Civil Service Rights. When the subject matter of a grievance to which Article 4, Settlement of Disputes applies is also within the jurisdiction of the Minneapolis Civil Service Commission, the resolution of the dispute may proceed through the grievance procedure or the Civil Service appeals procedure. However, once the employee files an appeal to the Civil Service Commission, the Union’s right to pursue a grievance under Article 4 is terminated. Notwithstanding anything in the Civil Service Rules to the contrary, an employee’s right to file an appeal with the Civil Service Commission expires on the later of: ten (10) days after the deadline for the Union to file a grievance under this Article; or ten (10) days after the employee has notice from the Union of its final decision not to file pursue a grievance. The Union shall provide notice to the City of such decision promptly after providing notice to the employee.
Civil Service Rights. The procedure set forth above shall serve as the only method of resolving challenges to disciplinary action and wholly replaces the statutory provisions set forth in Section 75 and Section 76 of New York State Civil Service Law.
Civil Service Rights. In the event that the employee or the Union disagrees with the final resolution of a grievance resulting from a disciplinary matter or an adverse employment action, then the employee and the Union shall have the right to seek relief in accordance with the statutory provisions set forth in Sections 75 and 76 of the New York State Civil Service Law.
Civil Service Rights. When the subject matter of a grievance to which Article 3, Settlement of Disputes applies is also within the jurisdiction of the Minneapolis Civil Service Commission the resolution of the dispute may proceed through the grievance procedure or the Civil Service appeals procedure. However, once the employee files an appeal to the Civil Service Commission, the Association’s right to pursue a grievance under Article 3 is terminated. Notwithstanding anything in the Civil Service Rules to the contrary, an employee’s right to file an appeal with the Civil Service Commission expires on the later of: ten (10) days after the deadline for the Association to file a grievance under this Article; or ten (10) days after the employee has received notice from the Association of its final decision not to pursue a grievance. The Association shall provide notice to the City of such decision promptly after providing notice to the employee. Nothing in this contract shall prevent an employee from pursuing both a grievance under this contract and a charge of discrimination brought under Title VII, The Americans with Disabilities Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, or the Equal Pay Act.
Civil Service Rights. 4.5.1 The procedure under this Article shall be the sole and exclusive procedure with respect to disciplinary actions and replaces Section 75 and 76 of the New York State Civil Service Law.
Civil Service Rights. If the evaluation is a primary or contributing factor in future adverse action (i.e., demotion, separation, etc.) the employee shall have such hearing rights as are provided by the Civil Service Commission.
Civil Service Rights. Discipline for an employee who has completed two years of continuous service will be entitled to all rights and privileges under Section 75 of New York State Civil Service Law shall vest pursuant to the statutory terms.
Civil Service Rights. The grievance and arbitration provisions of this article are adopted in lieu of and as a replacement for the provisions of Section 75 and 76 of the Civil Service Law, Section 8-804 of the Village Law, and any similar statutory provisions are hereby waived with respect to the employees covered by this Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Civil Service Rights. The employees covered by this Agreement shall retain their civil service rights now in effect and regulated by Chapter 31 of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Civil Service Rights. 3.4.1 Any employee afforded a hearing under Civil Service Law or Section 18.3.2 of this contract shall receive one.
3.4.2 All employees covered by this Agreement shall be treated as if covered by the benefits of Section 75 of the Civil Service Law for the purpose of discipline, except that the procedure of Section 75 shall be modified in the respects provided in this Article.
3.5.1 STEP 1: