APPRENTICES AND IMPROVERS. 8.01 The Employer and the Union mutually agree that, in the best interests of the industry, apprentices shall be hired and properly trained.
8.02 Apprentices must be indentured to the Local Apprenticeship Committee (LAC) and be registered with the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities.
8.03 For apprentices who commence training and are members of the Union prior to May 1, 2010, the minimum rate shall be:
8.04 The Parties agree to establish and maintain Local Apprenticeship Committees (LAC) consisting of equal representation from the Employers and Union. The Apprenticeship Committee shall be responsible to ensure that apprentices receive proper training in all aspects of the trade and to review the progress of the apprentices at regular intervals.
8.05 The Employers shall contribute all fringe benefits for apprentices and improvers for the terms of their apprenticeship over and above the basic wage in accordance with the Agreement in effect.
8.06 The Employer’s participation in wages while the apprentice is attending trade school, shall be a minimum of thirty dollars ($30.00) per week.
8.07 For the purpose of continued employment apprentices or improvers may be transferred to any Local of the Union, providing that the Local Union in which the apprentice is to work does not have any apprentices or improvers available for employment.
8.08 The ratio of apprentices or improvers to journeypersons shall be as set by the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities.
8.09 The minimum amount of hours an apprentice must work on the tools shall be as follows:
8.10 The Union and Employers agree to provide a well-trained and skilled workforce, and actively support and participate in the trade school training program.
8.11 During the apprenticeship period, apprentices must attend two courses at the trade school or training facility approved by the Employer and Employee bargaining agency.
APPRENTICES AND IMPROVERS. 8.01 The Employer and the Union mutually agree that, in the best interests of the industry, apprentices shall be hired and properly trained.
8.02 Apprentices must be indentured to the Local Apprenticeship Committee (LAC) and be registered with the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities.
8.03 For apprentices who commence training and are members of the Union prior to May 1, 2010, the minimum rate shall be: • 50% of journeyperson rate for the first term (one thou- sand four hundred (1400) hours) • 65% of journeyperson rate for the second term (one thousand four hundred (1400) hours) • 80% of journeyperson rate for the third term (one thou- sand four hundred (1400) hours) • 90% of journeyperson rate for the fourth term (one thou- sand four hundred (1400) hours) For apprentices who commence training and are members of the Union on or after May 1, 2010 and are members of Locals 4, 6, 7, 12, 25, 28 or 31, the minimum rate shall be: • 50% of journeyperson rate for the first term (1800 hours) • 65% of journeyperson rate for the second term (1800 hours) • 80% of journeyperson rate for the third term (1800 hours) • 90% of journeyperson rate for the fourth term (1800 hours) Apprentices moving from fourth term to journeyperson must pass the Red Seal Exam and be assessed by the Terrazzo, Tile and Marble Trade School Inc. or a qualified tradesperson in the branch of the trade being assessed. An Apprentice who does not move from fourth term to jour- neyperson shall continue to receive the rate of pay he received as a fourth term apprentice (90% of the journeyper- son rate).
8.04 The Parties agree to establish and maintain Local Apprenticeship Committees (LAC) consisting of equal rep- resentation from the Employers and Union. The Apprenticeship Committee shall be responsible to ensure that apprentices receive proper training in all aspects of the trade and to review the progress of the apprentices at regular intervals.
8.05 The Employers shall contribute all fringe benefits for apprentices and improvers for the terms of their appren- ticeship over and above the basic wage in accordance with the Agreement in effect.
8.06 The Employer’s participation in wages while the apprentice is attending trade school, shall be a minimum of thirty dol- lars ($30.00) per week.
8.07 For the purpose of continued employment apprentices or improvers may be transferred to any Local of the Union, providing that the Local Union in which the apprentice is to work does not have any appren...
APPRENTICES AND IMPROVERS. Recognized Improvers shall be paid as follows: 0-900 hours 50% of Mechanic's rate 901-1800 hours 55% of Mechanic's rate 1801-3600 hours 65% of Mechanic's rate 3601-5400 hours 75% of Mechanic's rate 5401-7200 hours 85% of Mechanic's rate If an apprenticeship program for the Insulator Trade is established in Saskatchewan, the above schedule of hours will be replaced with the schedule agreed to by the Trades Certification and Apprenticeship Unit. An Apprentice, employed in Saskatchewan, who attends school and successfully completes a recognized Insulator Trade apprenticeship course in another province in Canada, will be eligible for wage increases based on the schedule for the Insulator Trade that is in effect in the applicable Province. Fourth year apprentices shall be excluded from the calculation of journey person to apprentice ratio. Improvers shall not be eligible for classification as Mechanics until they have served four (4) years in their trade and passed their Mechanic's test. Improvers shall be reclassified only after examination during the first week of March or September in any one year, or at a mutually agreed nearest time. The ratio of Improvers to Mechanics will be as follows:
(1) Mechanic and one (1) Improver for the first two employed on any one project. Thereafter, the ratio shall be one (1) Improver to three (3)
APPRENTICES AND IMPROVERS. The Employer contribution to the Pension Trust Fund on behalf of Apprentices and Improvers shall be calculated on the basis of a maximum of 18% of the Apprentice’s or Improver’s gross wage rate (basic wage rate + 4.5% statutory holiday pay + 6% vacation pay) but in any case shall not exceed the Employer contribution rate to the Pension Trust Fund on behalf of Journeyman Mechanics.
APPRENTICES AND IMPROVERS. (a) The Employer and the Union mutually agree that, in the best interest of the Industry, Apprentices shall be hired and properly trained and accordingly there shall be contributions and deductions for training as set out in Article 19 and 29 of this agreement.
(b) Indentured Apprentices must be registered with the appropriate government agency, as required. MIECO and the Union agree to maintain a joint list of Indentured Apprentices.
(c) The Parties agree to establish and maintain Local Apprenticeship Committees consisting of equal representation of the Employers and Union. The Apprenticeship Committee shall be responsible to ensure that Apprentices receive proper training in all aspects of the Trade and to review the progress of the Apprentices at regular intervals.
(d) The minimum rate for Apprentices and Improvers shall be:
(i) 50% of a Journeyperson’s rate for the first period. (ii) 65% of a Journeyperson’s rate for the second period.
(iii) 80% of a Journeyperson’s rate for the third period.
(iv) 90% of a Journeyperson’s rate for the fourth period.
APPRENTICES AND IMPROVERS. (a) The Employer and the Union mutually agree that, in the best interest of the Industry, Apprentices shall be hired and pro- perly trained and further agree that a Provincial Training Trust Fund shall be established. The amount of contributions and deduc- tions shall be as defined in article and of this agreement. Indentured Apprentices must be registered with the In- dustrial Training Branch, Ministry of Skills Development. The Parties agree to establish and maintain Local Appren- ticeship Committees consisting of equal representation of the Employers and Union. The Apprenticeship Committee shall be responsible to ensure that Apprentices receive proper training in all aspects of the Trade and to review the progress of the Ap- prentices at regular intervals. The minimum rate for Apprentices and Improvers shall be: of a Journeyman’s rate for the first period. of a Journeyman’s rate for the second period. of a Journeyman’s rate for the third period. of a Journeyman’s rate for the fourth period. Unless an Apprentice or Improver is registered and as an insulation or air barrier installer, then no Ap- prentice or Improver shall operate a masonry saw, install insula- tion or air barriers for more than twelve hours in any one work week. The Employers participation in wages while the Appren- xxxx is attending Trade School shall be a minimum of twenty-five dollars per week. However, an Apprentice shall apply and if eligible to receive benefits, this shall not be ap- plicable when such benefits commence. For the purpose of continued employment Apprentices or Improvers may be transferred to any Local of the Union, pro- viding that the Local Union in which the Apprentice is to work does not have any Apprentices or Improvers available for employment. The ratio of Apprentices or Improvers to be applicable to any one project shall be one Apprentice or Improver for the first Journeyman employed plus an additional Apprentice or Improver for each additional five Journeymen employed; said Apprentices or Improvers will be registered with the Union and will be paid rate of wages not less than stated above.
APPRENTICES AND IMPROVERS. (a) The Employer and the Union mutually agree that, in the best interest of the Industry, Apprentices shall be hired and prop- erly trained and accordingly there shall be contributions and deductions for training as set out in Article 19 and 29 of this agreement.
APPRENTICES AND IMPROVERS. The Employer and the Union that, best interest Industry, Apprentices shall be hired and prop- erly trained and accordingly there shall be contributions and deductions for training as set out in Article and of this agreement. Indentured Apprentices must be registered with the Industrial Training Branch, Ministry of Skills Development. The Parties agree to establish and maintain Local Apprenticeship consisting of equal representa- tion of the Employers and Union. The Apprenticeship shall be responsible to ensure that Apprentices receive proper training in all aspects of the Trade and to review the progress of the Apprentices at regular intervals. The minimum rate for Apprentices and Improvers shall be: of a Journeyperson's rate for the first period. of a Journeyperson's rate for the second period. of a Journeyperson's rate third period. of a Journeyperson's rate for the fourth period.
APPRENTICES AND IMPROVERS. The Employer and the Union mutually agree that, in the best interests of the industry, apprentices shall be hired and properly trained. Apprentices must be indentured to the Employer or to the Local Apprenticeship Committee (LAC) and be registered Provincial Collective Agreement with the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities. The parties agree to establish and maintain Local Apprenticeship Committees (LAC) consisting of equal repre- sentation from the Employers and Union. The Apprenticeship Committee shall be responsible to ensure that apprentices receive proper training in all aspects of the trade and to review the progress of the apprentices at reg- ular intervals. The minimum rate for apprentices and improvers shall be: of journeyperson rate for the first period (1400) of journeyperson rate for the second period (1400) of journeyperson rate for the third period of journeyperson rate for the fourth period Improvers wage rates shall be in accordance with the apprentice wage rate for the level established. Apprentices moving from 4th year to journeyperson must be assessed by the Terrazzo, Tile and Marble Trade School Inc. or qualified trade journeypersons in the branch of the trade being assessed.
APPRENTICES AND IMPROVERS. (a) The Employer and the Union mutually agree that, in the best interest of the Industry, Apprentices shall be hired and properly trained and further agree that a Provincial Training Trust Fund shall be established. The amount of contributions and deductions shall be as defined in article 19 and 29 of this agreement.
(b) Indentured Apprentices must be registered with the Industrial Training Branch, Ministry of Skills Development.
(c) The Parties agree to establish and maintain Local Apprenticeship Committees consisting of equal representation of the Employers and Union. The Apprenticeship Committee shall be responsible to ensure that Apprentices receive proper training in all aspects of the Trade and to review the progress of the Apprentices at regular intervals.
(d) The minimum rate for Apprentices and Improvers shall be: 50% of a Journeyman’s rate for the first period. 65% of a Journeyman’s rate for the second period. 80% of a Journeyman’s rate for the third period. 90% of a Journeyman’s rate for the fourth period.
(e) The minimum rate for Apprentices who successfully complete the modified Apprenticeship Program at the Ontario Masonry Training Centre shall be as follows: 65% of a Journeyman’s rate for first “400 hours” on the jobsite. 72% of a Journeyman’s rate for the next “400 hours” (401-800). 80% of a Journeyman’s rate for the next “400 hours” (801-1200). 90% of a Journeyman’s rate for the next “400 hours” (1201-1600). 100% of a Journeyman’s rate after 1600 hours on the jobsite.
(f) Unless an Apprentice or Improver is registered and recognized as an insulation or air barrier installer, then no Apprentice or Improver shall operate a masonry saw, install insulation or air barriers for more than twelve (l2) hours in any one (1) work week.
(g) The Employers participation in wages while the Apprentice is attending Trade School shall be a minimum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per week. However, an Apprentice shall apply and if eligible to receive E.I. benefits, this shall not be applicable when such benefits commence.
(h) For the purpose of continued employment Apprentices or Improvers may be transferred to any Local of the Union, providing that the Local Union in which the Apprentice is to work does not have any Apprentices or Improvers available for employment.
(i) The ratio of Apprentices or Improvers to be applicable to any one project shall be one (l) Apprentice or Improver for the first Journeyman employed plus an additional Apprentice or Improver ...