Community Survey. To maximize survey participation, the phone survey was designed to contain a manageable number of questions so that it could be completed within a short amount of time. Questions regarding the health and healthcare needs of the community were modeled after the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (CDC-BRFSS) survey, as these questions have been validated through a long record of use and are comparable to state or national data. The survey also sought residents’ perspectives regarding what they considered to be the top health concern in their community now, as well as their current level of concern about issues identified in previous health needs assessments (e.g. obesity). In addition, the survey asked about emerging problems that may not have been preeminent in previous health needs assessments (e.g. drug addiction). Finally, participants were asked a series of questions to gauge the awareness and reach of existing Parkview Health Service programs among community residents. Sample quotas of 300 adults per county for the seven-county area were achieved for a total of 2,101 respondents participating in the survey (Figure 6).
Community Survey. An online community transportation survey (in English and Spanish) will be performed to gauge the public perception of current and future transportation needs, gaps, and demand in the Cheyenne area, as well as gain insights on the public’s thoughts and opinions of existing CTP service. While many people will not participate in public meetings, they may take the time to complete a short online questionnaire at a time that is convenient for them, particularly during COVID-19. However, we understand that there will be residents who cannot or choose not to use the online version so a PDF version will also be made available. The survey link will be posted on the project website, and we will work with the PSC to have it incorporated in newsletters, distributed by local stakeholders, and shared on social media. We will tabulate responses and provide a summary report. Our team proposes to conduct an onboard survey of fixed-route transit riders. However, we recognize that CTP is currently operating a curbside on-demand service, so we will work with the PSC at the kick- off meeting to determine how to best conduct this survey if services remain on-demand or if fixed-route service resumes. An onboard survey is the best means of engaging existing transit riders in the planning process. Many passengers are willing to complete a survey questionnaire during their bus trip, while the number of passengers who typically attend any type of meeting is much lower. The trip origins and destinations and the level of satisfaction with existing CTP services will provide our team and the PSC with insight into the most appropriate transportation services that will maximize system utilization and operational efficiency. A self-administered bilingual (English/Spanish) survey questionnaire will be used to collect the data, and have been used by the LSC team in hundreds of onboard surveys.
Community Survey. Este censo es para ayudar a Un Kilo de Ayuda a mejorar sus sesiones de educación nutricional (pláticas y talleres). Esto censo es completamente voluntario y anónimo. Usted no necesita responder a ninguna de estas preguntas si no quiere. Por favor, no ponga su nombre en este papel. Si responde o no, por favor ponga el censo adentro del sobre que tiene la comisionada. Muchas Gracias!
1. Favor de clasificar los siguientes servicios de Un Kilo de Ayuda del 1 al 6 en orden de importancia para usted y su familiar en cuanto a la salud y bienestar de su niño (1= más importante, 6=menos importante). No repetir ningún número. Paquete Nutricional Pláticas, Talleres y Educación Nutricional Detección y Tratamiento de Anemia Neurodesarrollo y Estimulación Visitas de la Doctora Vigilancia Nutricional (Medir y Pesar)
2. Qué edad tiene su niño o niños, que están en el programa? (Encerrar todas en un circulo)
3. Ha venido alguien de Un Kilo de Ayuda a visitar su hogar? (Encerrar en un circulo) SI NO ¿Quisiera que alguien de Un Kilo de Ayuda visite su hogar? (Encerrar en un circulo) SI NO
4. Cuál es la información más útil que ha aprendido durante una plática de Un Kilo de Ayuda? ¿Cuál es la información menos útil que ha aprendido durante una plática de Un Kilo de Ayuda?
5. Cómo clasificaría a su promotor de Un Kilo de Ayuda quien está encargado de las pláticas? (Encerrar en un circulo) Excelente Bueno Más o Menos Mal Excelente Bueno Más o Menos Mal Excelente Bueno Más o Menos Mal
6. Preferiría traer o dejar a su niño(s) a las sesiones de Un Kilo de Ayuda? (Encerrar en un circulo) Dejarlo(s) Traerlo(s) No importa Sí No No sé
7. Preferiría que los promotores den más, menos, o la misma cantidad de información durante una sesión de Un Kilo de Ayuda? (Encerrar en un circulo) Más Menos Igual ¿Por cuánto tiempo preferiría que los promotores den pláticas en sesiones de Un Kilo de Ayuda? (Encerrar en un circulo) Cada 2 semanas Una vez al mes Una vez cada dos meses Más Menos Igual
8. Cuánta información siente que entiende de la que el promotor xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx las pláticas o talleres de Un Kilo de Ayuda? (Encerrar en un circulo) Todo Mayoría Más o Menos Casi Nada Nada
9. Cuál de estas formas le ayuda más a usted a entender la información nutricional; las pláticas del promotor, hacer actividades o hacer talleres? (Encerrar en un circulo)
10. En general, ¿por cuánto tiempo quisiera escuchar una plática o hacer un taller durante la visita de Un Kilo de Ayuda? (Encerrar en un circulo)...
Community Survey. With approval on the finalized version, the CONSULTANT will issue a custom survey to the public of Lewis County. This survey will be accessible through online channels. This survey will be used as a community engagement tool to give all residents the opportunity to participate.
Community Survey. Develop and issue an online community survey to gauge parking and transportation perceptions and behaviors and help create initial design criteria for the parking facilities in keeping with the overall vision for the Mukilteo waterfront.
Community Survey. A reliable, comprehensive, and representative annual survey of members of the Antelope Valley community, station personnel, and detained arrestees, will be conducted by the Monitors concerning the public’s experiences with, and perceptions of, the AV Stations.
Community Survey. Developed anonlinecommunitysurveybased ontheinitial feedback received fromstakeholder interviews andtown staffregarding housing in the Town of Friday Harbor. Encourage broad-based participation by publicizing the survey on the Town’s website and other web based platforms (Town- supported social media channels and town webpage), QR codes, or via ourstakeholder participants.)
Community Survey. With approval on the finalized version, the CONSULTANT will issue a custom survey to the public of Xxxxx County. This survey will be accessible through online channels. This survey will be used as a community engagement tool to give all residents the opportunity to participate.
Community Survey. Using the project web page as a portal, SEH will develop up a project-specific issues and opportunities survey to help identify pertinent community issues and opportunities to be addressed in the comprehensive plan. Paper copies can be also be provided at the library and City Hall for people who do not have ready access to the internet.
Community Survey. Engaging community members and property owners provides opportunity for parking and other planned improvements to align with their values and expectations, which is conditional upon their participation. Survey community members and property owners via email questionnaire to obtain their input on the concepts and alternatives considered for each of the eight (8) planning elements identified in the Project Introduction & Understanding. Compile survey findings and outreach efforts into a summary memorandum. Schedule the survey so that findings inform Task 2.6.