CLASS PREPARATIONS. 1. Originating sites agree that for a teacher acting as a presenter of a telecommunications class (during the regular school day), the telecommunications course taught shall count as one (1) preparation as reflected on the daily teaching schedule.
CLASS PREPARATIONS. 1. A teacher assigned to teach via TIDSS, shall have a maximum number of three class preparations including the telecommunications class. However, if it is necessary to exceed the maximum number of preparations one of the following two options may be implemented. a. One additional preparation period b. A stipend of $500 per semester
CLASS PREPARATIONS. Class preparations at the high school shall be defined as the number of different courses a teacher is assigned for any semester. Absent exceptional circumstances, the maximum number of preparations shall be four (4). Any exceptions to the provisions of this Article and reason for such exceptions shall be noted in writing to the Union.
CLASS PREPARATIONS. Every attempt will be made to limit teacher class preparation in grades 7-12, to three (3) per semester. In the event this limit is not possible, preference for class assignments will be given according to certification and seniority, with the least senior teacher receiving the additional preparations.
CLASS PREPARATIONS. Article IX, Section 6 (Class Preparations) of the Collective 24 Bargaining Agreement shall not apply to these programs.
CLASS PREPARATIONS. The Board agrees that the district average number of class preparations per teacher shall not exceed
CLASS PREPARATIONS. A teacher assigned to teach via interactive television shall have a maximum number of three class preparations including the telecommunications classes. However, if it is necessary to exceed the maximum number of preparations the teacher shall receive a stipend of $500 per semester.
CLASS PREPARATIONS. 1. Every effort will be made to assign Professional Staff Members at the high school and middle school no more than three (3) class preparations a day per semester. Any level within a given subject, which has a separate course of study and is identified by a separate course name, is considered a distinct and separate preparation from all other levels within that subject. If deemed necessary, an assignment of four (4) class preparations per day will be given first to Professional Staff Members who volunteer. However, the principal may make an involuntary assignment of more than three (3) class preparations per day after consultation with the appropriate Department Chair and the affected Professional Staff Member. This will occur only if student course requests so dictate after the master scheduling has been completed and no later than the last day of the school year, unless enrollment changes after the close of the school year require otherwise. There will be no involuntary assignment of five (5) class preparations per day, except under extraordinary circumstances. 2. Every effort will be made to equalize class size within each department as much as possible, based upon student enrollment and need.
CLASS PREPARATIONS. All efforts will be made to assign secondary school teachers no more than three (3) separate preparations per semester. An academic advisory or academic tutor assignment is not considered a preparation for purposes of this Section. The normal teaching load for regular classroom teachers in the K-5 schools will not exceed six (6) hours and forty (40) minutes per day. At the middle and high schools, the normal weekly teaching load for regular classroom teachers will not exceed six (6) teaching periods and one (1) academic advisory or academic tutor lab and
CLASS PREPARATIONS. The aggregate number of class preparations shall not normally exceed ten (10) per year and student contact hours for each faculty shall be considered in determining load. An effort shall be made to maintain equity in load.