aid Kits. The employer shall provide a first aid kit for each state vehicle.
43.1. The Department will provide reflective vests, hard hats, and stop/slow paddles.
43.1.1. The Employer agrees to conduct appropriate work environment testing or to take other appropriate action within thirty (30) days of the date a documented need or a demonstrated problem is presented to the Employer.
43.2. A classified employee who receives a change in project location assignment may state orally or in writing to the appropriate supervisor any adverse conditions which may result from the assignment.
43.3. Employees attending meetings which include representatives of both management and the Association or subsequent meetings resultant there from as authorized will be allowed to convene during work hours. Employees who desire to meet for matters relating to Association duties or activities, except Stewards in pursuit of their designated function related to the grievance procedure, shall do so at times other than during normal work hours.
43.4. Articles of uniform, protective clothing or other protective devices now provided to employees shall continue to be provided and shall be uniformly provided within job classifications by the Employer.
Aid Kits. The departmental safety representative will make every reasonable effort to maintain complete first aid kits. Such kits will be distributed among departmental facilities wherever feasible.
Section 4. Management and Council mutually agree that safety and health conditions in employment in the County of Los Angeles are subject to the provisions of the Xxxxxxx-Xxxxxxx Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and the California Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1973.
Section 5. The Council credentialed representative may, by prior notification to the work manager, attend scheduled safety meetings and participate in discussion of matters directly related thereto.
Aid Kits. The Employer shall provide an area, equipped with a first-aid kit, for the use of employees taken ill during working hours.
Aid Kits. First aid kits shall be supplied and properly maintained by the Employer in all classrooms.
Aid Kits. The departmental safety officer or appropriate representative will make every reasonable effort to maintain complete first aid kits at all work facilities and in all emergency vehicles.
Section 3. Management and the Association mutually agree that Safety and Health conditions in employment in the County of Los Angeles are subject to the provisions of the Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxxxx Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and the California Occupational Health Act of 1973 and any other applicable provisions of law.
Aid Kits. Provide and re-supply first aid kits in various work locations, vehicle first-aid kits, as required and perform monthly inspection of first aid kits.
Aid Kits. First Aid Kits shall be provided and maintained in stores. Should any new job classification become necessary during the term of this Agreement, the parties agree that the rate of pay for such new classification shall be negotiated between them; provided however, that in the event the parties are unable to agree, the employee shall work at whatever rate shall be set by the Employer and the matter shall be submitted to Arbitration as is provided in the grievance procedure and the parties shall abide by the result of the Arbitration. No part of this Agreement shall be deemed unless specifically stated. All provisions contained in this Agreement, unless otherwise specifically stated to be in nature, are effective as of the date of ratification of this Agreement. become effective as of May shall continue continue automatically from year to year serves written notice on the other party by registered mail within sixty days and not less than thirty days prior to the date. Such notice shall indicate any changes to be negotiated, When such notice has been served by either party bound by this Agreement, the other party attempt to commence negotiations within a period of two weeks from receipt of the notification. All conditions of this Agreement are to remain in force and effect until negotiations are completed and/or conciliation proceedings exhausted.
Aid Kits. In the event of minor injuries, first-aid kits are provided at al Company locations. Fire safety is everyone’s business. Always know the location of exits and the location of your fire extinguishers. If you must evacuate, use the nearest safe emergency exit. Direct associates, customers and guests who need assistance. Once outside, keep a safe distance away from the structure and follow the instructions of emergency personnel.