Client Requirements. Client shall provide Xxxx with all necessary cooperation, information, data, files, material etc. in advance to allow Xxxx to carry out its contractual obligations and to deliver the Xxxx Services under the SOW. In the event of a delay caused by Client, Xxxx shall be excused of its performance but solely to the extent caused by the delay and only until such delay is resolved. Xxxx shall notify Client of such delays.
Client Requirements. Client responsibilities and/or requirements in support of this Agreement include:
Client Requirements. For the purposes of connecting to the Client’s data source, Nakisa shall provide Client with the requirements to that effect. Client shall provide Nakisa, only upon request, with any licensed technology or software that Nakisa may reasonably require in the execution of the Subscription Services. Client is responsible to advise Nakisa of any changes made to data and configuration which could have a potential impact on the integration activities to be performed by Nakisa, if any. Support Services. Nakisa will provide support services as set forth herein in respect to the hosted cloud environment, in particular by enabling Client to contact support to request immediate assistance for problems encountered while using Subscription Services provided by Nakisa. The Client shall remain responsible for any installations, configurations, use of any other applications, networks, databases or otherwise that has not been installed, configured or otherwise approved by Nakisa.
Client Requirements. Client responsibilities and/or requirements in support of this Agreement include: • Payment for all support costs at the agreed interval. • Availability of client representative(s) when resolving a service related incident or request. • Maintain Software updates to be no more than two (2) release versions behind the current commercially and generally available release. • Providing the following information upon initial contact when opening a support case or reporting a problem:
a) Software version;
b) URL (Page) of the website where error occurred;
c) Screenshot of the website (Page) of the error or where error occurred;
d) Error text when applicable;
e) Steps to reproduce the error; and
f) Such other information as Upendo may require to reproduce and correct the error.
Client Requirements. Client agrees to provide the following items within 2 business days of paid invoice:
A. Provide admin access to FacebookTM ad account
B. Provide admin access to business FacebookTM page
C. Provide access to client digital assets (pictures, videos, and previous ad designs or campaigns)
D. Provide access to a database of prospective clients Client agrees to provide the following items monthly:
Client Requirements. In order to complete the tasks outlined above, the Client is required to furnish the following materials to the Contractor. Client understands and agrees that work will be delayed until all of the Client requirements are fulfilled. In many industries the Client will be required to invest significant time assisting in the creation of industry specific information. Contractor may not have the industry expertise to create this type of information for the Client. Client agrees to provide timely support or to engage another firm to create this information.
Client Requirements. Provided by Sub-Licensee for the duration of the Agreement period. MS Windows Operating System (Windows 7 or greater) Internet connection Internet Explorer 9, 10 or 11 for PC Within forty-five (45) days of Licensor’s receipt of this executed Agreement, Licensor shall deploy the Software and establish each User Account identified by Sub-Licensee in same.
Client Requirements. 4.2.1. Down Time. If needed, Client will allow OneNeck up to twelve (12) consecutive hours of unavailability during Non-Production Hours for Baan application and Oracle each month on a regularly scheduled day as agreed upon by the Parties. The purpose of this monthly period of unavailability is for OneNeck to perform software and data maintenance activities, e.g. database reorganization, general application maintenance.
Client Requirements. Company will comply with all Client Guidelines, as may be modified from time to time with respect to the content and features of the Company Sites and Webpages on which EduSearch Results are displayed. Additionally, Company will comply with all additional restrictions, terms and conditions required by Clients with respect to EduSearch Results (including with respect to the Client Branding included within such EduSearch Results), and with respect to Leads generated and forwarded to such Clients. ESN will communicate such Client Requirements and additional restrictions, terms and conditions to Company, who shall promptly thereafter comply therewith.
Client Requirements. Greenway shall ensure that all Software is free from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, adware, and other malicious code. Greenway shall not use the Software to disrupt Client’s computer systems or network equipment. In the event that Client loses or damages any media provided by Greenway that contains the Software, then, upon written notice from Client, Greenway shall provide a replacement copy of the media at no additional charge.