Apprentices' Wages. An apprentice attending a provincially sponsored day school shall receive his normal weekly earnings less the Government Grant, divided by two (2).
Apprentices' Wages. (a) The weekly rate will be a percentage of the tradesperson's rate as hereunder: Four Year Term % of Tradesperson’s Weekly Rate First year 42 Second year 55 Third year 75 Fourth year 88 Three and a Half year Term % of Tradesperson’s Weekly Rate First six months 42 Next year 55 Next following year 75 Final year 88 Three Year Term % of Tradesperson’s Weekly Rate First year 55 Second year 75 Third year 88
Apprentices' Wages. An apprentice attending a provincially sponsored day school shall receive his normal weekly earnings. The apprentice shall apply for any available grants or funding, and immediately remit any monies received to the Company.
Apprentices' Wages. 13.6.1 The weekly wage rate shall be a percentage of the tradesperson’s rate as under:
13.6.1 (a) Four year term % 13.6.1 (b) Three and one half year term % 13.6.1 (c) Three year term %
13.6.2 For the purposes of this schedule Tradesperson’s rate means the rate of wage payable to a
Apprentices' Wages. An Apprentice attending an Employer approved day school shall receive their regular wage. The Apprentice shall apply for any available grants funding and immediately remit any monies received to the Employer.
Apprentices' Wages. Drywall apprentices shall receive a percentage of the Journeyman Drywall Finisher Classification. Upon completion of the Drywall Finisher Apprenticeship Program, the graduating apprentices will step to the Journeyman Drywall Finisher classification.
Apprentices' Wages. Effective 6-1-2022 Apprentice Wages – Percent of Journeyman Base Rate:
Apprentices' Wages. Notwithstanding the ratio set forth as a basis of employing apprentices, no apprentice will be laid off at any time during his apprenticeship term because the said ratio may become exceeded by a reduction in the number of Journeymen employed.
(a) While attending an approved Vocational School an Apprentice will receive from the Apprenticeship Branch allowance and school expenses, in accordance with the Government's Schedule of grants pertaining to Apprenticeship Training. In addition, the employee shall receive from the Company an allowance comprised of the difference between his regular straight time rate based on a forty hour week and the weekly living allowance granted by the Apprenticeship Branch or any other grants. Allowances provided by the Company shall not apply to any periods of retraining as specified in Section 7 (a).
(b) It is understood Apprentices are covered by all the terms of the Collective Agreement.
Apprentices' Wages. Notwithstanding the ratio set forth as a basis of employing apprentices, no apprentice will be laid off at any time during their apprenticeship term because the said ratio may become exceeded by a reduction in the number of Journeymen employed.
(a) Lantic Inc. Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plan The Supplemental Unemployment Benefit (SUB) plan covers only those employees who are recognized as being a Lantic Inc. apprentice under the terms of the Collective Agreement. This plan will supplement Employment Insurance (EI) benefits received by workers for unemployment while they are attending a Vocational School for their specific apprenticeship training. This SUB plan will not apply to any periods of retraining required to complete the Apprenticeship level. Upon release to attend apprenticeship training, Lantic Inc. will provide the employee with a Record of Employment (XXX) indicating that the employee is entitled to supplemental unemployment benefits. The employee must submit this form to Service Canada when applying for EI benefits. The employee must indicate on the EI application form that the employer will pay SUB payments and these payments must be reported separately from any other earnings received in the claim period. Employees are required to verify that they have applied for and are in receipt of EI benefits in order to receive payments under this plan. The employee will make available to the Company the cheque stubs from their employment insurance payments. The benefit paid under this plan provides that the EI benefit rate (gross amount) and the SUB payment will equal 95% of the employee’s apprentice weekly gross earnings upon release. The SUB is payable at 95% of the employee’s apprentice weekly earnings while the employee is serving the two-week EI waiting period. Any changes to the EI benefits must be reported to the company to allow for the adjustment of the SUB payment. The SUB is payable for the duration of the time the employee is attending the Vocational School for apprenticeship training. The maximum period of time that the SUB will be payable for any one training period is twelve (12) weeks. The SUB plan is financed by the general revenues of Lantic Inc. A separate record of SUB payments will be kept with the payroll. The duration and terms of this plan are subject to approval by Service Canada. If this plan is amended at any time during this period Service Canada will be informed in writing within thirty (30) days of the change. Payme...