- CITIZEN'S COMPLAINTS. Any citizen may make a complaint, in writing, giving full particulars to the Corporation, of any violation of duty or law by any employee. Such complaint must be in writing, signed by the complainant and filed with the Head of the Department within seven (7) calendar days of the violation before any disciplinary action is taken by the Corporation. The Employer agrees to notify the employee involved within ten (10) days of receipt of the citizen’s complaint.
- CITIZEN'S COMPLAINTS. It is recognized that the citizen's complaints against police officers must be investigated in order to preserve the integrity of the profession. Unsubstantiated unsigned citizen complaints shall not be placed in employee's personnel file. The investigation shall be carried out in an expeditious and professional manner. All record of citizen complaints shall be removed from the employee's personnel file after one (1) year from date of most recent complaint.
- CITIZEN'S COMPLAINTS. In the event that a citizen should raise a complaint concerning an administrator, an employee whom he/she supervises, or a program, the citizen shall be asked to first discuss the matter with the affected administrator. The complaint shall be called to the administrator’s attention within five (5) workdays.
- CITIZEN'S COMPLAINTS. A police officer that has a complaint lodged against the officer, which if true, would not constitute a violation of New York State Penal Law or of any other penal law or criminal code, by a citizen, shall have the substance of the complaint presented to the officer in writing.
- CITIZEN'S COMPLAINTS. Citizen complaints against an employee shall not be included in an employee's personnel record unless such complaint results in a disciplinary action taken against the employee.
- CITIZEN'S COMPLAINTS. Section 1. Complaints by civilians against a bargaining unit member shall be in writing and signed by the complainant. In the event a civilian complainant cannot or will not execute a written complaint, the City representative to whom the complaint is made will reduce it to writing, including the complainant's name, identifying information, and the date the complaint was made; and verify the information received with his or her signature. The City will furnish a copy of the complaint to the employee against whom the complaint has been filed and to the Union at least three (3) calendar days after an investigation is initiated and in no case fewer than seventy-two
- CITIZEN'S COMPLAINTS. Any citizen may make a complaint in writing to the Employer of any violation of duty or law by an employee. Such complaint must be in writing, signed by the complainant, and filed with the Head of the Department before any disciplinary action is taken by management.
- CITIZEN'S COMPLAINTS. Citizen’s complaints are minor complaints (see Section 6.2) that are not serious and are non-criminal in nature. {52.2.1 a}
- CITIZEN'S COMPLAINTS. Section 1 In the event that a citizen should raise a complaint concerning an administrator, an employee whom he/she supervises, or a program, the citizen shall be asked to first discuss the matter with the affected administrator.
Section 2 Should the complaint remain unresolved after Section 1, the citizen, if further action is desired, shall be asked to place the complaint in writing and submit it to the superintendent. Upon receipt of this written or verbal complaint, the superintendent or his/her designee shall investigate the same. The specific issue(s) of the investigation will be communicated to the affected administrator(s) either orally or by confidential memorandum. No disciplinary action will be taken until the affected administrator has been given the opportunity to provide the necessary background information either orally or by confidential memorandum.
Section 4 After the completion of Section 3, the superintendent may prepare a report and may make a recommendation to the BOARD within thirty (30) working days of the date of the complaint after first communicating the contents of such report to the affected administrator(s) either orally or by confidential memorandum. The ASSOCIATION shall have the right to conduct a parallel investigation, to review the evidence, and to receive a copy of the superintendent’s report at the request of the affected ASSOCIATION member(s).
Section 5 Should action adverse to the administrator be initiated as a result of the investigation, such action will be subject to the terms of the grievance procedure.
- CITIZEN'S COMPLAINTS. Section 1. Complaints by civilians against a bargaining unit member shall be in writing and signed by the complainant. In the event a civilian complainant cannot or will not execute a written complaint, the City representative to whom the complaint is made will reduce it to writing, including the complainant’s name, identifying information, and the date the complaint was made; and verify the information received with his or her signature. The City will furnish a copy of the complaint to the employee against whom the complaint has been filed and to the Union at least three (3) calendar days after an investigation is initiated and in no case fewer than seventy-two (72) hours prior to an investigatory meeting at which an employee will be asked to respond to the complaint.
Section 2. All complaints filed in conformance with Section 1 will be investigated in a fair and impartial manner pursuant to Department policy. The employee against whom a complaint has been filed, and/or other employees who may face disciplinary action as a result of the complaint, are entitled, upon request, to Union representation during any investigatory interviews.
Section 3. All complaints that are determined to be unfounded shall not be included in any personnel file of the affected employee and may not be used in any subsequent disciplinary procedure. Anonymous materials shall not be placed in an employee’s personnel files unless an investigation determines the complaint is “sustained.” All items in an employee’s file with regard to complaints and investigations will be clearly marked with respect to final disposition.