Air Monitoring. Conduct on-site work area and site perimeter air monitoring for protecting workers, visitors, public, and the environment.
Air Monitoring. (a) Throughout the removal or encapsulation, air sample monitoring should be conducted in accordance with OSHA and EPA Standards by an independent testing laboratory approved by Contractor.
(b) Before any work begins, baseline asbestos concentrations should be measured. Asbestos fiber concentrations above 0.1 fibers per cubic centimeter in the containment area should be investigated to determine if procedures need to be changed.
Air Monitoring. The process of measuring the fiber content of a specific volume of air.
Air Monitoring. Performed by the Owner during abatement work, is described in Section 01410 Test Laboratory Services.
Air Monitoring. To determine if the elevated airborne asbestos structure concentration encountered during abatement operations has been reduced to the specified level, the Owner will secure and analyze samples. The all areas will be tested and analyzed by Phase Contrast Microscopy. If airborne fiber concentrations are above the specified level, the samples will be analyzed by Transmission Electron Microscopy
Air Monitoring. Air monitoring shall be conducted, by the A&M Contractors air monitoring crew, during normal work hours. Air sampling stations will be placed upwind and downwind of the operations, on the perimeter of the transfer station, and between the TDMS and the general public. Laboratory analysis of the air monitoring samples will be completed. Results will be reviewed by the A&M Contractor and shared with the User Agency for possible refinement of the dust control plan.
Air Monitoring. 1. The Parties acknowledge that the Project provides for the installation of an air monitor at Swansea Elementary School, which is already in operation.
2. In addition to the existing air monitor at the Swansea Elementary School, CDOT shall require the Developer to provide four PM-10 monitors (the “Monitors”) during the construction period of the Project. The Monitors shall provide continuous recording of data and alerts to CDOT regarding PM-10 concentrations.
3. CDOT shall require the Developer to locate the Monitors in a manner consistent with the requirements of 40 C.F.R. Part 58, Appendix E, and in locations to reflect the PM-10 concentrations in the vicinity of the greatest degree of PM-10-generating activity during various phases of the Project, as determined by CDOT, in its reasonable discretion. CDOT shall notify or shall require Developer to notify Petitioners of changes in the location of the Monitors as the Project proceeds.
4. The initial locations of the Monitors shall be:
a) 46th Avenue and Vine Street;
b) 45th Avenue and Xxxxxxxxx Street;
c) Southeast of I-70/Quebec; and
d) North of the I-225/I-70 interchange within CDOT ROW between the ramps.
5. Consistent with Part 58, Appendix E, the Monitors shall be approximately ten to twelve feet above ground level with sufficient clearance to avoid horizontal obstructions like structures and trees.
6. The Monitors shall be Aeroqual AQY1 monitors or monitors that provide at least the same accuracy.
7. CDOT shall require the Developer to implement an automated PM- 10 alert system that shall communicate to CDOT and CDPHE via both text messaging and email when a Monitor records a one-hour average PM-10 concentration of 135 µg/m3. This alert system shall continuously monitor the real time data from the Monitors. The level of 135 µg/m3 is specified in order to allow corrective actions to be implemented prior to exceeding 150 µg/m3.
8. Upon receipt of the alert, the Developer shall be required to respond immediately to identify the source of the PM-10 event and to implement effective best management practices (“BMPs”) for dust control. CDOT shall require the Developer to continue this mitigation until the next one-hour PM-10 concentration from the alerting Monitor is below 135 µg/m3.
9. Data from the Monitors shall not be used to determine whether the State of Colorado or Denver Metropolitan Area is in attainment or non-attainment of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards.
10. CDOT shall require the Dev...
Air Monitoring. Air monitoring for the presence of airborne asbestos fibers should be performed in conjunction with the re-inspection of ACM or PACM. Air monitoring may be performed at any time in the vicinity of known asbestos containing material. Observations in the condition of ACM or PACM in the vicinity of the air monitoring shall be done. A knowledgeable and experienced individual should be consulted to design a proper air sampling strategy. Documentation of the observations and air analysis results must be incorporated into the Operations and Maintenance Program. Note: Air monitoring does not replace re-inspection and visual evaluation.
Air Monitoring. We have engaged qualified consultants to conduct air monitoring in the Building. These tests were conducted using two methods: Phase contract microscopy (NIOSH Method 7400) and transmission electron microscopy. Phase contract microscopy, which has historically been employed to supply the basis for airborne asbestos exposure risk assessments. measures all types of fibers (for example, carpet fibers, animal hair, asbestos). Our consultants have uniformly reported fiber concentrations lower than the level which would suggest a need for remedial action. Transmission electron microscopy ("TEM") today is the most sophisticated asbestos-specific testing method currently available. All TEM tests taken to date have resulted in findings of either no asbestos structures detected or structures detected concurrently with the presence of structures in the environment outside of the Building. Copies of the air monitoring results are available for your review in the Office of the Building.
Air Monitoring. To determine the degree of air contamination and air pollution in and around Duplin County, North Carolina, and to ensure that residents have access to reliable information about air quality, DEQ agrees to design and implement a temporary ambient air quality study in partnership with REACH. DEQ and the Complainants agree to undertake the air monitoring activities outlined in the Air Quality Monitoring Agreement, attached as Exhibit B. At the conclusion of the 12-month study period, DEQ will determine on the basis of the data collected whether the study should be extended for an additional agreed upon time period. Additionally, at the conclusion of the 12-month study period, a draft report will be compiled by DAQ staff and provided to the interested parties for comment. A final version of the report will be posted to the DAQ website.