Computer Use Policy Sample Clauses
Computer Use Policy. University computers and networks are provided for the academic and administrative objectives of the University and shall be used in a manner consistent with the purpose for which they are provided. End-users are responsible for activities originating from their computers or network connection. End-users shall: • Adhere to University policies and local, state and federal laws, including copyright law, and not use campus resources for any illegal activity or any prohibited uses outlined in this policy. • Protect their CMU computer login username and password to protect University computers, network and information. This includes not sharing your passwords with anyone or for any reason. • Follow information security best practices and support strong passwords, never leaving your computer logged on and unattended and never storing confidential information on mobile computing devices. • Not impede the academic pursuits of other users.
Computer Use Policy. Student User Agreement: As a student user of the Xxxxxxxx City School computer network, I agree to comply with the district policy 7540.03* which states the rules for communicating over the network in a reliable fashion while honoring all relevant laws and restrictions. Student Name (please print): Grade Level: Student Signature: HR Teacher:
Computer Use Policy. The St. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Academy School Honor Code applies to student use of computers as well as other actions at school. The following policies apply specifically to the use of computers, the Internet, and other technology at St. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Academy. ● I will not use school computers to view, download, or transmit any material that is offensive or inappropriate, including but not limited to material that is racist, sexist, sexually explicit, demeaning, illegal, or objectionable in some other way. ● I understand that the school's computer resources are to support the educational process and to facilitate the running of the school. Therefore, I will not use the school's computers or networks for commercial purposes or for excessive personal use. ● I will not xxxxxx on the school computers. ● I will not transmit any information that is protected by trade secret. ● I will not use the school's computers or networks for product advertisement or political lobbying. ● I will not use the equipment in a way that disrupts or interrupts the work of others. This includes printing or downloading very large files, or not using headphones for sound. ● I will not deliberately waste printer ink, paper, disk space, or other school technology resources. ● I will not use the school's networks or computers to send hate mail, to harass others, make discriminatory remarks, or to behave in any antisocial manner. I realize that my behavior on-line reflects the integrity of St. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Academy School, and I will behave in a manner that is consistent with the St. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Academy-Honor Code. ● I will not share my password with anyone, or permit anyone else to access school computers with my account. ● I will not attempt to access files or data belonging to others, attempt to gain other users' passwords, or misrepresent other users on the network. ● I will not use the school's computers or network to develop programs that harass other users, infiltrate a computer system, or damage the software or data on any computer system. ● I will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any school system or program. ● I will not post or forward messages sent to me by anyone else without the permission of the person who sent it. ● I will not publish the full name, address, or other personal information for any person (including myself) on the Internet. ● I will not send unwanted or harassing email. ● I will not deliberately damage any school hardware or software in any...
Computer Use Policy. The District has invested substantial assets in order to provide employees access to perform the responsibilities of their jobs. Although many employees are provided computers or access to computers for job-related purposes, all employees should fully understand that the computers, as well as all information temporarily or permanently stored or transmitted with the aid of computers, remain the sole and exclusive property of the District and is subject to access, copying and use by the District in any manner it deems appropriate. Employees therefore should not assume any privacy right or interest in any information that is either temporarily or permanently stored on the computer, nor should employees anticipate receiving a proprietary interest in any such information. In order to monitor compliance with this policy and to protect its business interests, including the need to prevent any improper use of computers, the District reserves the right to gain access to any information stored in, accessed, used or retrieved by any of its computers. Access to information may occur either before, during or after an employee’s shift, and either with or without the employee’s advance knowledge or consent. Offsite access to the District’s computer system may only be made after prior approval by the General Manager or his or her designee. Any entry into the District’s computer system by an offsite computer may be monitored to the same extent as use of the District’s computer system on in-house computers. In addition, employees should not add or load any software to a computer without the proper approval of the General Manager or his or her designee, nor should they use a computer for any improper or unauthorized use. Inappropriate uses include, without limitation, downloading proprietary information of others, engaging in inappropriate disclosures or defamatory communications, or engaging in or facilitating competitive activities or activities that are tortious because they violate or tend to violate the rights of third parties, the District or coworkers. An employee who has questions regarding this policy or questions regarding the appropriateness of any activity relating to computers should direct them to his or her supervisor before engaging in any activities that may be found to be unauthorized or improper. Strict compliance with this policy is essential. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Computer Use Policy. I have read and understand the Technology Use Policy (which was sent home with students the first day of school) and understand that it will be strictly enforced for the use of my student’s laptop computer at and away from school. Students are not to access or make use of ANY material or attempt to locate material that is unacceptable in the school setting or violates the Internet Acceptable Use Policy. This includes, but is not limited to, pornographic, obscene, harassing, or vulgar images, sounds, music or language, video or other materials, and music video downloads or file sharing.
Computer Use Policy. The Computer Acceptable Use Policy is attached hereto as Addendum VIII. The parties agree to reopen negotiations annually for the purpose of discussing implementation of 89T of NYSERS for Probation staff. Such discussions shall be held upon written request of the Union no earlier than sixty (60) days from the start of any contract year. The discussions shall not be subject to Xxxxxx Law impasse procedures including mediation, fact-finding, and/or legislative imposition. County Auditor Deputy County Auditor Confidential Assistant to County Auditor Commissioner of Elections Custodian of Records Election Registrar Sr. Election Registrar Voting Machine Custodian Sr. Voting Machine Custodian Director of Budget Program Associate Sr. Program Associate Secretary to Budget Director Deputy Budget Director Confidential Assistant to Budget & Finance Commissioner of BRIS Principal Programmer Analyst Confidential Assistant to the Dir. of BRIS Director of Central Services Deputy Director of Central Services Secretary to Director of Central Services Principal Mail & Reproduction Clerk Superintendent of Buildings County Attorney Deputy County Attorney Assistant County Attorney Secretary to County Attorney Law Intern Special Counsel Special Appellate Counsel Assistant Conflict Defender Special Family Court Counsel Conflict Defender Contract and Legal Affairs Manager Confidential Assistant to the County Attorney County Clerk Deputy County Clerk Executive Assistant/Secretary to the County Clerk Special Assistant to the County Clerk County Executive Assistant for Governmental Relations Assistant for Public Information & Operations Secretary to County Executive Confidential Assistant District Attorney First Assistant District Attorney Assistant District Attorney Secretary to District Attorney Confidential Assistant to District Attorney Administrative Aide to District Attorney Director of Economic Development & Planning Assistant Director of Economic Development & Planning Secretary to the Director of Economic Development & Planning Commissioner Deputy Commissioner Secretary to Commissioner Employment & Training Supervisor Director of Environmental Management Council Chief Fiscal Officer Deputy Chief Fiscal Officer Confidential Assistant to the CFO Financial Review Specialist Fiscal Operations Manager
Computer Use Policy. This policy establishes guidelines for the appropriate use of computer equipment, software, and networks owned or operated by the XxXxxx County Fiscal Court. Access to the Court's information systems is granted to all Court employees with the stipulation that they follow these guidelines and abide by local, state, and federal laws.
Computer Use Policy. City Academy provides many computers and a variety of software for student use. Each student assumes the responsibility to avoid actions that may interfere with another student’s ability to use the system. A student is allowed to use school-installed programs to access, modify or delete his/her own data on his/her own designated drive. All other use is prohibited. A student will be held responsible for acts (financially and within the discipline system) that access, modify, damage or delete hardware, software and other data and programs other than their own. Students are held accountable for information they access on the Internet. This information must be appropriate for school and free from pornography, profanity or any other offensive material. Parent/guardian and student must sign a computer and Internet usage form each school year.
Computer Use Policy. Purpose:
Computer Use Policy. The Xxxxxxx School District makes computers and/or computer Internet access available to students to perform research and to allow students to learn how to use computer technology. Use of district computers is for educational and/or instructional purposes only. It is the policy of this school district to equip each computer with Internet filtering software designed to prevent users from accessing material that is harmful to minors.1 No student will be granted Internet access until and unless a computer use agreement, signed by both the student and the parent or legal guardian (if the student is under the age of eighteen [18]) is on file. The current version of the computer use agreement is incorporated by reference into board policy and is considered part of the student handbook. Student use of computers shall only be as directed or assigned by staff or teachers; students are advised that they enjoy no expectation of privacy in any aspect of their computer use, including email, and that monitoring of student computer use is continuous. Students must not disable or bypass security procedures, compromise, attempt to compromise, or defeat the district’s technology network security or Internet filtering software, alter data without authorization, or disclose passwords to other students. Students who misuse district-owned computers or Internet access in any way, including using computers to violate any other policy or contrary to the computer use agreement, or using the computers to access or create sexually explicit or pornographic text or graphics, will face disciplinary action, as specified in the student handbook and/or computer use agreement. In an effort to help protect student welfare when they navigate the Internet, the district will work to educate students about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms and cyber bullying awareness and response.