Teaching Periods. A. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Teaching periods and/or assignments in the elementary schools shall be those assigned by the administration.
B. There shall be no split classes at the elementary level in grades one and two.
C. Three (3) half days shall be established in each elementary school and two (2) half days in the middle and high school for parent-teacher conferences and home visits.
D. SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL/MIDDLE SCHOOL – High school and middle school teachers shall have six (6) standard periods per day, five (5) of which shall be teaching periods plus a homeroom assignment or its equivalent.
E. The District will provide elementary teachers with 200 minutes of preparation per week.
Teaching Periods. Unit members shall be assigned five (5) teaching periods per work day, or a comparable work schedule within the seven and one-half (7 1/2) hour work day specified in Section 9.1.1 above.
Teaching Periods. When possible, Bargaining Unit Members will not be assigned three (3) consecutive teaching periods. However, it is understood that this will not be possible for all Bargaining Unit Members.
Teaching Periods. 5 5 Conferences and Expenses.............................................................. 6 5 Teacher Employment Files ............................................................. 7 6 County, State, Federal Programs – Teacher Participation .............. 8 6 Non-Teaching Assignments............................................................ 9 6 Liability........................................................................................... 10 6 Student Discipline and Teacher Protection ..................................... 11 6 Staff Development .......................................................................... 12 7
Teaching Periods. It is agreed that the Board of Education will exercise due diligence to achieve the realization of the following standard with a minimum of reasonable necessary exceptions:
A. Secondary school teachers shall not be required to teach more than 1250 minutes per week (middle school-including Quest and Advisory) or 1265 minutes per week (high school).
B. Secondary school teachers shall not be required to teach more than two subject areas in any school term.
C. Secondary school teachers shall not be required to have more than three teaching preparations in any school day.
D. Teaching (as referenced in this Article) shall be defined as time in which a teacher is actively involved with a class of multiple students in the art of teaching and for which he/she has participated in the preparing, implementing and/or evaluating student learning.
E. Under extraordinary circumstances, a secondary school teacher may be requested to teach an additional class of students such that the teacher teaches more than the minutes specified in Article 20 paragraph A above. In such instances, the teacher shall be paid up to an additional .2 of his/her yearly salary for teaching the additional class. Any teacher who receives additional pay in accordance with this paragraph shall remain responsible for the typical number of duties. If the additional class occurs during preparation time, the teacher shall not be compensated for lost preparation time.
F. For classes that are determined by the administration to require additional teaching, preparation and student tutoring time than is required for the typical class, the administration may designate the class as an “extra duty class” and compensate the teacher of that class for the extra teaching time in accordance with the following formula:
Teaching Periods. A. Academic, subject-area secondary school teachers shall not be assigned more than five (5) teaching sections per day unless consent of the teacher is given annually, provided, however, the practice relating to laboratory classes shall continue. In lieu of assigning any teacher a teaching period(s), the administration may assign a teacher, to a curriculum or other educational or professional project.
B. Teachers in secondary schools who work in major academic departments (specifically English, Social Studies, Mathematics and Science) shall not be required to teach in more than two (2) subject areas or to teach more than a total of three (3) different courses within the regular five
Teaching Periods. The general practice of scheduling teaching periods shall be covered by these standards. Deviation may occur where there is mutual consent for experimental programs or where other temporary conditions may require it. Assigned teaching periods may be amended should the district adopt another alternative instructional model for elementary, middle and/or high school.
A. Principals shall publish a schedule of duty assignments by the second Monday of each semester. Administrators shall consult with building representatives to review duty schedules in order to rotate all duties among all teachers assigned to their building. Building administrators may deviate from the elementary, middle school and high school schedules to accommodate State and Federal testing programs.
B. The daily time schedule for elementary teachers shall be seven (7) hours and twenty- six (26) minutes. This shall include an average of 325 minutes of instruction (except during the first and last weeks of the school year and those weeks shortened by the negotiated calendar or "acts of God"), and a thirty (30) minute continuous duty-free lunch period. All teachers shall be in their classrooms fifteen (15) minutes prior to the commencement of the regular school day and fifteen (15) minutes at the conclusion of the regular school day. Entry time into the classrooms for students shall commence fifteen (15) minutes after teachers are scheduled to be in their classrooms. The Board of Education may schedule enrichment classes within the school day. If regularly scheduled enrichment time is missed because of the absence of a librarian, elementary physical education, art, or vocal music teacher, the regular classroom teacher, whose enrichment class was missed and who taught during the time period usually taught by the absent enrichment teacher, shall be compensated for the amount of time according to the established rate (as stated in Article II). Enrichment grades will be placed on report cards by enrichment staff. Request for report cards must be made 24 hours in advance of the requested date. If report cards are not in the building, a list of grades will be given for the classroom teacher to place on the report cards. Should electronic report cards be adopted by the district, alternative procedures for posting report cards may be necessary. In the event of an elementary principal's absence, due to school business or illness, a designated teacher will be available to serve as a stand-in for emergenci...
Teaching Periods. All provisions for salaries and increments specified in this guide are based on the assumption that personnel have certification with permanent validity for their position as prescribed by State Law and State Board of Education Rules and Regulations.
Teaching Periods. The daily teaching load for employees shall not exceed five (5) periods, except by mutual consent of the employee and the administration.
1. No employee shall be required to teach more than three (3) consecutive class periods except by mutual consent of the employee and the administration.
2. No employee shall be required to teach more than three different subject preparations except by mutual consent of the employee and the administration.
Teaching Periods. The normal weekly teaching load in the elementary schools shall be thirty (30) teaching periods. Xxx Elementary – Common Planning: Wednesday – Early release for students at 1:40 p.m. Xxx building meeting until 3:40 p.m. Wednesday – once per month – District-wide meetings K-12 Xxx teachers report to school at 7:30 a.m. to meet with 6-12 teachers 8:40 a.m. – begin Xxx Elementary day with students 1:40 p.m. – students early release Xxx teachers to have planning and building meetings Xxx teachers are released at 2:30 p.m. on days when they have District- wide meetings.