Benefits for Stakeholders. The stakeholder participation for this project was not evaluated, because it would have been linked to the COP development, which never occurred.
Benefits for Stakeholders. The online reporting system will provide EPA, NMED, and the public with improved access to up-to-date regulatory information, scientific data, and analytical tools. • Improved access to regulatory information, scientific data, and analytical tools will allow for more accurate environmental information trading between NMED bureaus. • Cost savings through the reduction of person- nel requirements, white paper usage, copy cen- ter fees, and postage will be redirected to support site-specific projects (i.e., plume-front remediation system). • By allowing electronic submission, this project will simplify the transfer of progress reports, data, and supplemental information regarding plume-front remediation system.
Benefits for Stakeholders. A Sistersville Plant Project XL contact at the facility has been appointed to serve as a re- source for the community, as well as to an- swer community inquiries about the XL project. • Public files on the project have been estab- lished at both the Sistersville Public Library and the EPA Region 3 (Philadelphia) office. • Crompton continues to keep stakeholders in- formed of project status by providing copies of semiannual and annual project reports.
Benefits for Stakeholders. Stakeholders are encouraged to provide input on the project by participating in the Commu nity Advisory Committee (CAC) and by keep ing informed of project status through a local newsletter, Internet postings, news media con tacts, open houses, and local displays. The CAC also has the opportunity to review and comment on the various environmental reports being generated by the project. Playing such a high-profile role in project development and implementation increases the participation in and ownership of the entire process. • CAC members will be able to stay informed about Xxxxxxxx’x operations under the XL Permit during Xxxxxxxx’x semiannual compli ance status presentations to the CAC. • Using the performance ratio allows Andersen greater flexibility to investigate innovative methods for emissions reductions. As long as VOC emissions per unit of production are be- low the performance ratio, through this XL project Andersen has the leeway to identify and test new processes, pollution control de- vices, and recycling concepts and can cease operation and remove old equipment that re sults in high VOC emissions. The information in this summary comes from the following sources: (1) the FPA for the Xxxxxxxx Corporation Project, June 30, 1999; and (2) the 2000 Project XL Comprehensive Report, Volume 2: Directory of Project Experiments and Results, November 2000. Project Status and Results FINAL PROJECT AGREEMENT SIGNED DECEMBER 7, 2000 The main goal of this project is to develop infor mation regarding the degree to which different methodologies for liquid introduction could bring about the following environmental benefits: • Reduced need for construction of new land- fills and corresponding reduction (or elimina tion) of the land, air, and water impacts associated with landfill construction; • Decreased concentration of most leachate con stituents as recycling of leachate removes or reduces contaminants; • Reduction in the amount of leachate requiring pretreatment; • Reduction in the amount of leachate that the facility discharges to the local wastewater treat ment plant, and subsequent discharge of efflu ent to the Patuxent River; and • Reduction in post-closure care, maintenance, and risk (bioreactor landfills minimize long- term environmental risk and liability due to the controlled settlement of the solid waste during landfill operation, low potential for leachate migration into the subsurface envi ronment, and the recovery of LFG during op era...
Benefits for Stakeholders. ERP eliminated a significant number of per- mits in the printer sector. ERP gives printers the flexibility to add or modify certain equip- ment without waiting for DEP approval. • Firms in all three rollout sectors are no longer required to obtain permits for industrial waste- water. Prior to ERP, many of the firms in these sectors were required to have IWW permits, yet very few had them or even knew of these requirements. Under ERP, these firms are regu- lated more equally through the flexibility of the self-certification process. Firms benefit by a level playing field. • ERP’s annual certification requirement and well-designed workbooks help firms establish procedures, accountability, and records similar to components of a small scale environmental management system (EMS). As firms conduct the frequent compliance reviews documented in ERP workbooks, they help ensure that their business is in compliance with all applicable multimedia regulations. • Participating firms that were already in the DEP system have recognized net savings through the ERP. For example, prior to ERP, a mid- sized printer paid a $300 small-quantity gen- erator-fee, $150 to $450 for air permits, and $1,300 for an IWW permit. Under ERP, those fees were replaced with an annual fee of $200 (printers have gradation in fees depending on the size). Printers who were not already in the system, however, will see the ERP fee as a new cost. • Firms in participating ERP sectors have the opportunity to assist in the development of per- formance standards, as well as comment and review regulations proposed for their sector. • The community has better access to informa- tion through the Massachusetts Web site. In- formation on the progress of ERP is posted on the Massachusetts DEP Web site (xxx.xxxxx.xx.xx/xxx/xxx). The site includes publications, ERP sector regulations and certi- fication packets, press releases, and other back- ground material. It does not include specific information on facilities participating in the pro- gram or any data from the certifications • The ERP has brought improved public rela- tions to Project XL in that it has brought the concept of ERP to a wider, national audience. ERP has raised awareness and brought atten- tion to Project XL and displayed the ERP con- cept to a national audience. This exposure fosters the possibilities for great environmen- tal gains through other state XL projects. XxXx¬➢ v y6 tfro¿➢ct Statzs aud {➢szLts • Massachusetts DEP created a more com...
Benefits for Stakeholders. Stakeholders and project sponsors are work- ing to identify problems, establish goals, xx- xxxxxxx data needs, review monitoring results, and identify potential management actions. One project goal is to involve the local com- munity in establishing a relevant and specific watershed management plan for the EFLMR and place decision making at the local level. Clermont County’s Stakeholder Involvement Program fosters a collaborative goal-setting environment for water resources management.
Benefits for Stakeholders. The Collaborative Process Team represents an innovative feature that guarantees input from stakeholders, regulators, and facility represen- tatives throughout the life of the project. Most importantly, they are allowed to play a distinc- tive role in environmental decision making and planning for the facility—an approach never tested before to this extent in Project XL. • Implementing the effluent improvement projects has resulted in significant costs sav- ings for IP from recovery and recycling chemi- cals used in pulp and paper mill. Furthermore, IP is demonstrating its continued commitment to environmental innovation and leadership in the pulp and paper mill industry.
Benefits for Stakeholders. Stakeholders have access to progress reports from the base and will be invited to public meet- ings. • Xxxxxxxxxx AFB personnel conduct briefings on a quarterly basis with the Vandenberg Citi- xxxx Advisory Board (CAB) and the Commu- nity Advisory Council (CAC), a panel consisting of citizens appointed by the Santa Xxxxxxx County Air Pollution Control District board members. XxXx¬➢ v 9o tfro¿➢ct Statzs aud {➢szLts • Xxxxxxxxxx AFB will be able to use resources that otherwise would be spent complying with the administrative requirements of CAA Title V to upgrade combustion technologies to newer, low-NOx emission technologies. • Contingent upon meeting the milestones of the FPA and reducing annual emissions of ozone precursors by at least 10 tons by November 30, 2002, Xxxxxxxxxx AFB will be classified as a minor stationary source rather than a ma- jor stationary source for purposes of CAA Title
Benefits for Stakeholders. Throughout the evolution of the project, stake- holders have been involved in and informed about this project and have been encouraged to share their ideas and concerns through writ- ten comments and meetings open to the gen eral public, providing residents access to information and decisions regarding the project. • The information obtained from this project will provide EPA and the waste disposal industry with more data on bioreactors and their use as a potentially integral part of long-term opera tions at these and other municipal solid waste landfill sites.
Benefits for Stakeholders. The City of Jacksonville could benefit financially from the introduction of an artificial reef. Artificial reefs have proven to be effective tools that augment and enhance recreational opportunities (fishing and diving). The City of Jacksonville’s Electric Authority may benefit financially from the use of fly ash in building blocks versus typical disposal costs. NS Mayport should realize considerable direct cost savings through the synchronization of permits. This project will bring about a significant reduction in paperwork, cost, and time spent on permit renewals. This streamlining will allow NS Mayport to focus on the issues that stem from dredging and ocean disposal. In setting an environmental management standard for all Navy installations, this project will allow NS Mayport to disseminate its lessons learned from this project throughout the Navy and DoD.