Teacher Assistance Program. (continued)
1) If a principal has concerns about a tenured teacher’s instructional job performance, she/he will conduct a classroom observation and evaluation using the Standards of Effective Teaching.
2) The principal will meet with the teacher to discuss the evaluation and point out areas in which the teacher is not meeting standard. If the teacher’s overall job performance is below standard, the principal and teacher will develop a written plan, entitled “Level One Improvement Plan.” This plan will specify what the teacher is expected to do by what dates. This plan will also identify resources (mentors, classes, feedback, modeling, Employee Assistance, etc.) to help the teacher improve job performance. The teacher has the right to union representation at this meeting.
3) On or about the time specified in the above plan, the principal will conduct a second evaluation using the Standards of Effective Teaching. If the teacher’s overall job performance continues to be below standard, a Level Two Improvement Plan will be developed.
4) The principal will draft a Level Two Improvement Plan and set a meeting with the teacher. The teacher has the right to union representation at this meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to finalize the Level Two Improvement Plan. If the teacher is participating in the Peer Assistance and Review program, the teacher may choose not to attend this post observation conference.
5) The Level Two Improvement Plan may utilize many of the same resources, but will be notification to the teacher that job performance must improve if the teacher is to retain employment with the District. A copy of the Level Two Improvement Plan will be sent to the principal’s supervisor and the teacher’s personnel file.
6) On or about the date specified in the Level Two Improvement Plan, the principal will conduct a third evaluation, based on the Standards of Effective Teaching. The principal will make a recommendation to the principal’s supervisor based on this evaluation.
7) The principal’s supervisor will review the data pertaining to the recommendation, and will then make a recommendation to the Superintendent to support or reject the principal’s recommendation. “Below Standard” A teacher’s overall performance must Meet or Exceed Standards as of June 1 or risk losing a step advancement or longevity stipend. The principal must also be “on track” in providing support and monitoring the improvement plan. “On track” means following the actions and adhering...
Teacher Assistance Program. A. The Teacher Assistance Program shall be conducted in accordance with this Agreement and in conformity with Chapter 392-196 WAC.
B. Selection of Beginning Employees and Mentors Mentors will be selected by district administrators, including principals and/or supervisors, in conjunction with classroom teachers representing the bargaining unit. Each mentor selected for the program must:
1. Be a proficient teacher based on his or her evaluations.
2. Hold a valid professional, continuing, or standard certificate.
3. Agree to attend scheduled workshops.
4. Meet the criteria specified in the legislation (WAC 392-196). Both mentors and beginning teachers who participate will do so on a voluntary basis.
C. Program Evaluation Responsibilities of the Mentor The only evaluation required of either the beginning teacher or mentor teacher will be the state’s required program evaluation. Copies of this evaluation will be made available to the District and the Association. Neither the beginning teacher nor the mentor shall be involved in the evaluation of another staff member. Other than full-time mentors, the mentor shall not be evaluated on his or her performance as a mentor. The Association shall be involved in any District evaluation of the Teacher Assistance Program for the SPI.
D. Compensation for Participation Beginning teachers and mentors will be paid for fifteen (15) hours at their per diem rate (see Section 6.4.J.2) for participating in the KSD Mentor Program in addition to their regular salary. Mentor teachers will hold a district-wide caseload average of not more than 1:20 new teachers as long as the BEST grand funds this ratio.
E. Release Time The mentor and beginning teacher shall be allocated at least the minimum amount of release time set by the state to facilitate the program.
Teacher Assistance Program. A. The Teacher Assistance Program shall be conducted in accordance with this Agreement and in conformity with Chapter 392-196 WAC.
Teacher Assistance Program. 15 If funded, the District will follow the listed criteria and processes in implementation of the Teacher 16 Assistance Program in accordance with (WAC 392-196) and the criteria specified.
Teacher Assistance Program. 7.3.1 Participation in the mentor/mentee program will be in compliance with State rules reflected in WAC 000-000-000. The selection process for mentors will require that building principals identify staff willing to serve as mentors. Mentor teachers will be compensated at the rate listed in Appendix D.
Teacher Assistance Program. To the extent funded by the State, the District shall implement a teacher assistance program consistent with RCW 28A.415.250. This program is intended to provide assistance by mentor teachers who will provide a source of continuing and sustained support to beginning teachers, or experienced teachers, or both, both in and outside the classroom.
a. Building Colleague Mentor will work in collaboration with the district mentor coordinator and building principal to provide a system of support for educators new to the district.
b. The building colleague mentor serves as a confidential support to the educator and not as an evaluator.
c. The performance responsibilities and essential functions of the position are defined by the job description dates June 2017, and the position is anticipated to require approximately sixty (60) hours of work over the course of the year.
d. Each building colleague mentor shall work with new educators in a 1:8 ratio.
e. Compensation for this position shall be $1,800.
Teacher Assistance Program. The Board will make available to teachers an employee assistance program. No record will be kept of voluntary use of the program. Only the fact of a referral by the District and a record of an individual's attendance will be kept.
Teacher Assistance Program. The District and the Association agree to suspend the Teacher Assistance Program until the State provides designated funds to Shoreline for teacher assistance and/or mentoring. If and when such funds become available, a joint District/SEA committee shall be formed for the purpose of making recommendations to the SEA and District Bargaining Teams for a revised Teacher Assistance or Mentoring Program that is consistent with state requirements and meets the needs of Shoreline’s certificated educators.
Teacher Assistance Program. The District will follow the listed criteria and processes in implementation of the Teacher Assistance Program in accordance with (WAC 392-196) and the criteria specified.
Teacher Assistance Program. 19.1 Statement of Purpose and Program Components There shall be Teacher Assistance Programs for all unit members who are classroom teachers. The purpose of these programs is to provide collegial support from a teacher who is a trained Xxxxxx and to assure quality teaching. The Programs, depending on the availability of State funding, may include, but not be limited to, Teacher Induction Program and Permanent Teacher Assistance Program.