AIR QUALITY AND NOISE. Air quality in the Hanapēpē area is not rated on the Air Quality Index provided by the Hawai‘i Department of Health, Environmental Health Division. However, the air quality in Hanapēpē is considered satisfactory and air pollution poses little to no risk. The Project area is surrounded by non-active agricultural areas and residential uses. Air quality in the vicinity of the Project is mostly affected by emissions from vehicular sources which emit carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and other air pollutants. There are two potential types of air pollution emissions that could directly result in short- term air quality impacts during Project construction phases: (1) fugitive dust from soil excavation, aggregate processing and vehicle movement, and (2) exhaust emissions from on-site construction equipment. Indirectly, there also could be short-term air quality impacts from addition of construction vehicular traffic on Moi Road, from slow-moving construction equipment traveling to and from the Project site, and from a temporary increase in local traffic caused by commuting construction workers. Fugitive dust emissions from construction activities are difficult to estimate accurately because of their elusive nature of emission and because the potential for dust generation varies greatly depending upon the type of soil at the construction site, the amount and type of dirt-disturbing activity taking place, the moisture content of exposed soil in work areas, and the wind speed. On-site mobile and stationary construction equipment also will emit air pollutants from engine exhausts. The largest of this equipment is usually diesel-powered. Nitrogen oxide emissions from diesel engines can be relatively high compared to gasoline powered equipment, but the standards for nitrogen dioxide are set on an annual basis and are not likely to be violated by short-term construction equipment emissions. Indirectly, slow- moving construction vehicles on roadways leading to and from the Project site could obstruct the normal flow of traffic to such an extent that overall vehicular emissions increase. Noise levels in the area are fairly low and are primarily associated with vehicles traveling along the highway and Moi Road. Potential Impacts and Mitigation Measures The proposed Project will have short-term construction related impacts on noise and air quality, but impacts will be mitigated through best management practices, including applicable measures to control fugitive ...
AIR QUALITY AND NOISE. AIR QUALITY Is the project exempt from regional ozone conformity analysis and a CO, PM10 & PM2.5 Hot-Spot analysis? See exempt project list in Air Quality Handbook, Pub #321. If Yes, the system skips the next few questions. See Air Quality Handbook, Pub #321, for exemptions. If Yes, the system skips the remainder of this section.
AIR QUALITY AND NOISE. AIR QUALITY Is the project exempt from regional ozone conformity analysis and a CO, PM10 & PM2.5 Hot-Spot analysis? See exempt project list in Air Quality Handbook, Pub #321. If Yes, the system skips the next few questions. Is the project exempt from an analysis for MSATs based on Pub #321? Yes No See Air Quality Handbook, Pub #321, for exemptions. If Yes, the system skips the remainder of this section. NOISE 1. Is the project a: Reference PennDOT Pub #24 for additional information on Type I, II and III Projects. A. Type I Project? Yes No Indicate the applicable construction type: B. Type II Project? Yes No C. Type III Project? If Yes, the system skips questions 2 and 3. Yes No 2. A. Are sensitive receptors present? Yes No 30 + Residential receptors; Section 4(f)resources (National Register of Historic Places-eligible Xxxxxx Xxxxx House and Xxxxxxxx’x Winter Haven property; Mars Bethel Miniature Golf and Par 3 Course; Mars Area High School, Middle School, and Primary Schools; and the Mars Home for Youth complex.
AIR QUALITY AND NOISE. AIR QUALITY Is the project exempt from regional ozone conformity analysis and a CO, PM10 & PM2.5 Hot-Spot analysis? See exempt project list in Air Quality Handbook, Pub #321. If Yes, the system skips the next few questions. See Air Quality Handbook, Pub #321, for exemptions. If Yes, the system skips the remainder of this section. NOISE 1. Is the project a: Reference PennDOT Pub #24 for additional information on Type I, II and III Projects. A. Type I Project? Yes No B. Type II Project? Yes No C. Type III Project? If Yes, the system skips questions 2 and 3. Yes No The project meets the criteria for a Type III project established in 23 CFR 772. Therefore, the project requires no analysis for highway traffic noise impacts. Type III projects do not involve added capacity, construction of new through lanes or auxiliary lanes, changes in the horizontal or vertical alignment of the roadway or exposure of noise sensitive land uses to a new or existing highway noise source. XxxxXXX acknowledges that a noise analysis is required if changes to the proposed project result in reclassification to a Type I project.
AIR QUALITY AND NOISE the community and the workers may be exposed to dust and noise emissions, which may have a temporary negative impact on their health. This must therefore be carefully managed during the construction phase.
AIR QUALITY AND NOISE. AIR QUALITY Is the project exempt from regional ozone conformity analysis and a CO, PM10 & PM2.5 Hot-Spot analysis? See exempt project list in Air Quality Handbook, Pub #321. If Yes, the system skips the next few questions. See Air Quality Handbook, Pub #321, for exemptions. If Yes, the system skips the remainder of this section. NOISE 1. Is the project a: Reference PennDOT Pub #24 for additional information on Type I, II and III Projects. A. Type I Project? Yes No B. Type II Project? Yes No C. Type III Project? If Yes, the system skips questions 2 and 3. Yes No The project meets the criteria for a Type III project established in 23 CFR 772. Therefore, the project requires no analysis for highway traffic noise impacts. Type III projects do not involve added capacity, construction of new through lanes or auxiliary lanes, changes in the horizontal or vertical alignment of the roadway or exposure of noise sensitive land uses to a new or existing highway noise source. XxxxXXX acknowledges that a noise analysis is required if changes to the proposed project result in reclassification to a Type I project. No increase in noise levels are expected due to project. None. 1. SR 81-511 FHWA Type III noise project determination_2017-09-18.pdf (453KB / 0.4MB) REGIONAL & COMMUNITY GROWTH Will the project induce impacts (positive and negative) on planned growth, land use, or development patterns for the area? Yes No If Yes, explain. N/A Is the project consistent with planned growth? Yes No Basis of this determination: Maintains transportation system Will the project induce secondary growth? Yes No If Yes, explain. N/A PUBLIC FACILITIES & SERVICES Will the project induce negative impacts on health and educational facilities; public utilities; fire, police and emergency services; civil defense; religious institutions; or public transportation? Yes No If Yes, explain. N/A Does the project incorporate bicycle or pedestrian facilities into the overall design or operations (including construction)? Yes No Explain. (Complete a bicycle/pedestrian checklist if applicable for this project.) Maintains existing use in limited access ROW. Will the project have a positive impact to the public facilities and services listed above? Yes No If Yes, explain. Maintains a safe transportation system. COMMUNITY COHESION Will the project induce impacts to community cohesion? Yes No If Yes, explain. Will the project induce impacts to the local tax base or property values? Yes No If Yes, explain. ...
AIR QUALITY AND NOISE. AIR QUALITY Is the project exempt from regional ozone conformity analysis and a CO, PM10 & PM2.5 Hot-Spot analysis? See exempt project list in Air Quality Handbook, Pub #321. If Yes, the system skips the next few questions. If No, the system skips the Regional Conformity section and go to Project Level Impacts for CO. If Yes, for what pollutant? Refer to DEP's Bureau of Air Quality Attainment Status maps See exempt project list in Air Quality Handbook, Pub #321. If Yes, go to Project Level Impacts for CO and PM2.5/PM10 sections. If No, was it included in the most recent regional conformity air quality analysis? If Yes, go to Project Level Impacts for CO and PM2.5/PM10 sections. If No, consult with District Air Quality Coordinator. Sensitive Receptors = Schools, Churches, Residences, Apartments, Hospitals, etc. If No, the system skips the remainder of this section. Based on similar projects in similar settings, will there be any negative air quality impacts? If Yes, complete a Quantitative or Qualitative Analysis of air quality impacts. Use currently approved Air Quality model. Conclusion of the analysis should be provided in Air Quality Remarks below, and the full analysis should be maintained in the project technical file. See Air Quality Handbook, Pub #321, for exemptions. If Yes, the system skips the remainder of this section. Check all applicable statements:


  • Air Quality To the extent applicable, Consultant must fully comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations in furnishing or using equipment and/or providing services, including, but not limited to, emissions limits and permitting requirements imposed by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) and/or California Air Resources Board (CARB). Although the SCAQMD and CARB limits and requirements are more broad, Consultant shall specifically be aware of their application to "portable equipment", which definition is considered by SCAQMD and CARB to include any item of equipment with a fuel-powered engine. Consultant shall indemnify City against any fines or penalties imposed by SCAQMD, CARB, or any other governmental or regulatory agency for violations of applicable laws, rules and/or regulations by Consultant, its subconsultants, or others for whom Consultant is responsible under its indemnity obligations provided for in this Agreement.

  • Water Quality 8.1. The Supply shall comply with the quality standards imposed by the Act and the Water Quality Regulations, PROVIDED ALWAYS that where a particular standard is the subject of a legal instrument accepted or issued by the Secretary of State or the Chief Inspector of Drinking Water under the provisions of the Act or the Water Quality Regulations, compliance with the terms of the relevant legal instrument shall be deemed to be compliance with the relevant quality standard imposed by the Act or the Water Quality Regulations (as the case may be), in which case the Water Company shall provide the New Appointee with a certified copy of any such authorised departure or undertaking. Each party undertakes to keep the other party fully informed of any discussions which take place at any time hereafter with the Secretary of State for the proposed issue of a legal instrument and of the outcome thereof. 8.2. The Water Company shall act as a reasonable and prudent operator to ensure that the Water Company’s Distribution Network does not cause any contamination of the water in the New Appointee’s Water Distribution Network including suspending the Bulk Supply and, in any event, shall: 8.2.1. notify the New Appointee of the existence and cause (if known) of any contamination that it considers (acting as a reasonable and prudent operator) could affect the New Appointee’s Water Distribution Network as soon as practicable after the same have come to the Water Company’s attention; and 8.2.2. keep the New Appointee notified of the steps being taken to remedy the contamination. 8.3. Without prejudice to clause 8.1, the Water Company reserves the right to supply water of a different nature and composition or with different characteristics from that previously supplied where this results from the characteristics of the source or sources from which the Supply is taken, or the Water Company’s Distribution Network, beyond the reasonable control of the Water Company or if, in the due discharge of its statutory duty to supply water, it considers it necessary or desirable to do so acting reasonably and in good faith. 8.4. In addition, both parties agree to be bound by the provisions of the Water Quality Protocol or such modified version of such Water Quality Protocol as may from time to time be agreed in writing by the parties.

  • Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Contractor understands that HHS does not tolerate any type of fraud, waste, or abuse. Violations of law, agency policies, or standards of ethical conduct will be investigated, and appropriate actions will be taken. Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 321.022, if the administrative head of a department or entity that is subject to audit by the state auditor has reasonable cause to believe that money received from the state by the department or entity or by a client or contractor of the department or entity may have been lost, misappropriated, or misused, or that other fraudulent or unlawful conduct has occurred in relation to the operation of the department or entity, the administrative head shall report the reason and basis for the belief to the Texas State Auditor’s Office (SAO). All employees or contractors who have reasonable cause to believe that fraud, waste, or abuse has occurred (including misconduct by any HHS employee, Grantee officer, agent, employee, or subcontractor that would constitute fraud, waste, or abuse) are required to immediately report the questioned activity to the Health and Human Services Commission's Office of Inspector General. Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and System Agency policies regarding fraud, waste, and abuse including, but not limited to, HHS Circular C-027. A report to the SAO must be made through one of the following avenues: ● SAO Toll Free Hotline: 1-800-TX-AUDIT ● SAO website: xxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx/ All reports made to the OIG must be made through one of the following avenues: ● OIG Toll Free Hotline 0-000-000-0000 ● OIG Website: ● Internal Affairs Email: XxxxxxxxXxxxxxxXxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx ● OIG Hotline Email: XXXXxxxxXxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx. ● OIG Mailing Address: Office of Inspector General Attn: Fraud Hotline MC 1300 P.O. Box 85200 Austin, Texas 78708-5200

  • HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT In the performance of this Contract, Contractor and Operator shall conduct Petroleum Operations with due regard to health, safety and the protection of the environment (“HSE”) and the conservation of natural resources, and shall in particular:

  • Health, Safety and Security 14.1 The Employer recognizes a responsibility to provide an environment intended to protect the health, safety and security of Members as they carry out their responsibilities. To that end, the Employer agrees: (a) to maintain a Joint Health and Safety Committee (the JHSC) with broad representation drawn from all sectors of the University, including at least one (1) person appointed by the Association; (b) to cooperate with the Association in making every reasonable provision for the safety, health and security of Members; (c) to take reasonable measures to maintain the security of the buildings and grounds while at the same time maintaining reasonable access for Members who have a need for such access at times other than during regular working hours; (d) to ensure that the Association has the right to appoint at least one (1) person to any representative committee whose terms of reference specifically include the health, safety or security of Members as they carry out their responsibilities; (e) to comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, and relevant regulations thereto, as amended from time to time (the “Act”); (f) that Members may refuse unsafe work pursuant to and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Act for so doing; (g) that Members report any known or potential dangers to their Xxxx; (h) In addition, the Employer agrees: i) to provide Members with health and safety training, personal protective equipment, and access to health and safety programs, policies and procedures; ii) to provide resources for the JHSC; iii) to compensate a CASBU Member who is eligible to be, and serves as, the person appointed by the Association to the JHSC when that service is outside the period of the Member’s contract; iv) to provide training for the person appointed by the Association to the JHSC directly related to their duties and responsibilities in connection with the JHSC; v) to recognize a JHSC Member’s right to be present during workplace safety testing and audits and receive written copies of any reports and recommendations from the testing/audits and a copy of a draft report if one is provided to the Employer; vi) to recognize a JHSC Member’s right to have advance notice when advance notice is given by the Ministry of Labour of any Ministry of Labour inspection and to accompany a Ministry of Labour Inspector during an inspection and receive a copy of any report produced by the inspector. 14.2 The parties agree that all personal communications must adhere to the Personal Harassment and Discrimination Policy and the Nipissing University Acceptable Use Policy. Effective June 10, 2006, universities are subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). All records in the custody and control of the University will be subject to FIPPA with exceptions as defined by the Act. Persons may request and have a right to access University information or records. A record is defined under the Act as any record of information however recorded, whether in printed or electronic form, film, or otherwise and includes drafts, post-it notes, margin notes, hard drive files, emails, voice mails, electronic agendas, address books, and recording devices. 14.3 Unless required under FIPPA, and for the purposes of this Article, files are documents under a Member’s control and stored on University property, either in paper or electronic form. Such files do not include the Member’s official file in the Xxxx’x office nor the Personnel File of the Member in the Human Resources office. 14.4 On termination of a Member’s employment for any reason other than cause, the Employer will permit, by appointment only, accompanied access for a period of fifteen (15) working days (or longer with the agreement of the Xxxx) by the former Member or the Member’s executors to the Member’s files, whether in paper or electronic format. The purpose of the allowed access is for transferring required documents to other faculty, the Chair, or the Xxxx. Where files are not required to support continued student academic needs or ongoing operational requirements, the former Member or designate may remove or destroy their personal files. Items that are clearly of a personal nature or are owned by the former Member such as furniture, pictures, books, etc., may be removed at this time.

  • EMHS Governance, Safety and Quality Requirements 4.1 Participates in the maintenance of a safe work environment. 4.2 Actively participates in the Peak Performance program. 4.3 Supports the delivery of safe patient care and the consumers’ experience including participation in continuous quality improvement activities in accordance with the requirements of the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards and other recognised health standards. 4.4 Completes mandatory training (including safety and quality training) as relevant to role. 4.5 Performs duties in accordance with the EMHS Vision and Values, WA Health Code of Conduct, Occupational Safety and Health legislation, the Disability Services Act and the Equal Opportunity Act and Government, WA Health, EMHS and Departmental / Program specific policies and procedures.

  • SMHS Governance, Safety and Quality Requirements 4.1 Participates in the maintenance of a safe work environment. 4.2 Participates in an annual performance development review. 4.3 Supports the delivery of safe patient care and the consumers’ experience including participation in continuous quality improvement activities in accordance with the requirements of the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards and other recognised health standards. 4.4 Completes mandatory training (including safety and quality training) as relevant to role. 4.5 Performs duties in accordance with Government, WA Health, South Metropolitan Health Service and Departmental / Program specific policies and procedures. 4.6 Abides by the WA Health Code of Conduct, Occupational Safety and Health legislation, the Disability Services Act and the Equal Opportunity Act.

  • NMHS Governance, Safety and Quality Requirements 2.1 Participates in the maintenance of a safe work environment. 2.2 Participates in an annual performance development review. 2.3 Supports the delivery of safe patient care and the consumers’ experience including participation in continuous quality improvement activities in accordance with the requirements of the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards and other recognised health standards. 2.4 Completes mandatory training (including safety and quality training) as relevant to role. 2.5 Performs duties in accordance with Government, WA Health, North Metropolitan Health Service and Departmental / Program specific policies and procedures. 2.6 Abides by the WA Health Code of Conduct, Occupational Safety and Health legislation, the Disability Services Act and the Equal Opportunity Act.

  • Power Quality Neither the facilities of Developer nor the facilities of Connecting Transmission Owner shall cause excessive voltage flicker nor introduce excessive distortion to the sinusoidal voltage or current waves as defined by ANSI Standard C84.1-1989, in accordance with IEEE Standard 519, or any applicable superseding electric industry standard. In the event of a conflict between ANSI Standard C84.1-1989, or any applicable superseding electric industry standard, ANSI Standard C84.1-1989, or the applicable superseding electric industry standard, shall control.

  • COMPLIANCE WITH HEALTH, SAFETY, AND ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS The Contractor, it’s Subcontractors, and their respective employees, shall comply fully with all applicable federal, state, and local health, safety, and environmental laws, ordinances, rules and regulations in the performance of the services, including but not limited to those promulgated by the City and by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). In case of conflict, the most stringent safety requirement shall govern. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the City harmless from and against all claims, demands, suits, actions, judgments, fines, penalties and liability of every kind arising from the breach of the Contractor’s obligations under this paragraph.