Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Sample Clauses

Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement. This project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the DIR. The County must withhold contract payments from the Contractor as directed by the DIR, pursuant to California Labor Code section 1727.
Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement. A. EPA will continue to directly implement its authority for the 404 Permit Program in “Indian country,” as that term is defined at 18 U.S.C. § 1151, including conducting necessary compliance monitoring and enforcement actions for activities and sites located on Indian country. B. EPA will retain responsibility for any pending enforcement actions undertaken by EPA prior to the date of EPA’s approval of the State 404 Permit Program. FDEP shall have primary responsibility for compliance monitoring and enforcement of the State 404 Permit Program. FDEP will take timely and appropriate enforcement action against persons in violation of permit conditions of permits issued pursuant to the State 404 Permit Program and against persons conducting unauthorized discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States over which FDEP has assumed jurisdiction under the State 404 Permit Program. C. FDEP shall notify EPA of the status of compliance and enforcement actions through submission of an annual report described in Section IV.B. of this Agreement. D. EPA may request the opportunity to review any compliance and enforcement record. FDEP shall provide to EPA a copy of the file when requested. Claims of confidentiality for such information shall be governed by 40 C.F.R. § 233.3. E. FDEP shall coordinate with EPA when a violation is identified that is within the permit and discharge categories in Section II.B.(1) of this Agreement. FDEP shall provide a summary of the unauthorized activity and inform EPA of the status of the file as enforcement actions are taken, including any decision to accept an after-the-fact permit application. In the event that an after-the- fact permit application is accepted, FDEP shall follow the permit review procedures set forth in this Agreement, the CWA and its implementing regulations. F. FDEP may refer information regarding possible or alleged violations to EPA and may request that EPA consider initiating a parallel or independent enforcement action. Such circumstances include, but are not limited to: (1) Violations that have or have a reasonable potential to have direct impacts on waters of a tribe or another state; (2) Major or repeat offenses; and (3) Violations that have, or will potentially have, major adverse resource impacts or impacts on special federal resources, such as federally listed threatened or endangered species. G. EPA may initiate independent or parallel enforcement actions in accordance with Sections 309...
Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement. Current laws and regulations shall be enforced. No unauthorized moorings are allowed to exist within Tomales Bay. GFNMS staff, in coordination with other TBIC agencies shall conduct regular ongoing compliance monitoring and maintain a database of permitted moorings on the bay. • Once the MP initial rollout process is completed unauthorized moorings are subject to removal at the owner’s expense and would be in violation of local, state and federal laws and regulations. Ling of Party Arge Lawsons Landing Tomales Point Area Outside GFNMS Jurisdiction Combined Mooring Exclusion Areas Mooring Zones Figure 1a Cypress Grove Pacific Xxxxxxxx Boat Works Ocean Marconi Figure 1b Chicken Ranch Millerton Point Nautical Miles O Nicks Cove Xxxxxx Xxxx Mooring Zones Based on Siting Criteria Area Outside GFNMS Jurisdiction Mooring Zones Combined Mooring Exclusion Areas Cypress Grove
Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement. [INSERT ENTITY NAME] shall be responsible for enforcing violations of federal, state, and local pretreatment standards and regulations. [INSERT ENTITY NAME] agrees to carry out monitoring and inspection activities to determine compliance by industrial users with pretreatment standards in a manner essentially consistent with such activities then being undertaken by Chattanooga. [INSERT ENTITY NAME] may contract with a competent person, corporation, or governmental agency, including Chattanooga, to sample and analyze wastewater samples. Chattanooga shall be furnished a copy of the data obtained from such monitoring activities by [INSERT ENTITY NAME] and a copy of all industrial monitoring reports submitted by users of the WCTS. [INSERT ENTITY NAME] and Chattanooga may collect effluent samples from [INSERT ENTITY NAME]’s WCTS, including any dischargers within [INSERT ENTITY NAME]’s WCTS. Chattanooga and [INSERT ENTITY NAME] agree to cooperate in the collection of such samples and to exchange the results of any analysis of such split samples. [INSERT ENTITY NAME] agrees to work jointly with Chattanooga in processing applications for discharge of industrial waste or other regulated waste into the Chattanooga WCTS. Both Parties shall have the authority to withhold approval of an application for discharge of industrial or other regulated waste for cause. The approval of any such application will not be unreasonably withheld.
Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement. Current laws and regulations shall be enforced. No unauthorized moorings are allowed to exist within Tomales Bay. GFNMS staff, in coordination with other TBIC agencies shall conduct regular ongoing compliance monitoring and maintain a database of permitted moorings on the bay. • Once the MP initial rollout process is completed unauthorized moorings are subject to removal at the owner’s expense and would be in violation of local, state and federal laws and regulations.
Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement. Registrar agrees to comply with and facilitate random tests on samples of registered names to ensure compliance with the TOU. In addition, Registrar agrees to enforce the terms of the TOU as they relate to the Registered Name Xxxxxx as directed by the Registry Operator. In the event of a dispute between the Registry Operator and the Registrar, Registrar agrees to defer to the opinion of the Registry Operator.
Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement. Both EPA and the State are committed to maintaining a level playing field and establishing a credible deterrence to noncompliance throughout the regulated community. As a result, EPA and the State will work together to develop and implement a plan to coordinate compliance monitoring and enforcement activities. These activities may include but are not limited to identifying Federal and State priorities, developing and implementing inspection targeting methods, developing targeted inspection lists, exchanging information regarding ongoing Federal and State enforcement actions against significant noncompliers (SNCs) and Secondary Violators as defined in EPA’s Hazardous Waste Civil Enforcement Response Policy dated March 1996, or any revisions thereto, and VADEQ’s Enforcement Manual. Enforcement and compliance monitoring activities/priorities will be outlined in the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance’s MOA guidance. EPA and the State will negotiate enforcement and compliance monitoring activities/priorities and describe them in the State’s xxxxx Xxxxx Work Plan.
Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement. It is an express condition of this Agreement that in using the NJ Bid Materials: a) you and any authorized users shall fully comply with the terms of this Agreement and all applicable federal, state, foreign and local statutes and regulations, including, but not limited to, laws and regulations regarding telemarketing, email, fax marketing, customer solicitation and privacy. NJ Bid further reserves the right to review materials to be used by you in promotions to ensure that your use of the NJ Bid Materials is both appropriate and in accordance with the permitted uses of the NJ Bid Materials; however, NJ Bid’s™ failure to review any such materials shall not constitute NJ Bid’s™ acceptance of the materials or in any other way waive any rights NJ Bid may have or limit any obligations you may have with regard to the use of the NJ Bid Materials. NJ Bid may also randomly monitor (through seeding and other means) your use of the NJ Bid Materials to ensure that your use is in accordance with the permitted uses of the NJ Bid Materials.
Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement. The Program will submit information to EPA documenting all inspections conducted and enforcement activity. Information regarding inspections, corrective action, permitting and enforcement is entered in RCRAInfo. The Program will enter timely, accurate, and complete data in RCRAInfo. Significant violators, significant noncompliers, and high priority violators will be identified and reported to EPA, utilizing appropriate RCRAInfo codes, as agreed upon by the Hazardous Waste Program and EPA, and in a manner consistent with national policy and guidance. The regional office, program or enforcement sections, is also copied on correspondence regarding these activities. The Program annually inspects over 80% of the permitted treatment, storage, disposal (TSDs) facilities and a minimum of 70% of the large quantity generators (LQGs) located in the state. All permitted TSDs and LQGs (based on state data, including manifests submitted to the state, which is more accurate and up-to-date than the biennial report) are inspected at least every two years. The Program also inspects approximately 10% of all small quantity generators and inspects a number of conditionally exempt small quantity generators. The Hazardous Waste Program’s planned inspections include core requirements and various sector facilities. EPA has indicated it wishes to perform inspections in regional and national priority areas in accordance with regional and federal initiatives. With the exception of rules promulgated under HSWA that the state has not yet adopted, as an authorized hazardous waste program the state maintains primary jurisdiction regarding these facilities; however, EPA believes EPA-led inspections are necessary to ensure regional and national consistency. In light of this goal, and because North Dakota’s large quantity generator universe is very small, those years that a subject facility is targeted by the Region for EPA-led inspection, the Region commits to work with the Program to conduct an EPA/State joint-lead inspection at that facility. The EPA/State joint-lead inspection will be conducted at a regulated facility that belongs within certain sectors identified by EPA: a Regional priority sector; a national priority sector; an illegal recycler; an entity with violations in more than one state; a company that operates within an environmentally sensitive environment; a facility with regulated unpermitted surface impoundments; a facility that generates coal combustion waste; a company t...
Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement. Both EPA and the State are committed to maintaining a level playing field and establishing a credible deterrence to noncompliance throughout the regulated community. As a result, EPA and the State will work together to develop and implement a plan to coordinate compliance monitoring and enforcement activities. These activities may include but are not limited to identifying Federal and State priorities, developing and implementing inspection targeting methods, developing targeted inspection lists, exchanging information regarding ongoing Federal and State enforcement actions against significant noncompliers (SNCs) and Secondary Violators as defined in EPA's Hazardous Waste Civil Enforcement Response Policy dated December 2003, or any revisions thereto, and VADEQ's Enforcement Manual. Enforcement and compliance monitoring activities/priorities will be outlined in the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance's National Program Guidance. EPA and the State will negotiate enforcement and compliance monitoring activities/priorities and describe them in the State's Grant Work Plan.