COMMITMENT TO TRAINING. The parties to this Agreement recognise that, in order to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the Company, a greater commitment to training and skills development is required of the Company and its employees. Accordingly, the parties commit themselves to: • developing a more highly skilled and flexible workforce; • providing employees with the opportunity to acquire additional skills; and • removing demarcation barriers to enable utilisation of skills acquired.
COMMITMENT TO TRAINING. The parties recognise that, in order to increase the efficiency, productivity and competitiveness of the Company, a positive commitment to training and skill development is required. Accordingly, the parties commit to: • Developing a more highly skilled and flexible workforce • Providing employees with career opportunities through appropriate training to acquire additional skillsRemoving barriers to the utilisation of skills acquired unless licensing requirements prohibit this.
COMMITMENT TO TRAINING. The parties to this agreement recognise that in order to increase the efficiency and productivity of the enterprise and also the national and international competitiveness of the industry, a greater commitment to training and skill development is required. Accordingly, the parties commit themselves to: (a) Developing a more highly skilled and flexible workforce; (b) Providing employees with career opportunities through appropriate training to acquire additional skills; and (c) Removing barriers to the use of skills acquired.
COMMITMENT TO TRAINING. The Crédit Agricole S.A. Group intends to recognise and promote the ability of its employees to acquire and develop the skills needed to maintain and develop their employability. Group companies shall train their employees throughout their professional lives, regardless of their category, using appropriate systems. In particular, they will ensure that they maintain and develop cross-functional skills and competencies (cognitive, social, situational, etc.) made necessary by the increase in the rate of obsolescence of technical skills. In order to promote equal access to training for employees, it is recommended to: • Ensure that training is provided, during working hours, in the classroom or via e-learning, depending on the context and the objectives; • Ensure a reduction in travel constraints associated with training initiatives of equal training quality.
COMMITMENT TO TRAINING. The District will provide adequate training commensurate with workload and mission requirements. Management will make good faith efforts to assist employees in partaking of training when necessary.
COMMITMENT TO TRAINING. (a) The parties commit themselves to the development and implementation of training courses as it is regarded by them as appropriate and improving the training in cases where this is required. (b) It is agreed that the parties will co-operate in ensuring that appropriate training is available for all employees in the industry and the parties agree to co-operate in encouraging both the Company and employees to avail themselves of the benefits to be had from such training. (c) The parties to this Agreement recognise that in order to increase the efficiency, productivity and international competitiveness of industry, a greater commitment to training and skill development is required. Accordingly, the parties commit themselves to: (i) developing a more highly skilled and flexible workforce; (ii) providing employees with career opportunities through appropriate training to acquire additional skills; and (iii) removing barriers to the utilisation of skills acquired.
COMMITMENT TO TRAINING. The Parties recognize the value of a well trained work force and the need for a well planned and executed employee development program. The Parties agree that training efforts are to be aimed at improving job performance, providing for career development opportunities, and meeting the needs created by evolving technologies, changes in mission requirements or positions, and any special work-related needs of the Employees.
COMMITMENT TO TRAINING. It is the expectation of the parties that non-CDL drivers shall be offered free CDL training while working as non-CDL drivers. Furthermore, upon successfully obtaining a CDL, non-CDL drivers will be given priority in obtaining available open CDL driver positions.
COMMITMENT TO TRAINING. Queensland Health is committed to the ongoing training of the dental officers in order to maintain current best practice, employee satisfaction and high levels of patient safety. Schedule 5 - Maintenance of PO/TO Entitlements
COMMITMENT TO TRAINING. Employees shall not unreasonably refuse to participate in training initiatives that will enable workforce flexibility and the implementation of technological changes. Training will occur in line with an employee’s Training Plan.