BUILDING BUDGET COMMITTEE. Building principals shall involve teachers in the establishment of priorities to a building for the purpose of purchasing curriculum and instructional materials, developing curriculum, and implementing programs. The building principal and staff shall mutually determine a method of implementing the intent of this provision. Upon request, a financial statement of the building budget shall be made available to the building through the building principal. The primary responsibility for the building budget shall be with the building principal, subject to the provisions contained herein.
BUILDING BUDGET COMMITTEE. The building principal shall involve employees in the establishment of priorities and budget allocations to a building for the purpose of purchasing curriculum and instructional materials, developing curriculum, building staff development and implementing programs. The monthly financial statement for each school building shall be made available to the instructional staff. The primary responsibility for the building budget shall be the principal’s, subject to the provisions contained herein.
BUILDING BUDGET COMMITTEE. A. There shall be established in each school building a budgeting process which shall consist of members of the building School Improvement Team (SIT). The SIT may, where applicable, suggest priorities and allocations within the building budget, including but not limited to, all local, state, and federal monies, for purchasing instructional supplies, materials and equipment, developing curriculum and implementing programs such as in-service trainings.
B. A monthly report, when available, accounting for all moneys expended for each school building shall be distributed if available to the committee SIT in that building. The term "school building" is defined as any building in which instruction takes place. The primary responsibility for the administration of the building budget shall be the principal's.
C. Prior to the close of school each year, all employees in each school building shall submit in writing their requests for supplies, equipment and materials to be purchased prior to the official opening of the school year. If some items have not yet arrived by that time, the current status of such items shall be indicated through the building principal or designee to the employee involved.
BUILDING BUDGET COMMITTEE. A committee will be set up at the building level upon request of either teachers or principal to discuss that building’s budget categories. This committee will be advisory in nature, with the final decision on expenditures resting with the principal.
BUILDING BUDGET COMMITTEE. There shall be established at each school a budget committee which shall consist of one
(1) employee (instructional staff) for every five (5) employees in the building plus an administrator. The employees shall be selected by the building teaching staff, and the administrator shall be selected by the building principal. The budget committee shall recommend priorities and allocations within the building for purchasing instructional supplies, materials and equipment. The primary responsibility for the administration of the building budget shall be the principal's. Prior to the end of the school year, all employees in each school building shall submit in writing their requests for supplies, materials and equipment for the following year to the building budget committee. Every effort shall be made by the District to acquire supplies, equipment and materials prior to the official opening of the school year. If some items have not yet arrived by that time, the current status of such items shall be indicated through the building budget committee to the employee involved.
BUILDING BUDGET COMMITTEE. A. Prior to the adoption of the budget, each principal, Mt. Xxxxx Education Association designee(s), and the budget representatives shall meet to discuss and propose budget allocations for the coming year.
B. After adoption of the budget, the Superintendent will give the building principals a dollar amount representing each building's allocation. The principals shall meet with a representative group, which must include a Mt. Xxxxx Education Association designee(s), of employees from their building to discuss the dollar amounts budgeted for each building, and the specific areas of planned expenditure. Additional meetings may be conducted as necessary.
BUILDING BUDGET COMMITTEE. There shall be established in each school building a budget committee which shall consist of the building principal and one (1) member (instructional staff) for every five (5) members in the building plus the building principal. The committee shall meet a minimum of once a quarter or as needed during the school year. At these meetings all committee members will be provided with the current building budget expenditures. The budget committee shall suggest and submit established priorities and allocations within the building budget, including but not limited to, all local, state, and federal monies for purchasing instructional supplies, materials, and equipment; developing curriculum and implementing programs. No later than February 15 of each year, all members who continue in the same assignment shall submit in writing their orders through the co-op for supplies, materials, and equipment for the following year to the building budget committee, who shall forward these requests with recommendation to the Superintendent. If for any reason, the Superintendent shall modify such requests, he/she shall first meet with the building budget committee to review the situation. Every effort shall be made by the District to acquire supplies, equipment and materials prior to the official opening of the school year. If some items have not arrived, the current status of such items shall be indicated through the building budget committee to the member involved. 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976
BUILDING BUDGET COMMITTEE. After adoption of the budget or the preliminary budget, the Superintendent will give the building principals a dollar amount for each building budget. The principal shall meet with a representative group of employees from their building to discuss, for informational purposes, the dollar amounts budgeted per building and the specific areas of planned expenditure. Additional meetings may be conducted as necessary and by mutual agreement.
BUILDING BUDGET COMMITTEE. The building principal shall involve employees in the establishment of priorities and budget allocations within a building for the purpose of purchasing curriculum and instructional materials, purchase of consumable classroom supplies, and implementing programs. Supplies and consumables shall be $425.00, with an annual increase equal to the IPD per employee per year at the elementary and $225.00, with an annual increase equal to the IPD