Benefits Coverage upon return from a leave. (a) Employees returning from a leave of absence without pay 13 during the same plan year will be reinstated to the same medical/vision/prescription 14 and dental plans (or successor plans) they had when they left County employment. If
Benefits Coverage upon return from a leave. Employees returning from a leave of absence without 6 pay during the same plan year will be reinstated to the same medical and dental benefit plans 7 (or successor plans) they had when they left County employment. If they return from leave the 8 first (1st) day of the month, coverage will be in effect upon their return from leave; otherwise, 9 coverage will be in effect the first (1st) day of the month following their return from leave.
Benefits Coverage upon return from a leave. (a) Employees returning from a leave of absence 19 without pay during the same plan year will be reinstated to the same 20 medical/vision/prescription and dental plans (or successor plans) they had when they left 21 County employment. If they return from leave the first (1st) day of the month, coverage will be 22 in effect upon their return from leave; otherwise, coverage will be in effect the first (1st) day of 23 the month following their return from leave.
(b) Employees returning from unpaid non- 25 FMLA/OFLA leave in a new plan year may enroll in different plans within thirty-one (31) days of 26 their return. Such employees must complete a health plan enrollment form upon their return to 27 work. If enrollment forms are received on the first (1st) day of the month, the changed coverage 28 will be effective that day; otherwise, the changed coverage will be in effect the first (1st) day of 29 the month following receipt of the completed enrollment forms by the County Employee 30 Benefits Office.
Benefits Coverage upon return from a leave. (a) Employees returning from a leave of absence 11 without pay during the same plan year will be reinstated to the same 12 medical/vision/prescription and dental plans (or successor plans) they had when they 14 will be in effect upon their return from leave; otherwise, coverage will be in effect the 15 first day of the month following their return from leave. 16 (b) Employees returning from unpaid non- 17 FMLA/OFLA leave in the following July to June a new plan year may enroll in different 18 plans within thirty-one (31) days of their return. Such employees must complete a 19 health plan enrollment form upon their return to work. If enrollment forms are received 20 on the first day of the month, the changes coverage will be effective that day; otherwise, 21 changes coverage will be in effect the first day of the month following receipt of the 22 completed enrollment forms by the County Employee Benefits Office.
Benefits Coverage upon return from a leave. 2 a) Employees returning from a leave of absence 3 without pay during the same plan year will be reinstated to the same medical and dental 4 benefit plans (or successor plans) they had when they left County employment. If they return 6 leave; otherwise, coverage will be in effect the first (1st) day of the month following their 7 return from leave.
8 b) Employees returning from unpaid non- 10 of their return. Such employees must complete a health plan enrollment form upon their 11 return to work. If enrollment forms are received on the first (1st) day of the month, the 12 coverage will be effective that day; otherwise, coverage will be in effect the first (1st) day of 13 the month following receipt of the completed enrollment forms by the County Employee 14 Benefits Office.
Benefits Coverage upon return from a leave. Employees returning from a leave of 9 employment. If they return from leave the first (1st) day of the month, coverage will be 11 (1st) day of the month following their return from leave.
Benefits Coverage upon return from a leave a) Employees returning from a leave of absence without pay during the same plan year will be reinstated to the same medical and dental benefit plans (or successor plans) they had when they left County employment. If they return from leave the first (1st) day of the month, coverage will be in effect upon their return from leave; otherwise, coverage will be in effect the first (1st) day of the month following their return from leave.
b) Employees returning from unpaid non- FMLA/OFLA leave in a new plan year will have an open enrollment opportunity when they return from leave for the same length of time as Open Enrollment. Such employees must notify the County Employee Benefits Office and complete the enrollment upon their return to work. If submitted enrollment is received on the first (1st) day of the month, the change will be effective that day. Otherwise, coverage will be in effect the first (1st) day of the month following the employee’s completed enrollment.
Benefits Coverage upon return from a leave. 30 (a) Employees returning from and dental benefit plans (or 31 successor plans) they had when they left County employment. If they return from leave the first (1st) day of the 32 month, coverage will be in effect upon their return from leave; otherwise, coverage will be in effect the first (1st) 33 day of the month following their return from leave. 34 35 (b) Employees returning from unpaid non-FMLA leave in the 36 following plan year may enroll in different plans within thirty-one (31) days of their return. Such employees must 37 complete a health plan enrollment form upon their return to work. If enrollment forms are received on the first 38 (1st) day of the month, the coverage will be effective that day; otherwise, coverage will be in effect the first (1st) 39 day of the month following receipt of the completed enrollment forms by the County Employee Benefits Office. 40
Benefits Coverage upon return from a leave. (a) Employees returning from a leave of 5 absence without pay during the same plan year will be reinstated to the same 8 coverage will be in effect upon their return from leave; otherwise, coverage will 9 be in effect the first day of the month following their return from leave.
Benefits Coverage upon return from a leave. (a) Employees returning from a leave of absence 8 without pay during the same plan year will be reinstated to the same medical and dental 10 from leave the first (1st) day of the month, coverage will be in effect upon their return from 11 leave; otherwise, coverage will be in effect the first (1st) day of the month following their 12 return from leave.
(b) Employees returning from unpaid non- 14 FMLA/OFLA leave in a new plan year will have an Open Enrollment opportunity when 15 they return from leave for the same length of time as Open Enrollment. Such employees 16 must notify the County Employee Benefits Office and complete enrollment upon their 17 return to work. If submitted enrollment is received on the first (1st) day of the month, the 18 change will be effective that day; otherwise, coverage will be in effect the first (1st) day of 19 the month following the employee’s completed enrollment.